A Snapshot in Time: Study Captures Fleeting Cell Differences That Can Alter Disease Risk

In cinema and science fiction, one small change in the past can have major, sometimes life-changing effects in the future. Using a series of snapshots, researchers recently captured such so-called “butterfly effects” in heart muscle cell development, and say this…

man holding medicines

Are testosterone-boosting supplements effective? Not likely, according to new research

Over-the-counter “T boosters” are a popular choice for men looking to raise their testosterone levels, and are frequently marketed as being an effective “natural” option. However, new research points toward these supplements as having little or no known effect. LOS…

In Philadelphia’s Mental Health Clinics, Use of Evidence-based Therapies for Youth Psychiatric Treatment is Slow to Catch On, Despite Investments

Intensive Training and Practices with “Proficient Culture” are Critical to Evidence-Based Therapy Use PHILADELPHIA—We all hope—and probably expect—that clinicians use only mental health therapies that are scientifically proven to improve symptoms. A new study from Penn Medicine and Philadelphia’s Department…

A new way to unprint paper using intense pulsed light from a xenon lamp.

New Unprinting Method Can Help Recycle Paper and Curb Environmental Costs

Rutgers-led study shows the benefits of removing toner with pulses of intense xenon light Imagine if your printer had an “unprint” button that used pulses of light to remove toner, curbing environmental impacts compared with conventional paper recycling. A Rutgers-led…

Mayo Clinic

دراسة تكتشف أن أدوية قصور الدرقية الجنيسة وذات العلامات التجارية آثارهما مماثلة على القلب والأوعية

جاكسونفيل، فلوريدا – أجرى باحثون من Mayo Clinic دراسة جديدة قد تكون لها آثار واسعة النطاق على علاج المرضى المصابين بمرض الغدة الدرقية الحميدة بشكل سائد وقصور الدرقية المعالج حديثًا. من المقرر نشر الدراسة، في صحيفة Mayo Clinic Proceedings في…

American Physiological Society (APS)

Common Clinical Estimates of Kidney Function May Not Accurately Assess Indian Patients

Pilot study finds that considering body composition rather than weight could improve patient management Charlottesville, Va. (June 25, 2019)—A common metric for monitoring kidney health may not accurately represent the kidney function of Indian patients. However, tweaks to an older…

Bringing Neuromodulation Therapies to Drug-Resistant Epilepsy Patients

A specialized clinic in a tertiary hospital is effective at treating patients from five states. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Despite medical and surgical advances to treat epilepsy, between 15 and 40 percent of patients continue to suffer from seizures. A significant…

Study Uses Supercomputers to Advance Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Models

SDSC’s Comet Supports UC Riverside Study of San Andreas Fault System Multi-fault earthquakes can span fault systems of tens to hundreds of kilometers, with ruptures propagating from one segment to another. During the last decade, seismologists have observed several cases…

Mayo Clinic

Estudio descubre deficiencias nutricionales comunes en el momento del diagnóstico de enfermedad celíaca

ROCHESTER, Minnesota: En el momento de diagnosticar la enfermedad celíaca entre los adultos, es común encontrar deficiencias nutricionales, tales como de vitamina B12, vitamina D, folato, hierro, zinc y cobre. El estudio realizado por investigadores de Mayo Clinic dice que…

In Good Form: Muscle-Lengthening Exercises May Help Fatigued Dancers Improve Jump Performance, Prevent Injury

LAS VEGAS, June 25, 2019 – Exercises that lengthen leg muscles may help dancers counteract fatigue, preventing injury and allowing for a more perfected jump technique, suggests research being presented at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) 70th Clinical Symposia…

Keeping Earth safe from impact: Astronomer worked with international team to conduct global planetary defense exercise

Scientists have discovered nearly all “extinction-scale” near-Earth objects, or NEOs (asteroids larger than one kilometer in diameter) and determined they pose no risk of impact in the near future. But there are still thousands of smaller NEOs that pose a…

Athlete Safety First Press Briefing – National Athletic Trainers’ Association to Unveil Survey Results on Collegiate Athletics Compliance to NCAA Legislation for Athlete-Centered Care

Event Takes Place during NATA’s 70th Clinical Symposia in Las Vegas. Survey Addresses Collegiate-level Sports Programs and Adherence to NCAA Guidelines That Provide Health Care Professionals with Unchallengeable Authority to Make Decisions Related to Athlete Health and Wellbeing. Associate Athletic…

Which Climates Are Best for Passive Cooling Technologies?

If you guessed locations with drier atmospheres and frequent clear skies, you’re right. WASHINGTON, D.C., June 25, 2019 — A group of University of California­, San Diego researchers set out to gain a better understanding of the thermal balance of…

American Physiological Society (APS)

Low Dose of Bacterial Toxin Could Be Protective for Men at Risk of Acute Kidney Injury

Lipopolysaccharide improved outcomes for male, but not female, rats Charlottesville, Va. (June 25, 2019)—In a counterintuitive result, researchers found that giving male rats a low dose of the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) prior to inducing a model of acute kidney injury…

Radioactive tadpoles reveal contamination clues

Tadpoles can be used to measure the amount of radiocesium, a radioactive material, in aquatic environments, according to new research from University of Georgia scientists. Whether from nuclear accidents, global fallout from weapons testing, or production of nuclear energy, tadpoles…

Artificial Intelligence Could be ‘Game Changer’ in Detecting, Managing Alzheimer’s Disease

Study Introduces Machine Learning as New Tactic in Assessing Cognitive Brain Health and Patient Care Worldwide, about 44 million people are living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or a related form of dementia. Although 82 percent of seniors in the United…