NUS researchers develop new battery-free technology to power electronic devices using ambient radiofrequency signals

Ubiquitous wireless technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 5G rely on radio frequency (RF) signals to send and receive data. A new prototype of an energy harvesting module – developed by a team led by scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) – can now convert ambient or ‘waste’ RF signals into direct current (DC) voltage.

High Levels of a Specific Antibody May Contribute to Acute Coronary Syndrome

How a person’s immune system responds to a protein called LL-37 may increase risk for developing acute coronary syndrome, but the response may also serve as a potential target for future treatments.

Sipping Alcohol in Early Adolescence May Contribute to Personality Changes and Depression

Children who try alcohol may experience mental health and personality effects as they transition to early adolescence. An analysis of alcohol sampling behavior in children ages 9 to 14, published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, found that children who had poor response inhibition and increased alcohol sipping behaviors might be more likely to have accelerated changes in personality traits and depression scores over time. The study suggests that even minimal alcohol experimentation in early adolescence may influence later alcohol use as well as personality and mental health issues.

New research discovers a new combination of therapy for people with a type of leukemia, leading them to live longer

In a new multicenter international study led by the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, researchers found that people with the B-cell precursor subtype of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL), who also lacked a genetic abnormality known as the Philadelphia chromosome and were in remission with no trace of cancer, showed significantly higher survival rates when blinatumomab was added to their chemotherapy treatment.

Does Your Body Composition Affect Your Risk of Dementia or Parkinson’s?

People with high levels of body fat stored in their belly or arms may be more likely to develop diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s than people with low levels of fat in these areas, according to a study published in the July 24, 2024, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Nationwide flood models poorly capture risks to households and properties

Irvine, Calif., July 24, 2024 – Government agencies, insurance companies and disaster planners rely on national flood risk models from the private sector that aren’t reliable at smaller levels such as neighborhoods and individual properties, according to researchers at the University of California, Irvine. In a paper published recently in the American Geophysical Union journal Earth’s Future, experts in UC Irvine’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering caution that relatively new, nation-scale flood data provides an inadequate representation of local topography and infrastructure, factors known to control the spread of floods in urban areas.

حدد علماء مايو كلينك نوع جديد من فقدان الذاكرة لدى البالغين الأكبر سنًا

روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — وضع الباحثون في مايو كلينك معايير جديدة لمتلازمة فقدان الذاكرة لدى البالغين الأكبر سنًا والتي تؤثر تحديدًا على الجهاز الحوفي الدماغي، وقد يتم تشخيص هذه الحالة على سبيل الخطأ على أنها داء الزهايمر في كثير من الأحيان. الخبر السار هو أن متلازمة التنكس العصبي لفقد الذاكرة السائدة الحوفي تتفاقم بصورة أبطأ ولها تنبؤات أفضل بخصوص سَيْر المرض، كما أصبحت محددة بشكل أوضح للأطباء الذين يعملون على إيجاد إجابات لمرضى فقدان الذاكرة.

Researchers discover faster, more energy-efficient way to manufacture an industrially important chemical

The reactivity of zirconium on silicon nitride enhances the conversion of propane into propylene, a key commodity chemical needed to make polypropylene. This finding hints at the reactivity researchers might achieve with other nontraditional catalysts.

Exciting the Alpha Particle

An important part of physics research is examining why theoretical calculations and experimental results sometimes don’t match. A recent physics experiment on the helium-4 nucleus and how it transitions from its basic energy state to its first excited state found evidence of a disagreement between theory and experiment. Now new calculations of the observed transition found agreement with the recent experimental results.

FDA Changing Lab Test Regulations: Livestreamed Expert Panel

Live from the annual conference of the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM, formerly AACC), experts will discuss how the new FDA rule on laboratory developed tests will hinder patient care. This rule will place these tests under duplicative FDA oversight, even though laboratory developed tests are already regulated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This will force many labs to stop performing these essential tests, which play a critical role in diagnosing rare disorders, such as inherited genetic conditions in newborns.

Older adults want to cut back on medication, but study shows need for caution

More than 82% of Americans age 50 to 80 take one or more kinds of prescription medication, and 80% of them say they’d be open to stopping one or more of those drugs — with major differences among people with different health conditions.

Socioeconomic status affects survival of children with cancer

Socioeconomic factors can influence the diagnosis and treatment of children in Texas with malignant solid tumors, increasing the risk of the cancer’s spread and lowering the five-year survival rate, according to researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center. The study, published in Journal of the American College of Surgeons, identifies vulnerable populations in an effort to improve outreach and distribution of resources for better health outcomes for pediatric patients.

MD Anderson Research Highlights for July 24, 2024

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Research Highlights showcases the latest breakthroughs in cancer care, research and prevention. These advances are made possible through seamless collaboration between MD Anderson’s world-leading clinicians and scientists, bringing discoveries from the lab to the clinic and back.

Nonlinear Encoding in Diffractive Optical Processors Based on Linear Materials

Researchers explored nonlinear information encoding in diffractive processors based on linear materials. They revealed that simpler-to-implement phase encoding matches the accuracy of data repetition strategies across various test datasets. While data repetition-based diffractive blocks cannot provide optical analogs to fully-connected or convolutional layers employed in digital neural networks, they are effective in enhancing inference accuracy. This research provides insights into the interplay between linear material-based diffractive systems and nonlinear encoding strategies in visual information processors.

Wearable Sensors Help Athletes Achieve Greater Performance

In APL Materials, researchers from Lyuliang University have developed a low-cost, flexible, and customizable sensor for badminton players that overcomes current monitoring constraints. The team used triboelectric sensors to construct their intelligent monitoring system because they are easy to adapt for flexible, wearable devices and to minimize interference during bending and twisting, they built a 3D-printed flexible arch-shaped sensor encased in a thermoplastic elastomer. This design is comfortable during use and can be easily customized to individual athletes.

American Heart Association Recognizes Loyola University Medical Center for Advanced Care for Stroke and Type 2 Diabetes

Loyola University Medical Center (LUMC) has earned the American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines® – Stroke Gold Plus quality achievement award for its commitment to ensuring stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally recognized, research-based guidelines, ultimately leading to more lives saved and reduced disability.