Taken together these Oncotarget findings show that the CTD and OD domains of mtp53 R273H play critical roles in mutant p53 GOF that pertain to processes associated with DNA replication.
Oncotarget: TERT and its binding protein: overexpression of GABPA/B in gliomas
This Oncotarget study confirms the upregulation of TERT in primary glioblastomas while all GABP proteins rise with the malignancy of the gliomas
Shedding light on the dark side of firm lobbying
News from the Journal of Marketing
Better healthcare management can reduce the risk of delirium among older adults
New research outlines how those admitted on Sunday and Tuesday are more likely to develop delirium, a hospital complication
Scientists come up with new method for simultaneous processing of different types of waste
An international research team has come up with an innovative method for metal recovery from industrial waste. The new method allows the simultaneous recovery of multiple metals from waste oxides in a single process. This novel route will lower the…
Expenses for university R&D&I increase moderately in Spain
According to the IUNE Observatory’s 2021 Report
ASMBS Foundation awards research grants for studies related to COVID-19 & obesity
Newberry, FL – July19, 2021– The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) Foundation today announced it has awarded two research grants totaling $50,000 to study the effects of obesity on COVID-19 infections in adolescents and the increasing use…
Land repair vital for survival
Successful dryland restoration to benefit 2bn people
Study: Young workers now value respect over ‘fun’ perks in the workplace
Researchers at University of Missouri and Kansas State University discovered having respectful communication outweighs ‘fun’ work perks when attracting and retaining young workers
Oncotarget: Subtypes of thymic epithelial tumors independent of WHO type
These Oncotarget results may reflect the unselected patient population enrolled in these studies, including no selection for WHO histologic subtype or molecular aberrations.
Deep-sea research bolstered with $2 million grant
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences has been awarded $2 million by the National Science Foundation to lead an international effort to accelerate scientific understanding of the environmental impacts of emerging industries in the deep sea – one of the most…
Firms connected to the Mafia have lower profitability and more likely to go bust
New research unveils that firms connected to organized crime have lower return on assets, higher debt, lower cash holdings and are more likely to default
Cybercrime bill to rise during pandemic
COVID-19 opportunities to expand economic losses
The Big Ten Academic Alliance joins Direct to Open from the MIT Press
BTAA libraries commit to making knowledge more open and equitable and will enjoy benefits exclusive to participating libraries
Toxic facility relocation depends on community pressure
URBANA, Ill. – No one wants to live near a toxic plant. Toxic-releasing facilities such as paper, pulp, and other manufacturing plants negatively affect human health, environmental quality, and property values. And communities with lower income and educational attainment are…
Renewable energies: No wind turbine disturbing the scenery
KIT researchers quantify energy system costs for stopping further expansion of wind energy use in beautiful landscapes
Research shows microbes play critical role boosting vigor of hybrid corn
LAWRENCE — A new paper appearing the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences gives new detail and understanding to the cultivation of corn, one of the United States’ biggest cash crops. The research by a team at the University…
Oncotarget: Cutaneous apocrine sweat gland carcinoma
Together these Oncotarget results describe the first ever CAC case with a BRCAness genetic background
Unsustainable Arctic shipping risks accelerating damage to the Arctic environment
The economic and environmental pros and cons of melting Arctic ice creating shorter shipping routes through the polar region are weighed up in ground-breaking research from UCL experts in energy and transport.
When money’s tight, parents talk less to kids; could this explain the word gap?
Tackling income inequality could boost low-income children’s vocabulary, new study suggests
Oncotarget: Biomechanics in response to drug in hypoxia by atomic force spectroscopy
These Oncotarget results show that a degree of chemotherapeutic drug effects on biomechanical and biophysical properties of cancer cells is distinguishable in normoxia and hypoxia`
Oncotarget: RAS reversion in colorectal cancer patients treated with bevacizumab
This Oncotarget finding might have potential therapeutic implications, as anti-EGFR could be reconsidered in primarily RAS mutant patients reverted to a wild-type status after bevacizumab exposure.
Using migration data to fine-tune marketing strategies to rural Indian communities
News from the Journal of Marketing
Stakeholders’ sentiment can make or break a new CEO
New study finds that stakeholders’ sentiment toward a new CEO has a stronger effect on post succession performance than the CEO’s previous experience and fit and this is more critical for new external CEOs
Data privacy — are you sure you want a cookie?
Data privacy is an important topic in the digitalised economy. Recent policy changes have aimed to strengthen users’ control over their own data. Yet new research from Copenhagen Business School finds designers of cookie banners can affect users’ privacy choices…
New research at ESMT Berlin shows potential variance in academic research
The research seeks to understand what drives decisions in data analyses and the process through which academics test a hypothesis by comparing the analyses of different researchers who tested the same hypotheses on the same dataset. Analysts reported radically different…
Oncotarget: CEA as a blood-based biomarker in anal cancer
CEA is not associated with survival outcomes in SCCA, and is not a clinically relevant biomarker in this disease
Politecnico di Torino and Ithaca together for the production of maps for the European Agency Frontex
TURIN, 14 July 2021 – Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, since 2004 engaged in migration control, border management and whose responsibilities, extended in 2016 to the fight against cross-border crime and search and rescue services in the…
Cocoa bean DNA testing offers path to end slavery and child labour in chocolate industry
Research shows low-cost DNA biomarker technique can trace cocoa from a specific farm to the chocolate bar in your hand
How corporate managers try to fix workplace injustices by giving employees secret perks
A new study co-authored by the UBC Sauder School of Business has found that when senior managers mistreat workers, middle managers often attempt to quietly smooth things over. Robin Hood was known for stealing from the rich and giving to…
Deep discounts: The nemesis of bargain hunters
AUSTIN, Texas — Researchers at St. Edward’s University have found that frugal individuals are more likely than their spendthrift counterparts to give in to the allure of deep discounts, whether it is Tax-free weekend, Amazon Prime Day, a Groupon Deal…
Trust me, I’m a chatbot
Göttingen University researchers investigate effect of non-human conversation partners in customer services
The user journey behind socially electric live event experience
News from the Journal of Marketing
Mosquito-resistant clothing prevents bites in trials
North Carolina State University researchers have created insecticide-free, mosquito-resistant clothing using textile materials they confirmed to be bite-proof in experiments with live mosquitoes. They developed the materials using a computational model of their own design, which describes the biting behavior…
Study reveals ways to preserve employee morale during cost-cutting
After cutbacks and layoffs, remaining employees were more likely to feel they were treated fairly if the companies invested in them – and morale was less likely to plunge, according to new research.
Sea-level rise solutions
Stanford researchers map how sea-level rise adaptation strategies impact economies and floodwaters
Genome editing for food: how do people react?
Research team from the Universities of Göttingen and British Columbia investigates evaluations of breeding technology
Oncotarget: Inhibitory effects of Tomivosertib in acute myeloid leukemia
These Oncotarget findings demonstrate that Tomivosertib exhibits potent anti-leukemic properties on AML cells and support the development of clinical translational efforts involving the use of this drug
Oncotarget: LAPAS1 is required for S phase progression and cell proliferation
They identify LAPAS1 as a novel E2F-regulated lncRNA that has a potential role in human cancer and regulates cell-cycle progression and cell proliferation
Coastal ecosystems worldwide: Billion-dollar carbon reservoirs
Climate and ecosystem change lead to a global redistribution of wealth
Oncotarget: Urine RNA reveal tumor markers for human bladder cancer
This Oncotarget work strongly suggests exploiting urine RNAs as diagnostic markers of bladder cancer and it suggests specific novel markers.
The fracking boom helps to rose crime rates in rural American states
This is the conclusion reached by economists who analyzed data from 1999 to 2015
Social norms influence willingness to protect the climate
Researchers at the University of Bonn evaluated climate protection behaviour of around 8.000 people in the US
Major revamp of SNAP could eliminate food insecurity in the US
URBANA, Ill. – Food insecurity is a major problem in the U.S., and it worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides some relief, but millions of Americans still lack adequate access to healthy food. A…
Wage inequality negatively impacts customer satisfaction and does not improve long-term firm performance
News from the Journal of Marketing
When bosses are abusive, how employees interpret their motives makes a difference: study
A new UBC Sauder School of Business study shows that depending on how employees understand their boss’ motivation, employees can feel anger or guilt, and consequently, react differently to abusive supervision. Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs was a famously harsh…
Buried treasure: New study spotlights bias in leadership assessments of women
The UToledo research highlights the continuing bias in leadership assessments of women and explores the contradictions between the perception and the reality of women’s leadership.
Depression, suicidal thoughts plague ailing coal miners, study finds
More than a third of coal miners and former coal miners suffering from black lung disease struggle with depression, and more than one in 10 has recently considered suicide, a new study finds. The study is believed to be the…
The outsized impacts of rudeness in the workplace
New study finds rudeness can boost negative emotions, narrowing workers’ perceptions and incurring biases in judgment
FEWSION: Creating more resilient supply chains through nature-inspired design
Diverse supply chains that mimic ecological systems can more readily adapt to unforeseeable disruptions