Cicada magic

Inspired by cicada wings, researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology study the insects’ antimicrobial properties to develop new antibacterial surfaces.

Vanderbilt Transplant Center Finishes Fiscal Year with Record 809 Solid Organ Transplants

The Vanderbilt Transplant Center performed a record number of solid organ transplants in fiscal year 2024 — 809 life-saving procedures among its adult and pediatric programs. The adult program performed 760 transplants, and the pediatric program completed 49 transplants during the fiscal year, which ran from July 2023 until the end of June 2024.

Mercy Medical Center’s Dr. Dwight Im Leads 14th Annual Gynecologic Robotic Surgery Conference in Baltimore, Maryland

The National Institute of Robotic Surgery at Mercy Medical Center presents the 14th annual Robotic Surgery Conference, “IMSWAY: A Systematic Approach to Advanced Robotic Gynecologic Surgery,” Oct. 3-5. 2024 at The Four Seasons Hotel, 200 International Drive in downtown Baltimore, MD.

Easy and Fast “Cat Urine Test Kit” for Early Detection of Kidney Disease, Gallstones, and Cystitis

Researchers from Chula Faculty of Science invented an easy-to-use “Cat Urine Test Kit” to screen for the risk of kidney disease, gallstones, and cystitis in cats. The test kit provides fast and accurate results, so cats can be treated promptly.

EveryLife Statement on the Creation of FDA Rare Disease Innovation Hub

he EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases commends the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on today’s announcement of its intention to create a Rare Disease Innovation Hub. Co-chaired by CDER Director, Dr. Peter Marks, and CBER Director, Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, the Hub will directly engage patients and the public to inform its strategic agenda.

World Branding Expert Suggests Place Branding for Thailand’s Soft Power, Increasing Income, Reducing Costs, Building Thailand’s Fan Club

A world-renowned place branding expert and Thai professors in branding joined a discussion on “Rethinking Soft Power with Place Branding,” emphasizing the effective use of place branding in Thailand to push the soft power agenda to the fullest.

هل تشعر بالانزعاج بشأن الوقت الذي يقضيه طفلك أمام الشاشات؟ إليك ما يوصي به أحد خبراء مايو كلينك

من الطبيعي أن يشعر أولياء الأمور ومقدمو الرعاية بالقلق بشأن مقدار الوقت الذي يقضيه أطفالهم أمام الشاشات، ولا سيما عندما تكون الشاشات الرقمية موجودة في كل مكان، حتى في المدرسة. تشارك د. نوشين أمين الدين، دكتورة في الطب، طبيبة أطفال في مايو كلينك في مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا، بعض التوصيات لتسهيل إدارة الأسر لاستخدامها للتكنولوجيا.

¿Estresado por el tiempo de pantalla de su hijo? Esto es lo que recomienda un experto de Mayo Clinic

Es natural que padres y cuidadores se preocupen por el tiempo de pantalla que reciben sus hijos, especialmente cuando las pantallas digitales están en todas partes, incluso en las escuelas. La Dra. Nusheen Ameenuddin, pediatra de Mayo Clinic en Rochester, Minnesota, comparte algunas recomendaciones para facilitar el manejo del uso de la tecnología por parte de las familias.

Chula Medicine Joins Forces With the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine to Research and Determine “Curcumin” as Effective Treatment for Dyspepsia as Modern Antacids

Chula Medicine in collaboration with the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine and Gastroenterologists from Thai medical schools proves that Thai curcumin can help treat dyspepsia as effectively as antacids. The research is poised to push Thai curcumin to the global marketplace.

Observatorio Rubin será crucial para descubrir enanas café que revelarán los secretos de la Vía Láctea

Demasiado grandes para ser planetas, pero demasiado pequeñas para ser estrellas, las enanas café más distantes son un ingrediente clave para entender la historia de la Vía Láctea. Por tal motivo, la Investigación del Espacio-Tiempo como Legado para la posteridad del Observatorio Vera C. Rubin será clave para detectar una población de antiguas enanas café que se espera sea unas 20 veces mayor de lo que se ha visto hasta el momento, con lo que será posible revelar los procesos que dieron forma a nuestra galaxia.

NSF–DOE Rubin Observatory Will Detect Thousands of Elusive Brown Dwarfs, Unlocking Milky Way Mysteries

Too big to be planets but too small to be stars, distant brown dwarfs are a key ingredient for understanding the history of the Milky Way. Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time will detect a population of ancient brown dwarfs about 20 times bigger than we’ve previously seen, revealing the processes that shaped our home galaxy.

Yeast Fuel, Developed by Chula’s Faculty of Science Soon to Expand Its Production for the Aerospace Industry

Researchers from Chulalongkorn University have made use of forage grass to feed microorganisms and convert the resulting fat into jet fuel. They aim to expand petroleum-based oil replacement production to reduce impacts on human health and the environment.

Vivid Portrait of Interacting Galaxies Marks Webb’s Second Anniversary

The James Webb Space Telescope operates around the clock, frequently astonishing researchers with its highly detailed — and incredibly precise — infrared images and data. These wavelengths of light, which lie beyond what our eyes can see, were largely out of reach at this level of detail until Webb began taking science observations July 12, 2022.

ASTRO urges legislative action as reimbursement cuts continue in proposed FY25 MPFS

The American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) issued the following statement from Jeff M. Michalski, MD, MBA, FASTRO, Chair of the ASTRO Board of Directors, in response to the proposed 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) released yesterday by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): “The declines in reimbursement for radiation therapy services for people with cancer under the Medicare physician fee schedule are disappointing.

ARPA-E IGNIITE award launches new initiatives of ORNL researchers Yang and Westover

Guang Yang and Andrew Westover of Oak Ridge National Laboratory have been selected to join the first cohort of the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, or ARPA-E, Inspiring Generations of New Innovators to Impact Technologies in Energy 2024, or IGNIITE 2024, program.

XL-Calibur telescope launched to study black holes

Scientists from Washington University in St. Louis have launched a balloon-borne telescope to unlock the secrets of astrophysical black holes and neutron stars, some of the most extreme objects in the universe. The device known as XL-Calibur was launched from the Swedish Space Corporation’s Esrange Space Center, situated north of the Arctic Circle near Kiruna, Sweden, July 9.