Sasin Action Learning: “Kung Bang Kachao: Developing Product and Pricing Strategies Concerning ESG and Circular Economy”

Sasin MBA students in the “Pricing Strategies in the Era of Sustainability and Digital Transformation” class, led by Assistant Professor Yupin Patarapongsant, had an excellent opportunity to immerse themselves in two fascinating eco-friendly experiences in Kung Bang Kachao, Samut Prakan.

A Surgical Breakthrough at CHLA Frees Teen From Chronic Pancreatitis

This next anecdote isn’t likely to be passed around at future holiday dinner tables, but it will always provide Elliott’s father with a point of reference for the first eruption of his son’s pancreatitis.“I still remember what meal he had,” Joseph says. “He had a cheeseburger and then got sick that night, and then didn’t eat or drink for three or four days.

Stopping a spreading fire: identifying connections between adverse childhood events and substance use disorders

Physical and sexual abuse, having parents who misuse substances, and witnessing violent crime are tragic events that don’t remain locked in a single point in time. Rather, they are termed adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and 64 percent of American adults who participated in a recent survey reported experiencing at least one ACE prior to turning 18 years old.

“Developing Thai Family Stability to Fight Human Crisis” Workshop

Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, in collaboration with Chulalongkorn University’s College of Population Studies and Institute of Asian Studies, Chula Ari, and World Bank, organized a workshop on “Developing Thai Family Stability to Fight Human Crisis” on March 7, 2024, at Plenary Hall 1, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center. Minister of Social Development and Human Security, Mr. Varawut Silpa-archa, gave the opening speech and offered his insights on the policies on the human crisis situation.

CCD: El dispositivo que revolucionó la forma en que los astrónomos observan el Universo

En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, el dispositivo de carga acoplada revolucionó la astronomía, modificando radicalmente nuestra forma de explorar el cosmos y haciendo avanzar muchos otros campos de la ciencia y la tecnología. ¿Qué sigue ahora?

Chulalongkorn University Welcomes David Cameron, UK Foreign Secretary and Former Prime Minister, to Faculty of Science Research and Innovation Exhibition

Lord David Cameron, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs and former Prime Minister of Great Britain, paid a visit to the Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University and was welcomed by Ms. Supamas Isarabhakdi, Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, and Prof. Dr. Bundhit Eua-arporn, President of Chulalongkorn University.

Owens Valley: Radio Astronomy in the Land of Sky and Stream

Though far to the west of the St. Croix antenna, the Owens Valley antenna has some similarities, in particular being in a remote location. The high mountains surrounding the valley mean that access to the region is only possible from the south, or through mountain passes. This also makes for a unique geography. To the south are the dry bed remains of Owens Lake, and further beyond is Death Valley. To the East are the White Mountains, which is home to the great bristlecone pine forest, and some of the oldest living trees in the world. Within the Methuselah Grove of this forest is hidden a particular tree that was seeded nearly 5,000 years ago.

Learning Shines Brightly at SuperKnova

SuperKnova is a project to provide learning opportunities in radio technology for students in a way that is inclusive and equitable. Originally conceived at the Radio Astronomy Imaging and Analysis Lab (RADIAL), SuperKnova is a collaboration between RADIAL, NRAO, and educators and students from across the country.

Should heart patients consider taking weight loss medications?

Over the last year, prescriptions for medications that can accelerate weight loss in people with diabetes, or without it, have skyrocketed. But how can these weight loss medications affect the heart? A preventive cardiologist shares how this shifting landscape might affect cardiovascular care and how he advises his patients.