DeMarco and Johnson join Governor Pritzker to announce the Illinois DARPA Quantum Proving Ground

Illinois Grainger Engineering physics professor Brian DeMarco stood on stage in Chicago on Tuesday when Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker announced the new federal- and state-funded Quantum Proving Ground (QPG), which promises to combine scientific rigor with industry and academic expertise to design the future of quantum computing.

Understanding quantum states: New FAMU-FSU research shows importance of precise topography in solid neon qubits

A study led by FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Professor Wei Guo that was published in Physical Review Letters shows new insight into the quantum state that describes the condition of electrons on an electron-on-solid-neon quantum bit, information that can help engineers build this innovative technology.

Scientists Tame Quantum Bits in a Widely Used Semiconductor Material

Building large-scale quantum computers will require the ability to create and control qubits made of industrially relevant materials. Researchers have used atomic-level simulations to understand how the vacancies in silicon carbide that translate into spin-based qubits form and behave. This is an important step toward the future of quantum computing as well as quantum sensing.

João Barata Awarded CERN Fellowship

João Barata, a physicist in the Nuclear Theory Group at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, has received a fellowship at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. In October 2024, Barata will begin the three-year-long appointment in CERN’s Department of Theoretical Physics.

New Technique Lets Scientists Create Resistance-Free Electron Channels

Researchers have taken the first atomic-resolution images and demonstrated electrical control of a chiral interface state – an exotic quantum phenomenon that could help researchers advance quantum computing and energy-efficient electronics.

Putting a New Spin on 1T Phase Tantalum Disulfide

To unlock the complex structure and behavior of 1T Phase Tantalum Disulfide, researchers used the Pair Distribution Function (PDF) beamline at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility located at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, to learn more about the material’s structure.

PPPL unveils new laboratory space to advance quantum information science

On March 11, PPPL opened its new Quantum Diamond Lab, a space devoted to studying and refining the processes involved in using plasma, the electrically charged fourth state of matter, to create high-quality diamond material for quantum information science applications.

Growing the Quantum Workforce by Making Education Accessible to All

The Quantum Systems Accelerator’s summer camp (QCaMP) for high school students in New Mexico and California continues to evolve and grow. Under the 2023 Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce (RENEW) Pathway Summer School initiative, the DOE Office of Science awarded new funding to expand QCaMP’s curricula and host students on-site at Berkeley Lab and Sandia Labs in 2024.

Success Generating Two-Qutrit Entangling Gates With High Fidelity

Quantum information processors that operate with ternary logic (qutrits) offer significant potential advantages in quantum simulation and error correction, as well as the ability to improve specific quantum algorithms and applications. Building on previous R&D with qutrits at the Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT), the paper’s experimental team, led by a promising UC Berkeley graduate student, successfully entangled two transmon qutrits with gate fidelities significantly higher than in previously reported works.

5 ways Argonne entangled with Ant-Man to get people to geek out about quantum science

Whether Ant-Man is shrinking between atoms or communicating through entangled particles, his true superpower is his ability to excite people about quantum science. Argonne assembled experts to spread the word about the real science of the quantum realm.

New superconducting diode could improve performance of quantum computers and artificial intelligence

A University of Minnesota Twin Cities-led team has developed a more energy-efficient, tunable superconducting diode—a promising component for future electronic devices—that could help scale up quantum computers for industry and improve artificial intelligence systems.

Quantum computers are better at guessing, new study demonstrates

Daniel Lidar, the Viterbi Professor of Engineering at USC and Director of the USC Center for Quantum Information Science & Technology, and first author Dr. Bibek Pokharel, a Research Scientist at IBM Quantum, achieved this quantum speedup advantage in the context of a “bitstring guessing game.” They managed strings up to 26 bits long, significantly larger than previously possible, by effectively suppressing errors typically seen at this scale. (A bit is a binary number that is either zero or one).

The ‘breath’ between atoms — a new building block for quantum technology

University of Washington researchers have discovered they can detect atomic “breathing,” or the mechanical vibration between two layers of atoms, by observing the type of light those atoms emitted when stimulated by a laser. The sound of this atomic “breath” could help researchers encode and transmit quantum information.

Stretching metals at the atomic level allows researchers to create important materials for quantum, electronic, and spintronic applications

A University of Minnesota Twin Cities-led team has developed a first-of-its-kind breakthrough method that makes it easier to create high-quality metal oxide films that are important for various next generation applications such as quantum computing and microelectronics.

Scientists take an important step towards using quantum computers to advance materials science

A team of scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames National Laboratory demonstrated a way to advance the role of quantum computing in materials research with an adaptive algorithm for simulating materials. Quantum computers have potential capabilities far beyond today’s computers, and using an adaptive algorithm allows them to produce solutions quickly and accurately.

Counting Photons for Quantum Computing

Experts in nuclear physics and quantum information have demonstrated the application of a photon-number-resolving system to accurately resolve more than 100 photons. The feat is a major step forward in capability for quantum computing development efforts. It also may enable quantum generation of truly random numbers, a long-sought goal for developing unbreakable encryption techniques for applications in, for instance, military communications and financial transactions.

Five Ways QSA is Advancing Quantum Computing

The Quantum Systems Accelerator has issued an impact report that details progress made since the center launched in 2020. Highlights include a record-setting quantum sensor that could be used to hunt dark matter, a machine learning algorithm to correct qubit errors in real time, and the first observation of several exotic states of matter using a 256-atom quantum device.

Andrea Delgado unites fundamental, high energy physics with quantum computing

Andrea Delgado, a Eugene P. Wigner Fellow at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is using quantum computing to help investigate the fundamental building blocks of the universe and to see whether there are particles yet to be found.

Cleaning Up the Atmosphere with Quantum Computing

Practical carbon capture technologies are still in the early stages of development, with the most promising involving a class of compounds called amines that can chemically bind with carbon dioxide. In AVS Quantum Science, researchers deploy an algorithm to study amine reactions through quantum computing. An existing quantum computer cab run the algorithm to find useful amine compounds for carbon capture more quickly, analyzing larger molecules and more complex reactions than a traditional computer can.

Researchers take a step towards turning interactions that normally ruin quantum information into a way of protecting it

Rresearchers at Aalto University in Finland and IAS Tsinghua University in China report a new way to predict how quantum systems, such as groups of particles, behave when they are connected to the external environment. Usually, connecting a system such as a quantum computer to its environment creates decoherence and leaks, which ruin any information about what’s happening inside the system. Now, the researchers developed a technique which turns that problem into its a solution.

Experts discuss quantum science at screening of ​‘Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania’

Following the screening of the movie, leading experts in quantum science discussed the quantum realm in Marvel’s universe and in ours. Guests were also treated to a hands-on demo of the Quantum Casino, a fun, game-based introduction to quantum physics.