Symptom-based ADHD diagnoses may not align with a patient’s underlying neuropathy, making it harder to develop individualized treatment plans. In a new study, a team led by Yale School of Medicine’s Bruce Wexler, MD, identified four ADHD subgroups based on…
Month: July 2023
Atopic dermatitis associated with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, inflammatory skin disorder that has well-established associations with depression and anxiety. A new Yale School of Medicine study finds AD is also associated with increased risk for schizophrenia and shizoaffective disorder. Schizophrenia is a…
Urology Insights: Vision, Research and Education
Hyung L. Kim, MD, a leading urologic oncologist, skilled surgeon and accomplished researcher frequently funded by the National Institutes of Health, was recently selected to be the inaugural chair of the Department of Urology at Cedars-Sinai.
New Study Explores Overcoming Stigma in Hiring People with Disabilities
Many experts consider persons with disabilities the most marginalized group in society. It’s not only the largest minority group in the United States, but also one that anyone can join at any time — at birth or as the result of an accident, illness or the natural aging process. While much progress has been made over the past 30-plus years to protect persons with disabilities, many argue it’s not enough.
University of Miami Rosenstiel School conducts rescue on corals off Miami coast
Video footage of corals affected by unprecedented heat available for download. Additional opportunity for media coverage on Tuesday, Aug. 1 at the Aquaculture and Hatchery facility. WHO: University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science WHAT: With…
“Eggsplosions” and eyes don’t mix
Microwaving hard-boiled eggs is one of the latest TikTok trends that can harm your eyes
Way cool: UVA professor developing ‘freeze ray’ technology for the Air Force
You know that freeze-ray gun that “Batman” villain Mr. Freeze uses to “ice” his enemies? A University of Virginia professor thinks he may have figured out how to make one in real life.
Department of Energy Announces $13.1 Million for Environmental Systems Science
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $13.1 million in funding for 17 new projects to universities, academic institutions, federal research labs, and nonprofits, within the area of Environmental System Science (ESS) research. Awards focus on measurements, experiments, field data, modeling, and synthesis to provide improved understanding and representation of ecosystems and watersheds in ways that advance the sophistication and capabilities of models that span from individual environmental processes to Earth-system scales.
Frosty hydrogen as target
Bringing protons up to speed with strong laser pulses – this still young concept promises many advantages over conventional accelerators.
Grace Mak named Chief of Pediatric General Surgery at University of Chicago Medicine Comer Children’s Hospital
Mak succeeds Jessica Kandel, who has led pediatric surgery at UChicago for more than a decade.
Hackensack Meridian Hackensack University Medical Center Earns Five-Star Rating by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in 2023 Overall Hospital Quality Star Rating Program
Hackensack University Medical Center has received a five-star rating from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the highest rating offered by the federal agency’s Overall Hospital Quality Star Rating program.
New algorithm ensnares its first ‘potentially hazardous’ asteroid
An asteroid discovery algorithm — designed to uncover near-Earth asteroids for the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s upcoming 10-year survey of the night sky — has identified its first “potentially hazardous” asteroid, a term for space rocks in Earth’s vicinity that scientists like to keep an eye on.
New optimization strategy boosts water quality, decreases diversion costs
A pioneering approach to managing water quality in eutrophic lakes, called Dynamic Water Diversion Optimization (DWDO), has demonstrated remarkable results in simultaneous improvement of lake water quality and reduction in the volume of water diverted.

Researchers build a blueprint for a diverse quantum workforce
The emerging field of quantum science is adding new dimensions to the age-old question: “What do you want to do when you grow up?” In the ever-expanding field of quantum science, Virginia Tech is working to ensure learning opportunities grow just as fast. One of only a handful of higher education institutions to offer experiential quantum training, Virginia Tech is now working with historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to meet the growing demand for a quantum-trained workforce.

University Hospitals Nationally Recognized for Commitment to High-Quality Stroke Care
University Hospitals has received numerous American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Get With The Guidelines® – Stroke achievement awards for demonstrating commitment to following the latest, research-based guidelines for the treatment of stroke, ultimately leading to more lives saved, shorter recovery times and fewer readmissions to the hospital.

Moxi the Robot: Delivering Meds and Stealing Hearts
In December 2022, CHLA became the first children’s hospital in the nation to use Moxi, which supports clinical care team members by taking repetitive, nonpatient-facing delivery tasks off their hands. That means relieving nurses and pharmacy techs from a significant amount of the time they spend traveling between clinics and pharmacies to fill medication requests.

New study shows saltwater intrusion is wreaking havoc on farms throughout Delmarva
A new paper from researchers at UD, the University of Maryland and George Washington University published in Nature Sustainability shows the spread and cost of saltwater intrusion from 2011-2017 in farms located in those mid-Atlantic states. The paper highlights how between the years 2011-2017, the area covered by visible salt patches almost doubled, with over 19,000 acres converted to marsh. Potential economic losses from the salt patches during that time period totaled over $427,000.
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Receives $11.5 Million Grant Renewal to Study the Impact of Psychosocial Stress on Cardiovascular Disease
Psychosocial stress profoundly affects people’s lives globally, not least because it can be a critical risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Thanks to an $11.5 million award renewal from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health, distinguished researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and elsewhere aim to gain a deeper understanding of how stress influences cardiovascular health.

Study Uncovers Barriers to Mammography Screening Among Black Women
The study finds utilization of annual screening mammograms suboptimal among low-income Black women with several reported perceived and actual barriers. Most had a low breast cancer risk perception. Interestingly, participants perceived mammograms as very beneficial: 80 percent believed that ‘if breast cancer is found early, it’s likely that the cancer can be successfully treated;’ 90 percent indicated that ‘having a mammogram could help find breast cancer when it is first getting started.’

High-salt Diet in Rats Slows Metabolism and Energy Production of Kidneys
Some parts of the metabolic pathway (the process of turning food into energy) slow in response to a high-salt diet, even as the kidneys produce and use more energy when exposed to high salt intake.

Be wary of low-acidity vinegar options when preserving food at home, Virginia Tech food safety experts say
Pickled vegetables in a mason jar. Homemade salsa. Craft ketchup. Each summer, people use a variety of home food preservation methods to make their garden harvest last all year, and many of them involve acidifying food with vinegar. But with low-acidity vinegars becoming increasingly prevalent, consumers can’t just grab any bottle from the shelf.
Un estudio indica que las anomalías cromosómicas podrían dificultar el crecimiento de algunos tumores agresivos
Las anomalías cromosómicas son un rasgo característico de las células cancerosas. Los defectos en el genoma derivados de la separación incorrecta de cromosomas (y el ADN que contienen) en cada división celular conllevan crecimiento tumoral y resistencia al tratamiento.
تشير الدراسات إلى إن اضطرابات الكروموسومات قد تمنع تكون بعض الأورام العنيفة
تشوهات الكروموسومات هي السمة المميزة للخلايا السرطانية. تؤدي عيوب الجينوم الناتجة عن الفصل الخاطئ للكروموسومات (والحمض النووي الموجود فيها) أثناء عملية انقسام الخلايا إلى تطور الأورام ومقاومة العلاج.
Estudo sugere que erros cromossômicos podem impedir alguns tumores agressivos
Erros cromossômicos são uma marca registrada das células cancerígenas. Defeitos no genoma decorrentes da separação incorreta dos cromossomos (e do DNA contido neles) em cada divisão celular promovem crescimento do tumor e resistência a terapias.

The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR Gives Its Final Answer about a Rare Nuclear Decay
If observed, neutrinoless double-β decay would have changed our view of the Universe.
Hazardous Drinking in Young Adults: Personal Characteristics Can Help Identify Effective Interventions
Young adults whose drinking lands them in the emergency room respond differently to different interventions to reduce their hazardous drinking, and those differences may be driven by certain personal characteristics.
Barry Arnason, first Chair of Neurology at UChicago, 1933-2023
Arnason led the Department of Neurology for 20 years, establishing it as a nationally prominent program for both research and patient care.
TTUHSC El Paso Receives $6 Million CPRIT Grant for Research on Cancer in Hispanics
“We’re situated in a unique position to address the growing cancer burden among the Hispanic community,” said Dr. Lakshmanaswamy, a biomedical science professor who directs the university’s Center of Emphasis in Cancer. “Our goal is to improve access to health care for our Hispanic community members by developing novel biomarkers and therapeutics, grounded in an improved understanding of the biological, cultural and behavioral determinants of cancer.”
Jerry R. Mendell, MD, Receives 2023 Best Abstract Award for DMD Gene Therapy Research
The American Neuromuscular Foundation, is excited to announce Jerry R. Mendell, MD, as the recipient of the 2023 Best Abstract Award, for his abstract titled, “Long-Term Safety and Efficacy in Patients With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 4 Years Post-Treatment With Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec in a Phase 1/2a Study.”
Five AANEM Members Will Race for a Cure in the TCS New York City Marathon
Five American Association of Neuromuscular Medicine (AANEM) members will race for a cure with American Neuromuscular Foundation (ANF)’s charity team in the 2023 TCS New York City Marathon on Nov. 5 to help raise awareness and funds for NM research and education.
Tulane expert available to speak on historic offshore wind sale in the Gulf of Mexico
Tulane University’s Eric Smith, associate director of the Tulane Energy Institute at the A.B. Freeman School of Business and expert on energy markets, including the oil and gas industry and renewable segments, is available to comment on the benefits to Louisiana…
USA Women’s National Team Pursues Third Consecutive Championship in World Cup, Despite Some Players Sitting Out With Injuries, Experts Available To Discuss Why Women Are More Prone To ACL Injuries Especially In Soccer
Hackensack Meridian Health orthopedic experts available to discuss ACL injuries, prevention, recovery and new procedures to treat the injury that is common in female athletes including in this World Cup
How Breast Milk Boosts the Brain
A new study by scientists at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA) at Tufts University suggests that a micronutrient in human breast milk provides significant benefit to the developing brains of newborns, a finding that further illuminates the link between nutrition and brain health and could help improve infant formulas used in circumstances when breastfeeding isn’t possible.
Report on Impact of COVID-19 on Clinical Trials Operations Published in NCI Journal
A report summarizing the results of a series of surveys distributed to AACI cancer center members was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) Cancer Spectrum.
July 2023 Tip Sheet From Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
A first-of-its kind drug for prostate cancer, an ancient retrovirus that may drive aggressive brain cancer, disparities in endometrial cancer rates among Black women, a new trial seeking answers for higher rates of aggressive prostate and breast cancer in Black men and women, and more are in this month’s tip sheet from Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Unlocking a Mystery of Fetal Development
Rutgers study of cadmium in pregnant women yields crucial insights into the placenta’s role in regulating toxin exposure
Texas Tech Physicist Lands NSF Grant
Myoung-Hwan Kim’s research will look to resolve quantum computing challenges.
Study looks at Achilles’ heel of insulin pump technology
A study of insulin pumps shows that repeated use sometimes results in pump sites becoming fibrotic, irritated and less effective at delivering insulin.
Novel Metric Examines the Role of Organic Matter and Microbes in Ecological Communities
Individual features in a community, like microbes or types of chemicals, affect the overall community’s development and help determine the similarity of different communities over time and space. Scientists developed a novel ecological metric, called βNTIfeat, that helps to investigate the roles of different features in community development. The resulting information can inform models of how ecosystems respond to disturbances such as climate change.
Astronomers Shed New Light on Formation of Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts
International team reports on a radio pulsar phase of a Galactic magnetar that emitted a fast radio burst in 2020; observations suggest unique origins for “bursts” and “pulses,” which adds to FRB formation theory.
Hi’CT: Revolutionary Pixel Sensor-Based Image Device Enhances Precision in Ion Therapy
The Hi’CT system, a compact segmented full digital tomography detector utilizing silicon pixel sensors, represents a significant breakthrough in heavy-ion radiotherapy.
Mutation accessibility fuels influenza evolution
Scientists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital showed that fixed mutations within a viral population most likely stem from how easy it is to acquire that mutation (i.e., mutation accessibility) rather than just its benefit.
Predicting early cancers with molecular vibration in serum
An integrative method utilizing surface-enhanced Raman scattering and Artificial Intelligence for Cancer Screening (SERS-AICS) in liquid biopsy combines molecular vibrational signals processing with a large-scale data mining algorithm SERS-AICS accurately separates pan-cancer patients from healthy controls. Furthermore, it identifies early-stage cancer samples, offering a cimprehensive “panorama” perspective for cancer screening at molecular energy level. SERS-AICS embodies a promising tool for the earlier detection of a wider variety of cancer types.
Study finds strong support for easing Medicaid enrollment procedures
A new study investigates public perceptions of administrative barriers affecting health insurance access.
Study reveals vital role of supportive managers to minimize physical restraint use in care homes
A new Cochrane review finds that the use of physical restraints on care home residents can be reduced without increasing the risk of falls, when frontline care staff are empowered by supportive managers.
Activewear angst: Why shopping for workout clothes can be harmful to women
Though it’s just as likely to be worn while lounging on the couch as in the gym, a large driver of activewear’s popularity among women is its association with a dynamic lifestyle, positive wellbeing and overall good health. However, two new Edith Cowan University (ECU) studies suggest online shopping for activewear may in fact be harmful to women’s body image.
What nap times reveal about your child’s brain development
Infants who nap a lot have smaller vocabularies and poorer cognitive skills – according to new research from the University of East Anglia.
Mayo Clinic Platform_Accelerate graduation provides glimpse into future of medicine
Mayo Clinic Platform_Accelerate celebrated the graduation of its third cohort of health tech startups, including 12 national and international innovative businesses.

Researchers reveal a powerful platform for studying high-entropy alloy electrocatalysis
Introduced in 2004, high-entropy alloys (HEAs) are alloys composed of multiple principal elements in nearly equiatomic proportions.

Unique Mexican black and pinto bean varieties are high in healthy compounds
A study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and CIATEJ in Guadalajara, Mexico, explored the composition of seed coat extracts from black and pinto bean varieties unique to the Chiapas region of Southern Mexico.