Study Uncovers Barriers to Mammography Screening Among Black Women

The study finds utilization of annual screening mammograms suboptimal among low-income Black women with several reported perceived and actual barriers. Most had a low breast cancer risk perception. Interestingly, participants perceived mammograms as very beneficial: 80 percent believed that ‘if breast cancer is found early, it’s likely that the cancer can be successfully treated;’ 90 percent indicated that ‘having a mammogram could help find breast cancer when it is first getting started.’

More affirmation, less punishment may reduce harm to Black girls in schools, researchers assert

To improve the experiences of Black children in schools, particularly Black girls, a pair of researchers have conceptualized a new framework to help school leaders rethink anti-Black policies and practices, and help Black children recognize and celebrate their cultural identity.

Addressing Breastfeeding Disparities for African American Mothers

An abundance of data underscore the importance of breastfeeding and human milk for the optimal health of infants, children, mothers, and society. But while breastfeeding initiation rates have increased to more than 80% in the U.S., a disparity exists for African American mothers and infants. In this group, breastfeeding is initiated only about 69% of the time.

Presence of Cumulative Physiological Stress Prior to Diagnosis Linked to Poor Health-Related Quality of Life in African American and Black Breast Cancer Survivors

Rutgers University investigators conducted a study to determine the association of pre-diagnostic allostatic load, which is a composite measure of cumulative physiological stress and wear and tear on the body, with health-related quality of life in African American and Black survivors of breast cancer.

Developing Culturally Responsive Strategies to Help African American Women Overcome Barriers to Good Heart Health

Research has shown African American women have disproportionately higher rates of cardiovascular disease risk factors compared to their white counterparts. UK College of Health Sciences assistant professor Brandi White has been working with African American women living in public housing on Lexington’s East End to develop culturally responsive strategies to overcome social and economic barriers to a heart-healthy lifestyle and reduce their cardiovascular disease risk.