Colombia Advances in the Protection Of Its National Natural Parks Amid Ongoing Threats

The effective management of Colombia’s National Natural Parks, with the participation of communities, the private sector, and society at large, is essential to ensuring peace with nature. This was the main recommendation of the 2024 report presented by the civil society initiative Parques Nacionales Cómo Vamos (PNCV) today in Cali.

The Eyes of Birds

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to hear Terry Tempest Williams speak at a local event. I don’t remember many details of her talk, but I do remember her passion, her commitment, and her dedication to being a voice for the environment. Her book, Finding Beauty in a Broken World has been a guidepost for me as a science writer and writing instructor.

New discovery fundamentally changes the way we understand Charles Darwin’s most beloved plant – the sundew

A new study has found a symbiotic relationship that has evolved between Darwin’s favourite carnivorous plant and a specific type of fungus which lives inside it and helps it digest its prey.
Researchers from Loughborough, Taiwan and USA have shown that Acrodontium crateriforme, a fungus that thrives in the acidic conditions on the leaves, improves the digestion of the Drosera species of carnivorous plant – otherwise known as a sundew (pictured above), and once described by Charles Darwin as, “a wonderful plant… I care more about Drosera than the origin of all the species.”
The fungus lives in a sticky secretion at the end of tentacles on the leaves. Its enzymes work with the plant’s digestive processes to help it break down the prey – small bugs and insects.
The findings show that teamwork between plants and fungi may contribute to the evolution of carnivorous plants.

Researchers Identify Priority Areas That Deliver on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Health

To meet the imperative of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework target, which seeks to protect at least 30 percent of the planet by 2030, researchers in an essay in PLOS Biology argue that “conservation areas need to be large enough to encompass functioning ecosystems and their associated biodiversity, and located in areas of high ecological integrity.”

Strawberry fields fortified: new genetic insights combat devastating soilborne disease

Recent research has unveiled the genetic foundations of resistance in strawberries to Macrophomina, a formidable soilborne disease. Employing cutting-edge breeding strategies and genomic analysis, scientists have pinpointed crucial genetic loci responsible for resistance, heralding a new era of more robust strawberry varieties.

Study: Wild pig populations in U.S. can be managed

Recent conservation efforts have proven effective at controlling wild pig populations in the Southeastern United States, according to new research from the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory and Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. Within 24 months of the start of control efforts in the study area located around the Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina, researchers found a reduction of about 70% in relative abundance of pigs and a corresponding decline in environmental rooting damage of about 99%.

Smartphone Use Goes Up in City Parks, But Down in Forests

New research shows that smartphone activity actually increases during visits outdoors to city parks—a finding that contradicts popular notions. Thanks to two years of unparalleled access to 700 study participants’ smartphone data, the study is the first to show that young adults now spend far more time on their smartphone screens than in nature. The study finds that people who visit forests or nature preserves experience significant declines in screen time, compared to visits to urban locations for the same duration.

What does Polly say? Community science data reveal species differences in vocal learning by parrots

While most animals don’t learn their vocalizations, everyone knows that parrots do – they are excellent mimics of human speech. Researchers aim to add to what we know about animal vocal learning by providing the largest comparative analysis to date of parrot vocal repertoires.

باحثو مايو يحثون على الاستثمار في سلامة اللقاحات في تعقيبات مجلة “نيتشر”

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — أكد قادة مجموعة أبحاث اللقاحات في مايو كلينك على الحاجة لإجراء دراسة طويلة الأمد على اللقاحات وآلياتها مع الوضع في الاعتبار سلامة المرضى في المستقبل.

Water resources: Defusing conflict, promoting cooperation

Rivers are lifelines for many countries. They create valuable ecosystems, provide drinking water for people and raw water for agriculture and industry. In the Global South in particular, there is strong competition for access to freshwater resources. The increasing use…

Scientists come up with new method for simultaneous processing of different types of waste

An international research team has come up with an innovative method for metal recovery from industrial waste. The new method allows the simultaneous recovery of multiple metals from waste oxides in a single process. This novel route will lower the…

Deep-sea research bolstered with $2 million grant

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences has been awarded $2 million by the National Science Foundation to lead an international effort to accelerate scientific understanding of the environmental impacts of emerging industries in the deep sea – one of the most…

Glass sponges have properties for the design of ships, planes and skyscrapers

Published in the journal Nature the first-ever simulation of the deep-sea Venus flower sponge and how it responds to and influences the flow of nearby water.

Scientists home in on recipe for entirely renewable energy

Scientists from Trinity College Dublin are homing in on a recipe that would enable the future production of entirely renewable, clean energy from which water would be the only waste product. Using their expertise in chemistry, theoretical physics and artificial…

Vertical greenery can act as a stress buffer, NTU Singapore study finds

Vertical greenery ‘planted’ on the exterior of buildings may help to buffer people against stress, a Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) study has found. The benefits of nature on mental health and for wellbeing have long been recognised, and…