Glass sponges have properties for the design of ships, planes and skyscrapers

Published in the journal Nature the first-ever simulation of the deep-sea Venus flower sponge and how it responds to and influences the flow of nearby water.

Mind and matter: Modeling the human brain with machine learning

Researchers from Japan construct a human brain model using a machine learning-based optimization of required user information

Vortex, the key to information processing capability: Virtual physical reservoir computing

[Background] In recent years, physical reservoir computing*1), one of the new information processing technologies, has attracted much attention. This is a physical implementation version of reservoir computing, which is a learning method derived from recurrent neural network (RNN)*2) theory. It…

Predicting the evolution of a pandemic

The inclusion of biological uncertainty and the latest case data can significantly improve the prediction accuracy of standard epidemiological models of virus transmission, new research led by KAUST and the Kuwait College of Science and Technology (KCST) has shown. Modern…

Life stage differences shield ecological communities from collapse

A new study by ecologist André de Roos* shows that differences between juveniles and adults of the same species are crucial for the stability of complex ecological communities. The research, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , represents a major…

We know the cost of free choice and locality – in physics and not only

Do we have free choice or are our decisions predetermined? Is physical reality local, or does what we do here and now have an immediate influence on events elsewhere? The answers to these questions are sought by physicists in the…

Pepper the robot talks to itself to improve its interactions with people

Ever wondered why your virtual home assistant doesn’t understand your questions? Or why your navigation app took you on the side street instead of the highway? In a study published April 21st in the journal iScience , Italian researchers designed…

Materials scientists use frontal polymerization to mimic biology, reimagine manufacturing

A simple plastic water bottle isn’t so simple when it comes to the traditional manufacturing process. To appear in its final form, it has to go through a multi-step journey of synthetic procedure, casting, and molding. But what if materials…

Getting the inside track on street design

Pedestrian movements are tricky to track, but now the first large-scale statistical analysis of pedestrian flow using anonymous phone data collected in three European capital cities, London, Amsterdam and Stockholm, has been conducted by researchers from KAUST with Swedish colleagues…

A European monitoring and warning system on natural hazards for aviation

Volcanic eruptions, forest fires, electromagnetic radiation from the Sun or electrical storms, and sandstorms are among the phenomena that may pose a risk to air traffic safety and will be studied within the framework of this project. “Serious damage can…

Strengthening water resources planning in East Africa

IIASA researchers worked with local stakeholders from the East African Community to explore and co-develop regional water scenarios that can enhance understanding of the up- and downstream water sector interactions in the extended Lake Victoria Basin to facilitate rational water…

Global warming helps invasive species flourish – study models likely combined effects on ecosystems

Increased global temperatures help invasive species establish themselves in ecosystems, new research led by a Swansea University bioscientist has shown. The study, published by the Royal Society, gives an insight into the probable combined effects of species invasions, which are…

Cutting-edge scale-out technology from Toshiba will take Fintech and Logistics to new level

Multi-chip architecture points way to continued increases in performance of Toshiba’s optimization computer; potential to create a game-changing shift in complex financial transactions and robotics

NTU scientists develop laser system that generates random numbers at ultrafast speeds

An international team of scientists has developed a system that can generate random numbers over a hundred times faster than current technologies, paving the way towards faster, cheaper, and more secure data encryption in today’s digitally connected world. The random…

Quantum collaboration gives new gravity to the mysteries of the universe

Scientists have used cutting-edge research in quantum computation and quantum technology to pioneer a radical new approach to determining how our Universe works at its most fundamental level. An international team of experts, led by the University of Nottingham, have…