Researchers seek to perfect manufacture of microscopically thin films for tech, medical applications

A new grant from the National Science Foundation will allow a research team including faculty at Binghamton University, State University of New York to perfect a manufacturing technique that could have applications in everything from electronics manufacturing to healthcare.

FAU Engineering to Lead $1.3M Collaborative Conservation Project

Tracking marine animals at both individual and group levels is crucial for wildlife conservation. Researchers will develop and employ generative AI to identify, track, and analyze behavior of marine animals (with a focus on manatees), and address traditional tracking cost-precision trade-offs.

Plasma Bubbles and the “Engine” of Fast Radio Bursts

Socorro, NM – The US National Science Foundation (NSF) National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NSF NRAO) and the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (NSF VLA) have played a pivotal role in uncovering the origins of persistent emissions observed in some fast radio bursts (FRBs). An international team of astronomers has demonstrated that this persistent radiation originates from a plasma bubble, shedding new light on the enigmatic sources powering these cosmic phenomena.

Wayne State University professor receives NSF grant to study quantum tunneling

A Wayne State University professor recently received a three-year, $626,467 grant from the National Science Foundation’s Division of Physics. The project, “Probing Nonadiabatic Strong Field Ionization with Phase-Resolved Attoclock,” will research a quantum mechanical process known as quantum tunneling.

FAU Lands $1.3M NSF Grant to Boost Dryland Soil Quality Amid Climate Stressors

Drylands, found across every continent, cover about 45% of the Earth’s land surface and support 38% of the human population. The NSF grant will enable scientists to enhance understanding of climate resistance of individual microbes and to improve microbial remediations to reduce soil degradation under climate change.

Danforth Center Selected as the First Project of a New Partnership Between NSF and NobleReach

ST. LOUIS, MO., April 11, 2024 – In an exciting endorsement of the work being conducted at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, it was recently announced that technology developed by Keith Slotkin, PhD, member, and his laboratory, and funded in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF), was chosen as the very first project of the new NSF/NobleReach partnership.

UC Irvine receives $15 million NSF grant for integrative movement research

The National Science Foundation has granted $15 million to the Integrative Movement Sciences Institute at the University of California, Irvine. This six-year funding, part of the NSF’s Biology Integration Institutes program, will support groundbreaking research led by Monica Daley, professor of ecology & evolutionary biology at the UCI School of Biological Sciences.

Dr. Gabe Xu wins $75K McMahon-Pleiad Prize from University of Alabama System in recognition of research contributions

Dr. Gabe Xu, an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering in the College of Engineering at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), has been selected to receive the 2023 University of Alabama (UA) System McMahon-Pleiad Prize.

New ‘Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science’ recommends FRIB enhancements to forward the field

The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, or FRIB, figures largely in the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee’s, or NSAC’s, newly released “A New Era of Discovery: The 2023 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science.” The new plan, released on Oct. 4, provides a roadmap for advancing the nation’s nuclear science research programs over the next decade. It is the eighth long range plan published by NSAC since 1979.

UAH researcher wins NASA FINESST award to study solar weather to better protect against threats to humans, satellites and near-Earth technologies

A doctoral student at The University of Alabama in Huntsville has been awarded a NASA Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) fellowship to study space weather to improve predictive methods for coronal mass ejections (CME) from the Sun.

Professor receives grant to develop electronic devices made entirely of paper

A professor at Binghamton University, State University of New York has received a $400,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop electronic devices made entirely of paper.

UAH to feature AI, cybersecurity, directed energy, aerial systems and more at 2023 Space & Missile Defense Symposium

The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, will highlight its extensive capabilities in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, directed energy, information systems, rotorcraft systems, supply chain management and hypersonics during the Space & Missile Defense (SMD) Symposium at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Ala.

St. Croix: Radio Astronomy in the Caribbean

Although the location of St. Croix is perfect for a VLBA antenna, the island poses significant challenges for using and maintaining a radio antenna. The St. Croix dish is located on the eastern side of the island, almost at sea level. So it is constantly bombarded by salt air, ocean rains, and even the occasional tropical storm.

Una jarra cósmica desbordando material estelar

Una serie de nubes simétricas y ondulantes de polvo y gas marcan la agónica muerte de una antigua estrella gigante roja, tal como lo muestra esta imagen obtenida en Chile por el telescopio Gemini Sur, parte del Observatorio Internacional Gemini, operado por AURA y NOIRLab de NSF. La estructura resultante, que se dice se parece a una jarra inglesa de estilo antiguo, es una nebulosa de reflexión bipolar que rara vez es posible de apreciar. La evidencia sugiere que este objeto se formó por las interacciones entre la estrella gigante roja moribunda y una estrella compañera destrozada hace mucho.

Rare, Double-Lobe Nebula Resembles Overflowing Cosmic ‘Jug’

A billowing pair of nearly symmetrical loops of dust and gas mark the death throes of an ancient red-giant star, as captured by Gemini South, one half of the International Gemini Observatory, operated by NSF’s NOIRLab. The resulting structure, said to resemble an old style of English jug, is a rarely seen bipolar reflection nebula. Evidence suggests that this object formed by the interactions between the dying red giant and a now-shredded companion star.

Nearly Two Million Galaxies, Quasars, and Stars Contained in DESI Early Data Release

Nearly two million objects, including distant galaxies, quasars, and stars, comprise the early data release from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) at Kitt Peak National Observatory, a Program of NSF’s NOIRLab. These data will help researchers study the expansion history of the Universe in unprecedented detail and explore other frontier areas of astrophysical research. DESI is funded by the US Department of Energy and managed by Berkeley Lab.

Kentucky, Tennessee GAME Change team wins NSF Engines Development Award

The University of Kentucky, as lead organization, together with partners across Kentucky and Tennessee, has been awarded $1 million from the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Regional Innovation Engines, or NSF Engines, program. This team’s proposal, “Advancing carbon centric circular economy technologies for advanced manufacturing solutions (KY, TN),” is led by a coalition named Generate Advanced Manufacturing Excellence for Change (GAME Change).

Astronomers Witness Star Devouring Planet: Possible Preview of the Ultimate Fate of Earth

Astronomers using the Gemini South telescope in Chile, operated by NSF’s NOIRLab, have observed the first evidence of a dying Sun-like star engulfing an exoplanet. The “smoking gun” of this event was seen in a long and low-energy outburst from the star — the telltale signature of a planet skimming along a star’s surface. This never-before-seen process may herald the ultimate fate of Earth when our own Sun nears the end of its life in about five billion years.

NSF Telescopes Image M87’s Supermassive Black Hole and Massive Jet Together for the First Time

Scientists studying the supermassive black hole at the heart of the M87 galaxy have revealed the origins of the monster’s powerful jet and imaged the jet and its source together for the first time. What’s more, the observations have revealed that the black hole’s ring is much larger than scientists previously believed.

Científicos logran mejorar la nitidez de la primera imagen de un agujero negro

Un equipo de científicos, que incluyó a un astrónomo de NOIRLab de NSF, desarrolló una nueva técnica de aprendizaje automático (machine-learning) para mejorar la definición y la nitidez de imágenes de interferometría de radio. Para demostrar el poder de su nueva técnica, a la que llamaron PRIMO, el equipo creó una nueva versión, en alta definición, de la icónica imagen captada por el Telescopio Event Horizon del agujero negro supermasivo ubicado al centro de Messier 87, una galaxia elíptica gigante localizada a unos 55 millones de años luz de la Tierra.

Baseline 15: Space Lasers! How Astronomers Use Astrophysical Masers

Artificial lasers on Earth are used for everything from scanning grocery items to delicate surgery. But there are also naturally occurring lasers known as astrophysical masers. Join National Radio Astronomy Observatory as we explore what these “space lasers” tell astronomers about the Universe.

Dual Quasars Blaze Bright at the Center of Merging Galaxies

Astronomers using an array of ground- and space-based telescopes, including Gemini North on Hawai‘i, have uncovered a closely bound duo of energetic quasars — the hallmark of a pair of merging galaxies — seen when the Universe was only three billion years old. This discovery sheds light on the evolution of galaxies at “cosmic noon,” a period in the history of the Universe when galaxies underwent bursts of furious star formation. This merger also represents a system on the verge of becoming a giant elliptical galaxy.

Study finds how our brains turn into smarter disease fighters

Irvine, Calif., Jan. 30, 2023 — Combating Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases by inserting healthy new immune cells into the brain has taken a leap toward reality. Neuroscientists at the University of California, Irvine and the University of Pennsylvania have found a way to safely thwart the brain’s resistance to them, vaulting a key hurdle in the quest.

Science Highlights 2022: Black Holes, Pulsars and Turbulence

The Universe is a dynamic and exciting place, with stars, planets, and galaxies being born, dying, and undergoing dramatic changes. In 2022, the telescopes of the National Science Foundation’s National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) revealed fascinating new details about several of these processes, and we’re giving you a taste of the greatest radio astronomy moments of the year.

Billions of Celestial Objects Revealed in Gargantuan Survey of the Milky Way

Astronomers have released a gargantuan survey of the galactic plane of the Milky Way. The new dataset contains a staggering 3.32 billion celestial objects — arguably the largest such catalog so far. The data for this unprecedented survey were taken with the Dark Energy Camera, built by the US Department of Energy, at the NSF’s Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, a Program of NOIRLab.

NSF and SpaceX Finalize Radio Spectrum Coordination Agreement

The National Science Foundation (NSF) and SpaceX have finalized a radio spectrum coordination agreement to limit interference from the company’s Starlink satellites to radio astronomy assets operating between 10.6 and 10.7 GHz. The agreement, detailed in a statement released by NSF today, ensures that Starlink satellite network plans will meet international radio astronomy protection standards, and protect NSF-funded radio astronomy facilities, including the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and the Green Bank Observatory (GBO).

Protected: Science Results From NRAO Facilities to Be Presented at Multiple AAS 241 Press Conferences

Five new scientific results from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the Very Large Array (VLA), and the Green Bank Observatory (GBO) will be revealed at multiple press conferences during the 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) from January 8 to 12, 2023, in Seattle, Wash.

FAU Receives $1 Million NSF Grant to Empower Women in STEM Faculty

The three-year NSF ADVANCE ADAPTATION grant will help transform faculty diversity and ensure appropriate representation of women in STEM. This grant continues the work of the late Emmanuelle Tognoli, Ph.D., who served as a research professor in FAU’s Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences within the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science and a member of the FAU Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute.

Together with Missouri S&T, Saint Louis University Researchers Use Artificial Intelligence to Improve Kidney Transplant Process

With a new grant that brings together engineering expertise from Missouri S&T and medical expertise from Saint Louis University’s School of Medicine, researchers are investigating how artificial intelligence can support matchmaking between donated kidneys and transplant centers to help more patients in need.

Scientists Land $3 Million NSF Grant to Empower Local Coral Reef Monitoring Efforts

Although communities care deeply about the fate of coral reefs, they often lack the scientific tools to document changes in the local reefs on which they rely. A new project will help to empower community members already interested in coral reef health with the tools needed to document changes in these systems. Importantly, findings from the research will inform management of ecosystems.

ALMA Witnesses Deadly Star-Slinging Tug-of-War Between Merging Galaxies

While observing a newly-dormant galaxy using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), scientists discovered that it had stopped forming stars not because it had used up all of its gas but because most of its star-forming fuel had been thrown out of the system as it merged with another galaxy. The result is a first for ALMA scientists. What’s more, if proven common, the results could change the way scientists think about galaxy mergers and deaths.

ALMA’s 2014 Ground-Breaking HL Tau Results Have Appeared in Over 1,000 Scientific Papers in Less Than a Decade

Ground-breaking 2014 HL Tau observational data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has been cited in more than 1,000 scientific studies in the past 7.5 years, aiding in major breakthroughs in scientists’ understanding of planet formation. The milestone comes as engineers at the U.S. National Science Foundation’s National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) embark on ambitious upgrades to the receivers responsible for the clarity of initial observations.

How long does a tree or ecosystem remember a drought?

A team of NAU scientists, led by SICCS professor Kiona Ogle, won a $3.6 million grant from the NSF to study the legacy of extreme climate events on ecosystems in the American West; they hope to not only know how long an extreme event influences ecosystems but also figure out how to better forecast such effects.

Science Results From NRAO Facilities to Be Presented at Multiple AAS 240 Press Conferences

Seven new scientific results from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the Very Large Array (VLA), and the Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS) will be revealed at multiple press conferences during the 240th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) between June 13-15, 2022 in Pasadena, California.