Exercise During Pregnancy: A Prescription for Improved Maternal/Fetal Well-being

Evidence now supports the safety and health benefits of prenatal physical activity for pregnant women. Therefore, it is critical that women and exercise professionals shift their individual and collective perspective of prenatal physical activity away from the potential risks of…

Quantity and Context of Physical Activity: Important Factors in the Relationship with Pain

Many people are affected by painful conditions like low back pain, arthritis and cancer. Pain can be difficult to treat, with few safe and effective options. Some research suggests that being physically active can reduce the severity and impact of…

Hourly 4-s Cycle Sprints Prevent Inactivity-Induced Impairment of Fat Metabolism

It is well known that daily exercise has health benefits, and physical inactivity is unhealthy. Inactivity, typically characterized by daily sitting time, needs to be interrupted periodically with physical activity. However, the most effective amount and type of activity have…

Improving patients’ recovery from COVID-19 — £275,000 award to test device monitoring breathing exercises

Researchers exploring a new method to help people recover from Covid-19, using breathing exercises and a hand-held device, have received funding of £275,000 to help them test it, with the support of volunteers who have had Covid. The work could…

Healthier lifestyles may increase lifespan even in people with multiple chronic conditions

A very healthy lifestyle is associated with up to 6.3 years longer life for men and 7.6 years for women, regardless of the presence of multiple chronic conditions, according to a study published September 22 in the open-access journal PLOS…

Prevent Severe COVID Symptoms With Lifestyle Changes

Obesity is contributing to worse outcomes in people with COVID-19. Dr. Naomi Parrella, medical director of the Rush Center for Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery, explains how managing your weight can lower your risk for severe COVID symptoms and help you prevent other chronic diseases.

Morristown Medical Center’s Dr. Stephen Winters Discusses What Everyone Should Know About Atrial Fibrillation

September is National Atrial Fibrillation Month, and Stephen L. Winters, MD, director of the Cardiac Rhythm Management Program, Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute, Atlantic Health System’s Morristown Medical Center, wants the public to know some surprising facts about this increasingly common heart condition.

Being physically active may reduce risk of kidney disease

This study evaluated the association between physical activity and risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD). The authors conducted a secondary analysis of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, which is a community-based prospective multi-center cohort study of 15,792 middle-aged…

Plasma Lactate as a Marker for Metabolic Health

Lactate concentration in the blood is commonly measured in relation to athletic performance and as an index of metabolic alterations in critically ill patients. As a result, numerous and relatively inexpensive methodologies exist to accurately and rapidly measure blood lactate…

Who Could Benefit From Exercise and Behavioral Treatment?

Aerobic exercise clearly benefits young adults with major depression, and a Rutgers-led study suggests it may be possible to predict those who would benefit from behavioral therapy with exercise. Unique to this precision medicine study, published in the journal Psychological Medicine, is an assessment of cognitive control and reward-related brain activity, two facets of brain function that are impaired in people with depression. Like previous studies, this one showed that aerobic exercise helps young adults with major depression.

University of Miami Sports Medicine Institute expert leads call to action for harnessing exercise’s health benefits during the pandemic

To address and overcome the challenges so Americans can return to or sustain physical activity safely, Thomas M. Best, M.D., Ph.D., FACSM, professor of orthopedic surgery at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and research director of the UHealth Sports Medicine Institute, and sports medicine colleagues from around the U.S. wrote “COVID-19: Considerations for Sports and Physical Activity,” published August 7 in Current Sports Medicine Reports, an American College of Sports Medicine journal.

Arlington, Va., Named ‘Fittest City’ in 2020 American Fitness Index Ranking of Top 100

ACSM and the Anthem Foundation release the 2020 American Fitness Index, ranking America’s 100 largest cities on health behaviors, chronic disease and community infrastructure indicators. Arlington, Va. earned the title of “America’s Fittest City.” Seattle, Wash.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Madison, Wis.; San Francisco, Calif.; Washington, D.C.; Irvine, Calif.; Denver, Colo.; Boise, Idaho; and Boston, Mass., round out the top 10 fittest cities.

Exercise Maintains Blood Vessel Health in Men after Sugary Beverage Consumption

Article title: Aerobic exercise offsets endothelial dysfunction induced by repetitive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in young healthy men Authors: Joshua M. Bock, Erika Iwamoto, Jeffrey G. Horak, Andrew J. Feider, Satoshi Hanada, Darren P. Casey From the authors: “Our data highlight…

Exercise can slow or prevent vision loss, study finds

Exercise can slow or prevent the development of macular degeneration and may benefit other common causes of vision loss, such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, new research suggests.