How do presidential candidates embody ideas about national identity, including views of Latinos?

J. David Cisneros, a professor of communication and an affiliate of Latina/Latino Studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researches social movements and public rhetoric about race, culture, and citizenship.  In a 2008 study, you indicated that Latino communities were portrayed as “pollutants” and…

Diarreia do viajante: Especialista fornece dicas para evitar este desvio desagradável em sua viagem

A diarreia do viajante é um distúrbio comum e desconfortável do trato digestivo que pode afetar as pessoas quando elas viajam para novos lugares. Ela é causada pela ingestão de alimentos ou água contaminados. O Dr.Jesse Bracamonte, médico de família na Mayo Clinic em Phoenix, diz que a diarreia do viajante não é geralmente grave, mas pode ser altamente desagradável.

إسهال المسافرين: يقدم الخبراء نصائح لتجنب هذا المنعطف المزعج في رحلتك

فينيكس —إسهال المسافرين هو اضطراب شائع ومزعج يصيب السبيل الهضمي والذي يمكن أن يؤثر على الأشخاص عند سفرهم إلى بيئات جديدة. ويحدث بسبب تناول طعام أو ماء ملوث. يقول جيسي براكامونتي، دكتور تقويم العظام واختصاصي طب الأسرة في مايو كلينك في فينيكس، إن إسهال المسافرين لا يكون خطيرًا في العادة، ولكنه قد يكون مزعجًا للغاية. ويقدم استراتيجيات للمساعدة على البقاء بصحة جيدة وتجنب هذا الاضطراب.

Argonne’s AI Testbed gives researchers access to cutting-edge AI systems for science

The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility’s AI Testbed is a growing collection of some of the world’s most advanced AI accelerators available for open science.

Expert shares what prisoner exchange means for U.S., Russia, Ukraine war

The surprising news that Russia has released two well-known American detainees, Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and ex-United States Marine Paul Whelan, has proved to be part of a larger exchange involving at least 24 prisoners and seven countries, the largest East-West prisoner swap since the Cold War. Virginia Tech political scientist and foreign policy expert Paul Avey answered questions about the importance of the prisoner exchange.

Retreat of tropical glaciers foreshadows changing climate’s effect on the global ice 

As they are in many places around the globe, glaciers perched high in the Andes Mountains are shrinking. Now, researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and their collaborators have uncovered evidence that the high-altitude tropical ice fields are likely smaller than they’ve been at any time since the last ice age ended 11,700 years ago.

Energy I-Corps steeps scientists in the world of business, commercialization

Energy I-Corps pairs teams of researchers, often with no business background or knowledge, with industry mentors through an immersive two-month training program where the scientists define their technology’s value propositions, conduct stakeholder discovery interviews and develop viable market pathways. Two ORNL teams participated in Cohort 18.

U.S. women who utilized a pump found to breastfeed 21 weeks longer on average

Among a large group of U.S. mothers who breast fed between 2016 and 2021, breast pump use was associated with 21 additional weeks of breastfeeding on average, according to a new study from researchers at Yale School of Medicine.  In the first…

Innovation Crossroads welcomes seven entrepreneurs for Cohort 2024

Seven entrepreneurs comprise the next cohort of Innovation Crossroads, a Department of Energy Lab-Embedded Entrepreneurship Program node based at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The program provides energy-related startup founders from across the nation with access to ORNL’s unique scientific resources and capabilities.

Diarrea del viajero: Experto brinda consejos para evitar este desvío desagradable en su viaje

La diarrea del viajero es un trastorno común e incómodo del tracto digestivo que puede afectar a las personas cuando viajan a nuevos lugares. Es causada por la ingestión de alimentos o agua contaminados. El Dr. Jesse Bracamonte, médico de familia en Mayo Clinic en Phoenix, dice que la diarrea del viajero no suele ser grave, pero puede ser muy desagradable. Ofrece estrategias para ayudarlo a mantenerse saludable y evitar todo eso.

Five ORNL researchers complete pilot commercialization coaching program

Five researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory recently completed an eight-week pilot commercialization coaching program as part of Safari, a program funded by DOE’s Office of Technology Transitions, or OTT, Practices to Accelerate the Commercialization of Technologies, or PACT.

Investigación y financiación de la epilepsia en países de bajos recursos: cuestiones éticas y pasos hacia la equidad

Menos del 10% de la financiación de la investigación sobre la epilepsia se destina a la salud en los países de menores recursos, a pesar de que el 80% de las personas con epilepsia viven en estos países. La promoción de la investigación mundial sobre la epilepsia y la mejora de las vías de financiación tienen el potencial de aumentar la capacidad de investigación de los países de ingresos bajos y medianos y promover la equidad en la investigación de la epilepsia en todo el mundo.

Daily Use of E-Cigarettes Linked to Higher Cigarette Quit Rates, Roswell Park Research Shows

Adults who used e-cigarettes daily and also smoked combustible cigarettes were more likely to quit smoking than those who smoked but used e-cigarettes less frequently, new research from Roswell Park shows. The findings suggest that daily e-cigarette use may help some people to quit using combustible cigarettes.


For media seeking commentary for back-to-school stories and other education coverage, FSU faculty will participate in a virtual media briefing Aug. 6. Faculty with expertise in literacy and language development, school psychology and counseling, autism and intellectual disability, and mathematics education will be available to answer questions.

Expert insights on laboratory developed tests, the consequences of ending abortion protection, health equity, and more draw 18,000 attendees to ADLM 2024

The Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM, formerly AACC), welcomed thousands of laboratory experts to ADLM 2024 (formerly the AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo) from July 28-August 1. The meeting featured groundbreaking advances in diagnostic research and technology that exemplify the essential role that the field of laboratory medicine plays in patient care.

Getting to the Root of a Plant’s Success

Plants are powerful factories – they can turn basic ingredients like carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into oxygen, sugars, and plant mass. But plants don’t do all of this work on their own. Below the soil’s surface, plant roots work with tiny microbes to gain access to the nutrients they need to survive.

Uncontrolled Hypertension: The Old ‘Silent Killer’ is Alive and Well

High blood pressure affects about 45% of U.S. adults. In the 1970s, only about 50% of patients were aware of their hypertension. Today, 54% are aware of their high blood pressure, 40% are actively treated and 21% are actively controlled. As such, researchers alert health care providers that the old “silent killer” is alive and well.

Customer misbehavior in access-based mobility services: An examination of prevention strategies

Abstract Customer misbehavior in access-based mobility services such as car sharing and public transport deteriorates the quality and profitability of business models. Basing on organismic integration theory, we propose that service providers can use external regulation or implement introjected actions…

Reinforcement learning-based optimal scheduling model of battery energy storage system at the building level

Abstract Installing the battery energy storage system (BESS) and optimizing its schedule to effectively address the intermittency and volatility of photovoltaic (PV) systems has emerged as a critical research challenge. Nonetheless, some existing studies still have limitations in terms of the efficiency of the…

$240 for Illinois Avenue, please: Economic inequality increases preference for personal control appeals

Abstract Economic inequality is rising globally, yet its impact on consumer behavior remains poorly understood. In five studies, we show that economic inequality increases the preference for personal control appeals—advertising appeals encouraging consumers to reclaim their sense of agency and control. This…

Can financial subsidy increase electric vehicle (EV) penetration—evidence from a quasi-natural experiment

Abstract Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered a promising solution for reducing emissions in urban transportation and addressing energy crises. Several countries, including China, have implemented direct financial subsidies to encourage the adoption of EVs. However, there is a lack of…

Multi-period, multi-timescale stochastic optimization model for simultaneous capacity investment and energy management decisions for hybrid Micro-Grids with green hydrogen production under uncertainty

Abstract Given the steep rises in renewable energy’s proportion in the global energy mix expected over several decades, a systematic way to plan the long-term deployment is needed. The main challenges are how to handle the significant uncertainties in technologies…