Critical solar observations from NSF’s GONG network now maintained by NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center

Recently, NSF’s NSO successfully transitioned the processing of these important observations of the Sun’s magnetic field and lower atmosphere to the operational control of NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), a move that will ensure reliable delivery of the data to the NOAA’s space weather forecasters who are the nation’s official civilian source for space weather watches, warnings, alerts, and forecasts.


MITRE’s Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Interactive Dashboard—expanded in both capacity and reach—unleashes new opportunities to address the inequities in maternal health. Our collaboration with the March of Dimes promises even more impact.

FAU Launches COVID-19 Registry and Repository to Advance Research

An essential strategy for managing COVID-19 requires vast amounts of real-world data to enable researchers to find patterns that will help to better understand and manage this disease. Florida Atlantic University has launched a registry and repository to contribute to new discoveries and knowledge related to COVID-19 and is currently enrolling study participants.

WVU responds to data revolution with new major

The world is in the midst of a data revolution. From how we shop to how we vote and all decisions in between, there is a growing need for professionals trained to use modern data analysis to solve everyday problems. To meet these 21st century workforce demands, WVU is launching a new undergraduate data science major.

Building a Giant 2D Map of the Universe to Prepare for the Largest 3D Map

Before DESI, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, can begin its 5-year mission from an Arizona mountaintop to produce the largest 3D sky map yet, researchers first needed an even bigger 2D map of the universe.

120 million Parler posts reveal users shared content related to Donald Trump’s efforts to challenge election

In recent news, archivists have saved content by users on the social media platform Parler, which was booted by big tech companies like Apple and Amazon. Those posts largely revolve around support for Donald Trump and his efforts during the…

Rutgers Expert Can Discuss AI Advances Linked to RCSB Protein Data Bank

New Brunswick, N.J. (Dec. 3, 2020) – Stephen K. Burley, director of the RCSB Protein Data Bank headquartered at Rutgers University–New Brunswick, is available for interviews on how the bank’s 50 years of data on the 3D biomolecular structures of life and artificial intelligence can lead…

Massive dataset reveals which governments have best responded to COVID-19 pandemic

Are our political institutions up for the task of managing the COVID-19 pandemic and any possible future similar threats? A research team led by faculty at Binghamton University, State University of New York has compiled an extensive dataset tracking public health government responses to COVID-19 at national and subnational levels of government throughout the world.

FAU Awarded U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant to Improve Learning and Operation of AI Systems

Researchers will develop new theory and methods to curate training data sets for artificial intelligence (AI) learning and screen real-time operational data for AI field deployment. They will develop technology to identify faulty, unusual and irregular information for AI learning and operations that rely on data, and will provide critical alerts to troubleshoot a problem before it occurs. This data-quality evaluation technology is being developed for a number of industries ranging from the military to cybersecurity to medical diagnostics.

Some employees more likely to adhere to information security policies than others

Information security policies (ISP) that are not grounded in the realities of an employee’s work responsibilities and priorities exposes organizations to higher risk for data breaches, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University of New York.

Understanding how birds respond to extreme weather can inform conservation efforts

How do different bird species respond to extreme weather events that occur for different amounts of time, ranging from weekly events like heat waves to seasonal events like drought? And how do traits unique to different species — for example, how far they migrate or how commonly they occur — predict their vulnerability to extreme weather?

BGSU’s Novak Family Professor of Data Science helps journalists understand polls

Being able to vet surveys and election polls is important for journalists and other media experts, making Dr. Trent Buskirk a very popular person this time of year. Buskirk is the Novak Family Professor of Data Science and the chair of the Applied Statistics and Operations Research Department at BGSU.

UCI to lead $10 million NSF-funded center on protecting personal data privacy

Irvine, Calif., June 12, 2020 — The National Science Foundation has awarded $10 million to support a new research center devoted to personal data privacy in an increasingly networked and instrumented world. The center will be hosted and led by the University of California, Irvine and is in collaboration with Northeastern University, the University of Iowa, the University of Southern California and Spain’s IMDEA Networks Institute.

Extreme High-Frequency Signals Enable Terabits-Per-Second Data Links

Using the same technology that allows high-frequency signals to travel on regular phone lines, researchers tested sending extremely high-frequency, 200 GHz signals through a pair of copper wires. The result is a link that can move data at rates of terabits per second, significantly faster than currently available channels. In Applied Physics Letters, the scientists discuss their work using experimental measurements and mathematical modeling to characterize the input and output signals in a waveguide.

ORNL researchers develop ‘multitasking’ AI tool to extract cancer data in record time

To better leverage cancer data for research, scientists at ORNL are developing an artificial intelligence (AI)-based natural language processing tool to improve information extraction from textual pathology reports. In a first for cancer pathology reports, the team developed a multitask convolutional neural network (CNN)—a deep learning model that learns to perform tasks, such as identifying key words in a body of text, by processing language as a two-dimensional numerical dataset.

BP Looks to ORNL, ADIOS to Help Rein in Data

British Petroleum researchers invited ORNL data scientists to give the company’s high-performance computing team a tutorial of the laboratory’s ADIOS I/O middleware. ADIOS has helped researchers achieve scientific breakthroughs by providing a simple, flexible way to describe data in their code that may need to be written, read, or processed outside of the running simulation. ORNL researchers Scott Klasky and Norbert Podhorszki demonstrated how it could help the BP team accelerate their science by helping tackle their large, unique seismic datasets.

Tests Measure Solar Panel Performance Beyond Established Standards

In testing solar panels, the sun’s intensity, the spectral composition and the angle of light are important factors in understanding why certain panels are successful and others degrade more quickly. To address the knowledge gap in degradation mechanisms for various photovoltaic types, researchers performed tests over five years in which they collected weather data and panel performance information. The results are published in the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.

Bias-Busting Algorithms: Can AI Help VCs Diversify their Deals?

Studies show that gender bias in the venture capital (VC) industry hurts both female founders and has negative financial consequences for VC firms. Darden Professors Morela Hernandez and Roshni Raveendhran show how algorithm-aided, data-driven approaches can help investors mitigate bias and make better and more equitable funding decisions.

Rutgers study examines smoking status, health conditions in older Chinese American men

The findings of the study by the Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research underscore the need for culturally targeted interventions to prevent and reduce tobacco use, manage chronic disease and screen for lung cancer.

Sharing data for improved forest protection and monitoring

Although the mapping of aboveground biomass is now possible with satellite remote sensing, these maps still have to be calibrated and validated using on-site data gathered by researchers across the world. A newly established global database will support Earth Observation and encourage investment in relevant field-based measurements and research.

Data Breaches Threaten Healthcare Records, Texas State University Experts Available to Comment

Cybersecurity: Keeping Information Safe Newswise — Just read the daily headlines to find them — cybersecurity breaches of healthcare organizations both large and small. Even the popular medical drama “Grey’s Anatomy” turned to ransomware when choosing a storyline plucked from…