Political expert on what the GOP South Carolina primary means for Nikki Haley, Donald Trump

The Republican race for a candidate to take on President Joe Biden in November’s election continues to be a two-person show, with Saturday’s South Carolina primary the latest stage. Virginia Tech political expert Caitlin Jewitt answers questions about the shape of the race through the South Carolina primary, the Super Tuesday contest on March 5, and beyond.

GW Experts Available: Stage is Set for Second GOP Presidential Debate

The stage is set for the second Republican presidential debate tonight in California. Seven candidates are looking to be the party’s alternative to former President Donald Trump, who is not participating in tonight’s debate. Trump skipped the first debate and…

Trump’s blog failed because visitors can’t “own the libs”

“From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,” a blog that the former president launched after getting banned from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, has shut down after just a month. According to Binghamton University computer science professor Jeremy…

180 million Parler posts show discussion dominated by Trump, conversative topics, conspiracy theories

Article title: A Large Open Dataset from the Parler Social Network Authors: Max Aliapoulios, Emmi Bevensee, Jeremy Blackburn, Barry Bradlyn, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Gianluca Stringhini, Savvas Zannettou From the authors: “This paper presents a dataset of 183M Parler posts made by…

Threats to lawmakers make conviction of Trump a real possibility, Tulane legal scholar says

Whether President Donald Trump is convicted for incitement of insurrection and ultimately disqualified from ever running for office again will largely depend on how House managers approach the trial, a Tulane University constitutional law expert says. “House managers can help…

120 million Parler posts reveal users shared content related to Donald Trump’s efforts to challenge election

In recent news, archivists have saved content by users on the social media platform Parler, which was booted by big tech companies like Apple and Amazon. Those posts largely revolve around support for Donald Trump and his efforts during the…

Republican politicians will watch Trump’s approval rating closely following storming of Capitol

The storming of the Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6 will cause Republicans politicians to watch the polls closely to see if Trump has lost his grip on the GOP base, according to Jonathan Krasno, associate professor of political science at…

AACI Urges President Trump to Share Key COVID-19 Information With Biden Transition Team

In a November 20 letter, the Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI) called on the Trump administration to share vital information about its coronavirus response with President-elect Joe Biden and his transition team.

If COVID-19 can’t foster political unity, what can?

Bitter fighting continues in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, even as President-elect Joe Biden urged unity in his victory speech Saturday night.  Michael Macy, professor of sociology and information science at Cornell University and director of the Social…

SU Presidential Campaign and Communications Expert Available for Trump/Biden Debate Predictions and Analysis

U.S. presidential candidate debates have proven more controversial during the 2020 election than any other in history. Dr. Joshua Bolton, assistant professor of communication at Salisbury University (MD), is available to provide analysis of the final debate between incumbent Donald…

Third Party Candidates and the 2020 Election: UNLV Expert Available

For months, two names — presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden — have consistently dominated news headlines and social media feeds in the leadup to Election Day 2020. Some, however, might be left wondering, especially following the chaotic presidential debate just last week, if Trump and Biden are the only options out there.

Robert Schmuhl of @ArtsLettersND and @ND_AMST available to comment on #Debates2020

Robert Schmuhl, Walter H. Annenberg-Edmund P. Joyce Chair Emeritus in American Studies and Journalism, is available to comment on tomorrow’s presidential debate, especially on the historical impact of these debates on presidential elections and Biden’s chances according to history.  https://news.nd.edu/our-experts/schmuhl-robert/    Schmuhl is an…

Presidential Debates in a Highly Polarized America: UNLV Expert Available

The COVID-19 pandemic. Race relations. The Supreme Court. The economy. When President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden meet for the first of three presidential debates on Tuesday night, millions of viewers are expected to tune in. But will America really be listening? Given the country’s all-time high partisanship and the extremely tiny pool of voters who have yet to make up their minds five weeks out from the 2020 general election, analysts are putting in their bets on the influence of televised debates and the chances of actually swaying voters.

New Seminar Series Aims To Expose, Explain Threats to U.S. Democracy

A group of political science scholars is launching a webinar series on Friday to highlight escalating threats to democracy that have been percolating for decades and boiling over ever since Donald Trump’s election.

In Mazars v. Trump, result will hinge on closed-door conference

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday in the Trump v. Mazars case, which will determine if the U.S. House of Representatives can subpoena a third party for President Trump’s private financial records. Jens David Ohlin, vice dean and professor…

Trump is not fighting science, he is stealing its authority

President Trump’s inaccurate statements about the coronavirus have created a confusing landscape for receiving valid information about COVID-19, according to Adam Laats, professor of education and history at Binghamton University, State University of New York. Laats says that Trump’s claims…

The U.S. government is failing to uphold its duty to protect citizens during the coronavirus pandemic

By not supplying New York the necessary ventilators it needs to help during the coronavirus outbreak, the government is failing to uphold its social contract with citizens, says Nicole Hassoun, professor of philosophy at Binghamton University, State University of New…