Researchers seek to perfect manufacture of microscopically thin films for tech, medical applications

A new grant from the National Science Foundation will allow a research team including faculty at Binghamton University, State University of New York to perfect a manufacturing technique that could have applications in everything from electronics manufacturing to healthcare.

Transforming the electrical grid starts with researcher’s ‘building blocks’

Modernizing the electrical grid without starting from scratch involves balancing the generation, storage, and consumption of electricity in real-time. A smart platform like the microgrid can achieve that – and protect against power outages better. Here’s what needs to happen to simplify microgrids and make them commercially viable, one building block at a time.

Extended reality class prepares students for semiconductor industry

Incorporating XR into semiconductor manufacturing coursework provides fundamental analysis techniques used in high-volume integrated circuit, or IC, manufacturing and enables learners across disciplines to deepen knowledge of advanced fabrication techniques.

Career-defining Mentorship and Support: Lurie Children’s Premier Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Program

Dr. Keira Nassetta is in her third year of cardiology fellowship at Lurie Children’s, following completion of her residency here. She was drawn to Lurie Children’s for cardiology fellowship training, she said, because of its range of experts in niche fields, including those in her primary clinical areas of interest: pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary vein stenosis (PVS). 

UTHealth Houston establishes Fetal Institute focused on clinical care, research discovery, and education to advance fetal medicine

Five years after the first groundbreaking fetoscopic spina bifida repair surgery using an innovative patch pioneered by researchers at UTHealth Houston, the fetal medicine team is celebrating the more than 100 procedures performed by the physicians and the launch of the UTHealth Houston Fetal Institute.

Rising to a Global Challenge, Scientists Win Acclaim for Developing Ways to Measure Rainforest Biodiversity

A group of Rutgers scientists, led by ecologist Julie Lockwood, met a global challenge and has been recognized internationally for stellar efforts. As part of the Map of Life Rapid Assessments team led by Yale University, the researchers placed second in a global competition, according to an announcement by the XPRIZE Foundation. The nonprofit organization, which designs and manages public competitions to encourage technological developments, awarded the team $2 million out of a $10 million purse for its accomplishments.

Argonne releases Aurora exascale supercomputer to researchers, enabling accelerated science

With its Aurora exascale supercomputer, Argonne National Laboratory is providing researchers with a powerful tool to accelerate discoveries across many fields, including biology, chemistry and AI for science.

Professor Discusses Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking in Arkansas

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and Dr. Tusty ten Bensel, a professor of criminal justice and associate dean at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, is highlighting her work to address human trafficking in Arkansas. As a member of the Arkansas Human Trafficking Council, she plays a vital role in shaping statewide efforts to combat this issue.

Chulalongkorn University Joins World Economic Forum to Announce “The Future of Jobs 2025”, Highlighting Future Skills and Strategies to Build the Future Human for Thailand 

Professor Dr. Wilert Puriwat, President of Chulalongkorn University, announces the findings from the “Future of Jobs 2025” report. Chulalongkorn University is the only partner institution …

The President of Chula Meets with Cambodian Minister of Education, a Graduate of the Faculty of Education Strengthening Relations and Integrating Knowledge for Youth in the Region 

Phnom Penh: Chulalongkorn University reaffirms its role as a regional education leader by strengthening ties with Cambodia. On January 17, 2025, Chulalongkorn University’s executive team, led by …

New York Valves: The Structural Heart Summit is Back!

The Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF) is pleased to announce that registration for the second New York Valves: The Structural Heart Summit is now open. Following the outstanding success of last year’s inaugural conference, New York Valves 2025 is the world’s premier structural heart meeting and continues its mission to shape the future of structural heart care through collaboration, education, and innovation. The summit will take place June 25-27, 2025, at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, North in New York City.

A “Quad-Demic” Warning: Symptoms of Viral Influenza, COVID-19, Norovirus, and RSV Can Also Be Signs of Potential Heart Complications

Mount Sinai cardiologists warn about the risk of heart problems during surge of winter viruses for American Heart Month in February

ما هي تنبؤاتك الصحية؟ خبير يشرح التفسير العلمي وراء التوجيهات الشخصية المتعلقة بالعافية

ربما تكون على دراية بمجموعة من النصائح لعيش حياة صحية مثل مراقبة وزنك وممارسة الرياضة وتناول الأطعمة المغذية والامتناع عن التدخين. ولكن ماذا لو كان بإمكانك الجمع بين عوامل نمط الحياة هذه مع مجموعة من المتغيرات الأخرى لمعرفة خطر التعرض لأمراض بعينها، للمساعدة في اكتشافها وعلاجها مبكرًا أو الوقاية منها بالكلية؟ يشرح فيكتور أورتيجا، دكتور في الطب وحاصل على درجة الدكتوراه، المدير المساعد لمركز مايو كلينك للطب الفردي في ولاية أريزونا، كيف يقترب العلم حثيثًا من جعل مثل هذه التنبؤات الصحية الشخصية ممكنة.

Governor Hochul Celebrates the Opening Of New York’s First Cell and Gene Therapy Hub at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo

Governor Kathy Hochul today celebrated the opening of the Roswell Park GMP Engineering and Cell Manufacturing Facility, New York’s first cell and gene therapy hub, located at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo. The $98 million facility will create new jobs, help to support the research and development of life-saving cell and gene therapies at Roswell, significantly grow its well-established research capabilities, and establish Roswell as one of the premier cell therapy discovery and development institutions in the nation. The expansion also realizes Governor Hochul’s 2023 State of the State commitment to bolster the state’s leadership in the fast-growing CGT sector through establishment of an Upstate cell and gene therapy hub to catalyze its growth in western NY. The GEM facility meets U.S. FDA Good Manufacturing Practice standards for manufacture of clinical cell therapy products, positioning the Roswell Park team to be a multifaceted resource for patients, care teams

From advancing X-rays to unlocking exascale: Argonne highlights from 2024

As the year comes to a close, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory reviews some of its most notable achievements of 2024.

Qual é o prognóstico da sua saúde? Especialista explica a ciência por trás dos guias personalizados para o bem-estar

Você pode estar familiarizado com uma série de dicas para viver uma vida saudável: Controle seu peso, faça exercícios físicos, coma alimentos nutritivos e não fume, por exemplo. E se você pudesse combinar esses fatores de estilo de vida com uma série de outras variantes para aprender sobre o seu risco de desenvolver doenças específicas, ajudando-o a detectá-las e tratá-las precocemente, ou até mesmo preveni-las por inteiro? O Dr. e Ph D. Victor Ortega, diretor associado do Centro de Medicina Personalizada da Mayo Clinic no Arizona, explica como a ciência está cada vez mais próxima de tornar possível esses prognósticos pessoais de saúde.

¿Cuál es el pronóstico de su salud? Experto explica la ciencia detrás de las guías personalizadas para el bienestar

Es posible que esté familiarizado con una serie de consejos para vivir una vida saludable: Controle su peso, haga ejercicios, coma alimentos nutritivos y no fume, por ejemplo. ¿Qué pasaría si pudiera combinar estos factores de estilo de vida con una serie de otras variantes para conocer su riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades específicas, ayudándole a detectarlas y tratarlas temprano, o incluso prevenirlas por completo? El Dr. y Ph. D. Victor Ortega, director asociado en Centro para Medicina Personalizada en Mayo Clinic en Arizona, explica cómo la ciencia está cada vez más cerca de hacer posible estos pronósticos de salud personales.

What’s your health forecast? Expert explains science behind personal guides to well-being

You may be familiar with a range of tips for living a healthy life: Watch your weight, exercise, eat nutritious food and don’t smoke, for example. What if you could combine these lifestyle factors with a host of other variables to learn your risk of developing specific diseases, to help catch and treat them early or prevent them altogether? Victor Ortega, M.D., Ph.D., associate director for the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine in Arizona, explains how science is drawing ever closer to making such personal health forecasts possible.

C2QA Fosters Growth of Quantum Workforce through Educational Programs

To increase awareness of quantum opportunities and help grow the U.S. quantum workforce, the Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage (C2QA) hosts and co-hosts educational programs that introduce students to the foundational principles of QIS and foster the development of skills needed for a successful career in this rapidly expanding field.

The programs held this year, including the QIS & Engineering High School-Level Program, QIS 102: Quantum Computing Summer School, and QIS 303: Quantum Error Mitigation, reached more than 170 participants worldwide, from students who just completed their first year of high school to full-fledged QIS researchers — and enthusiastic learners from every level of expertise in between.

Notre Dame’s College of Arts & Letters launches ND Population Analytics to accelerate policy-relevant work through big data

The College of Arts & Letters at the University of Notre Dame has launched a data-focused research effort that will foster and advance multidisciplinary work on a wide range of pressing demographic issues facing society, including poverty, rising inequality, declining health in the United States, family instability and falling religious participation.

Middle and High School Students Can Talk Politics Peacefully? Cal State Fullerton Educator Describes How

Many future voters can start understanding and developing their civic identities in middle and high school. Cal State Fullerton educator William Toledo prepares future teachers to guide civil yet possibly controversial conversations about politics and other public concerns with their middle and high school students.

MCB Students Gain Pathway to Career-Ready Resources

The University of Northern Colorado’s (UNC) Monfort College of Business (MCB) has made career readiness a central aspect of its curriculum for years. Through internships and other immersive learning opportunities, students will soon gain further valuable, hands-on experiences that will help them in their studies and in the workforce. Starting in the spring of 2025, MCB is partnering with Coursera to provide new opportunities for students to gain micro-credentials in a variety of topics.