Get Relief: How to Manage Fall Allergies

The spring months are usually when people with allergies suffer the most, but fall’s cooler weather doesn’t necessarily mean everyone can take a breath of relief. Allergy season is starting earlier and lasting longer and fall allergy sufferers are impacted. Dr. Susan Schuval, Chief of the…

Solo al 52 % de los adultos con alergia grave a los alimentos se le ha prescrito un autoinyector de epinefrina

Un nuevo estudio que se presenta en la Reunión científica anual del ACAAI muestra que solo la mitad de los pacientes adultos alérgicos a los alimentos tienen acceso inmediato a la epinefrina y que el 36 % de los adultos creen que los autoinyectores de epinefrina pueden causar efectos negativos o potencialmente mortales.

Four Years After Release of Guidelines, Parents Still Not Informed About Early Peanut Introduction

A new study being presented at this year’s ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting reveals that although 58% of those surveyed reported their primary care physician discussed early peanut introduction, only 40% of the parents said they received a recommendation to introduce peanut by 11 months of age.