Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, Received 2024 Distinguished Award From European Society for Clinical Investigation (ESCI)

President of Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital given top honor for his scientific excellence and successful global education initiatives on cardiovascular disease

Changes Upstream: RIPE team uses CRISPR/Cas9 to alter photosynthesis for the first time

A RIPE team used CRISPR/Cas9 to increase gene expression in rice by changing its upstream regulatory DNA. Their work is the first unbiased gene-editing approach to increase gene expression and downstream photosynthetic activity and was recently published in Science Advances.

Roswell Park Earns ‘Exceptional’ Rating from National Cancer Institute With Best-Ever Core Grant

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center has earned its most highly rated grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The NCI renewed Roswell Park’s status as a Comprehensive Cancer Center – a designation held by less than 4% of cancer centers- awarding Roswell Park the highest possible “Exceptional” rating as it renewed a grant Roswell Park has successfully competed for since 1972.

Shrinking statures, growing insights: unraveling the genetic underpinnings of dwarfism in squash

Unlocking the secrets of nature, a pioneering study has pinpointed a gene mutation with profound implications for plant height and stress tolerance. The discovery lies in the CpDWF5 gene, whose alteration leads to a compact squash plant with a unique resistance to salt stress, marking a leap forward in agricultural science.

The world’s strongest ionizing terahertz radiation

Terahertz waves, known as non-ionizing radiation, can turn into ionization radiation when sufficiently many terahertz photons are focused in space and time. A team led by scientists in Korea and the USA has created the world’s most intense terahertz pulses that can instantaneously ionize atoms and molecules and convert them into plasma.

Optical Imager Captures Amplitude and Phase Information without Digital Processing

UCLA researchers introduced an all-optical complex field imager that captures both amplitude and phase information of optical fields using an intensity-based sensor array. This device employs optimized diffractive surfaces to eliminate the need for digital processing in conventional complex imaging techniques, improving imaging speed and reducing computational demand.

Lavender’s secret: genetic regulator boosts plant health and fragrance output

A groundbreaking study has identified a gene that plays a dual role in enhancing both the aromatic compounds and disease resistance in lavender plants. The research uncovers how the LaMYC7 gene positively regulates the biosynthesis of linalool and caryophyllene, key for lavender’s scent and its resistance to common plant pathogens.

JMIR Publications and Swedish Consortium Bibsam Join Forces in a Landmark Agreement to Advance Open Access

Open access publisher JMIR Publications, in partnership with Sweden’s academic consortium Bibsam, with sales support by Accucoms, recently announced a landmark national agreement to eliminate the burden of article processing charges (APCs) for researchers in Sweden.

Research Progress on the Biosynthesis, Metabolic Engineering, and Pharmacology of Bioactive Compounds from the Lonicera Genus-A Review from Yin Xiaojian’s Team at the Northeast Institute of Geography and Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Lonicera has about 200 species of plants, which have extensive economic benefits and can be used as medicinal materials, food, cosmetics and ornamental plants, etc.

Enhancing Forest Productivity through Improved Phosphorus Use: A Comprehensive Review of Phosphorus Uptake, Transport, and Signaling in Woody and Model Plants

A research team has reviewed the mechanisms of inorganic phosphorus (Pi) uptake, transport, and signaling in woody plants based on the backbone of model and crop plants. A research team has reviewed the mechanisms of inorganic phosphorus (Pi) uptake, transport, and signaling in woody plants based on the backbone of model and crop plants.

Timing key for type 2 diabetes drug performance

Researchers from the University of Adelaide could be closer to discovering a better way to use metformin, a common type 2 diabetes medication. Metformin, which has been a cornerstone in diabetes treatment since the 1960s, is typically taken with meals to reduce gastrointestinal side effects but new research is suggesting patients could see improved results if it’s taken before meals.

Study Investigates Relationship Between Phthalate Exposure and High Blood Pressure, Related Complications During Pregnancy

Higher exposure to certain chemicals called phthalates is linked to an increased risk of pregnancy complications, including preeclampsia and eclampsia (PE/E) and other hypertensive or high blood pressure disorders, according to a study funded by the NIH Environmental influences on…

DOE Announces New Decadal Fusion Energy Strategy

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today marked the two-year anniversary of the Biden-Harris Administration’s launch of the U.S. Bold Decadal Vision for Commercial Fusion Energy with the release of the DOE Fusion Energy Strategy 2024 and an event at the White House co-hosted by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Dangerous work, unmet health care needs add up to more deaths, negative health outcomes for Texas shrimpers, according to UTHealth Houston research

A dangerous work environment and limited access to health care are related to higher death rates and negative health outcomes among Texas shrimpers in the Gulf of Mexico, according to a new study from UTHealth Houston.

UAH researcher demonstrates Milky Way’s last major galactic collision happened much more recently than previously thought

Dr. Tom Donlon, a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, is the lead author of a new paper published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society that reveals the Milky Way Galaxy’s last major collision occurred billions of years later than previously thought.

Mayo Clinic: Bioterapias a través del electrospinning del mañana

El futuro de la curación de enfermedades puede involucrar una jeringa, una fuente de alimentación de alto voltaje y soluciones de polímeros que se unen para diseñar tejidos. En este momento, investigadores de Mayo Clinic están estudiando estos diferentes elementos utilizando un electrohilador, un dispositivo que convierte fibras bioterapéuticas en una estructura — o plataforma — para tejer bioterapéuticos regenerativos.

Mayo Clinic: Bioterapias via eletrofiação do amanhã

O futuro da cura das doenças pode envolver uma seringa, uma fonte de alimentação de alta tensão e soluções poliméricas que se unem para projetar tecidos. No momento, pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic estão estudando esses diferentes elementos utilizando um eletrofiador, dispositivo que transforma fibras bioterapêuticas em uma estrutura — ou plataforma — para tecer bioterapêuticos regenerativos.

مايو كلينك: العلاجات الحيوية المستقبلية المغزولة كهربائيًا

روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا – قد يتضمن مستقبل علاج الأمراض استخدام إبرة، ومصدر كهربائي عالي الجهد، ومحاليل بوليمر يلتقون معًا لهندسة الأنسجة. يدرس باحثو مايو كلينك حاليًا هذه العناصر المختلفة باستخدام جهاز غزل كهربائي، وهو جهاز يحوّل الألياف العلاجية الحيوية إلى سقالة – أو قاعدة – لغزل العلاجات الحيوية المتجددة.

2024 US Supreme Court case rulings: MSU experts can comment

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to deliver rulings on a slate of key cases on topics including social media regulation, government agency authority, environmental regulation, homelessness rights, drug company influence and abortion access. Many of the cases this term could affect both government institutions and how people live their private lives.

Expert: How to fight summer learning loss in children with active learning experiences

Active learning experiences can help combat learning loss children often experience over the summer, according to Suzanne McLeod from the Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership at Binghamton University, State University of New York. Summer learning loss, also called…

URI invasive species expert co-leads two global studies published in two Nature journals

The spread of invasive alien species has long been recognized as a global threat to nature and people. In September, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) for the United Nations issued a global assessment providing clear evidence of the growing threat to people, the economy and nature from invasive alien species.

Wildlife Conservation Society Bangladesh Program Honored with the Country’s Top Prestigious Bangabandhu Award in Bangladesh

The Government of Bangladesh bestowed the country’s most prestigious award for wildlife conservation, the Bangabandhu Award for “Dedicated Wildlife Conservation Organization,” to WCS Bangladesh in recognition of the program’s valuable contributions to advancing wildlife conservation management in Bangladesh.

Mpox continues to circulate at low numbers among gay and bisexual men who have sex with men

Mpox continues to circulate in the U.S. among gay and bisexual men who have sex with men. Though the number fell sharply to only 3 cases during the June through December 2023 multisite surveillance period compared to the previous highs, concern for its reemergence continues due to, among other things, incomplete knowledge among other groups.