JMIR Publications and Swedish Consortium Bibsam Join Forces in a Landmark Agreement to Advance Open Access

Open access publisher JMIR Publications, in partnership with Sweden’s academic consortium Bibsam, with sales support by Accucoms, recently announced a landmark national agreement to eliminate the burden of article processing charges (APCs) for researchers in Sweden.

The Biophysical Journal Names Erdic Sezgin the 2023 Paper of the Year-Early Career Investigator Awardee

ROCKVILLE, MD – Erdic Sezgin, of Karolinska Institutet, Sweden will be honored as the recipient of the Biophysical Journal Paper of the Year-Early Career Investigator Award at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, held February 10-14 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Impact of Potential NATO Expansion on International Business, Affairs and Trade

Sweden has announced it’s joining Finland in their request to join the Western military alliance NATO. The announcement comes in response to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine, and marks an historic shift for Sweden, which has largely remained neutral for…

Nobody finds the Alzheimer’s Germ in $1 Million Challenge, but eight researchers split $200K, says Dr. Leslie Norins of Alzheimer’s Germ Quest

There is now keen interest in deeper investigation of infectious agents as the trigger of Alzheimer’s disease

Rethinking mortality and how we plan for old age

Many people dream of comfortably living out their golden years. A new IIASA study however shows that older Europeans, and especially women, frequently underestimate how many years they have left, which could lead to costly decisions related to planning for their remaining life course.