Espectrógrafo de alta precisión ayuda a confirmar descubrimiento planetario

NEID es un espectrógrafo de velocidad radial de alta precisión que está diseñado para medir el bamboleo extremadamente diminuto de las estrellas cercanas, utilizando el efecto de la velocidad radial. Este efecto resulta de la fuerza gravitacional mutua entre un planeta y su estrella…

High-Precision NEID Spectrograph Helps Confirm First Gaia Astrometric Planet Discovery

NEID (rhymes with fluid) is a high-precision radial-velocity spectrograph that is designed to measure the extremely minute wobble of nearby stars using the radial velocity effect. This effect results from the mutual gravitational force between a planet and its host star which causes the…

UAH researcher demonstrates Milky Way’s last major galactic collision happened much more recently than previously thought

Dr. Tom Donlon, a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, is the lead author of a new paper published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society that reveals the Milky Way Galaxy’s last major collision occurred billions of years later than previously thought.

Rensselaer Researchers Upend Theory About the Formation of the Milky Way Galaxy

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Heidi Jo Newberg, Ph.D., professor of astronomy; Tom Donlon, Ph.D., a visiting researcher at Rensselaer and a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Alabama; and their team have recently published research that reveals a shocking discovery about the history of our universe: the Milky Way Galaxy’s last major collision occurred billions of years later than previously thought.