Mathematical Model Driven Evolutionary Therapy Dosing Exploiting Cancer Cell Plasticity

A research team led by Dr. Kim Eunjung at the Natural Products Informatics Research Center of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) has established a theoretical foundation for cancer treatment strategies following tumor evolution. They have developed a mathematical model to predict tumor evolution, considering the acquisition of resistance by cancer cells and their ability to alter phenotypic behavior (plasticity) during treatment.

Major accidents at production facilities can be detected from a distance in real time through “sounds”

For the first time in the country, KIMM develops “three-dimensional acoustic intensity-based leak detection technology” for detecting pipeline damages. New technology can help to reduce costs by 30 percent, while enhancing safety by allowing prompt response to large-scale accidents at production facilities within the golden hour.

Weight gain is kicked to the curb in antipsychotic drug breakthrough

World first research from the University of South Australia shows that antipsychotics can be reformulated with a strategically engineered coating that not only mitigates unwanted weight gain but also boosts serotonin levels by more than 250%.

3rd International Conference on Educational System Management Leadership 2024: Education System Redesign for Creating a Better World for All

The Faculty of Education at Chulalongkorn University, Division of Educational System Management Leadership, in collaboration with Teachers College, Columbia University, cordially invites you to the 3rd International Conference on Educational System Management Leadership (ICESML 2024). The theme of this year’s conference is “Education System Redesign for Creating a Better World for All.” The event will take place on May 31, 2024, 9:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. (GMT+7) via an online platform.

Call for Abstracts: CULI TERA ERF International Conference 2024!

The Chulalongkorn University Language Institute (CULI) at Chulalongkorn University cordially invites all to attend the “CULI TERA ERF International Conference 2024” on “Promoting English Reading in the Asian Context and Beyond”, held on August 22-23, 2024 at Arnoma Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.

Expert pitch: Preventing maritime accidents with autonomous technologies and better systems integration

Recent global events have sparked a need to reassess the risks of shipping navigation. By harnessing the power of autonomous technologies and enusuring better systems integration, the industry could support safer and smoother navigation. Manoeuvring and controlling cargo ships is…

Single-cell sequencing technology in diabetic wound healing: New insights into the progenitors-based repair strategies

Diabetes mellitus (DM), an increasingly prevalent chronic metabolic disease, is characterised by prolonged hyperglycaemia, which leads to long-term health consequences. Although much effort has been put into understanding the pathogenesis o

Alcohol Use Disorder Amplifies Suicidal Ideation Severity in Military Personnel with PTSD

Heavy alcohol use may be a key factor contributing to suicide among military personnel with untreated post-traumatic stress disorder. A study of active military personnel found that heavy drinking amplifies the relationship between PTSD symptoms and the severity of suicidal thoughts. The authors of the study, which is published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, recommend that the military health system consider requiring screening for suicidal ideation and alcohol use in service members who may have post-traumatic stress disorder and further develop integrated treatment programs that simultaneously treat alcohol use disorder and PTSD.

Young Adult Women’s Alcohol Use is Increasingly Driven by Social Reasons, Narrowing the Binge-Drinking Gap by Gender

The narrowing gap between binge drinking among adult women and men has been driven partly by women’s rising use of alcohol for social reasons—to have fun. In addition, women are increasingly using alcohol to relax or relieve tension, a new study has found. Alcohol use in the USA has increased steadily over the past 20 years, and excessive drinking underlies 1 in 8 deaths of working-age adults. The COVID-19 pandemic contributed to a 25% increase in alcohol-related deaths from 2019 to 2020. Overall, figures like these mask differences by age, however. For over four decades, alcohol use and binge drinking have declined among adolescents and early adults. But by age 30, that effect has plateaued or reversed. Binge drinking has risen more among women than men, narrowing the gender gap for reasons that haven’t been explained by broad societal trends (such as education, family timing, and gender roles). For the study in Alcohol: Clinical & Experimental Research, US researchers considered the

Loyola Medicine Hosts First Annual Regional Keeley Cup To Benefit Emergency Medicine Education

Loyola Medicine’s Emergency Medicine Residency Program is proud to host the inaugural Regional Keeley Cup on Thursday, May 30th at 12 pm. This pioneering team-based competition is brought to life each year through the support of the Barbara G. & John L. Keeley, Jr. Center for Emergency Medicine Education.

ASCO: Large precision oncology study identifies differences in prostate cancer genomics among a racially and ethnically diverse cohort of U.S. veterans

A new study(Link is external) (Link opens in new window) led by a UCLA-VA collaborative team looking at the landscape of genomic alterations in more than 5,000 veterans with metastatic prostate cancer uncovered differences in the genomic makeup of cancer cells that were associated with race and ethnicity.

Removing Positive Social Features From Alcohol Advertisements and Including Health Warnings May Reduce Consumers’ Drinking

Adults react differently to alcohol advertisements depending on how explicit or implicit the messaging is about the social pleasure of drinking and the possible health effects, a new study shows. Exposure to alcohol marketing is consistently linked to alcohol use. Research also suggests that alcohol advertising influences attitudes around alcohol, such as social norms or reasons for drinking. Policymakers’ options for lowering alcohol consumption and its harms include content controls on advertising. Restricting sales messages to facts about the product is known to reduce how persuasive it is among consumers. Mandating health warnings also increases consumers’ perceptions of risk and reduces the perceived benefits of drinking. No studies, however, have previously examined the effects of such content controls on consumers in the UK. In addition, most research has focused on young adults, yet adults in midlife and beyond may also be vulnerable to the effects of marketing. For the study i

Comprehensive Detection of Light: Dispersion-assisted Photodetector Deciphering High-dimensional Light

The intricate nature of light, characterized by its intensity, polarization, and spectrum composition, holds profound importance across a range of scientific and technological disciplines. From enhancing optical communications to enabling precise chemical and biological characterization, a comprehensive understanding of light’s properties is indispensable.

Carbon Dioxide, the Main Culprit of Global Warming, Reborn as an Antioxidant Substance

The Korea Institute of Energy Research develops a process to convert carbon dioxide into the antioxidant carotenoids using microorganisms. By using a carbon dioxide absorbent, the problem of low solubility is resolved, and the productivity of high-value substances is also improved. Published in the world-renowned journal in the field of chemistry, ‘ChemSusChem

Desert Poplar’s Genetic Blueprint: Insights into Adaptation and Survival Mechanisms

Researchers have sequenced the genome of Populus pruinosa, a plant thriving in extreme deserts. The study reveals key genes for high salinity and drought adaptability. Analysis of individuals from various populations shows genetic differentiation driven by precipitation, offering insights for ecological conservation and genetic enhancement of desert poplars.

Innovative Material for Sustainable Building

Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) introduce a polymer-based material with unique properties in the latest issue of the journal Nature Communications. This material allows sunlight to enter, maintains a more comfortable indoor climate without additional energy, and cleans itself like a lotus leaf. The new development could replace glass components in walls and roofs in the future

People who hold populist beliefs are more likely to believe misinformation about COVID – new report

Over a fifth of Americans and Poles surveyed believed that COVID-19 vaccines can change people’s DNA.
And more than half of Serbian people believed that natural immunity from COVID was better than being vaccinated.
These figures come from a new report which examines the effects of populism on misinformation and other aspects of crisis communication around the coronavirus pandemic.