“Talking about things that no one else will talk about”: Torie Robinson, host of Epilepsy Sparks Insights

Diagnosed with epilepsy at age 10, Torie Robinson uses her podcast to share knowledge with people with epilepsy, their families, and the public. Her episode topics range from the biochemistry of epilepsy to gastrointestinal issues and much, much more.

A celebration of Black History Month at Argonne

To celebrate Black History Month, Argonne is pleased to highlight six employees and one up-and-coming high school STEM student who exemplify how a diverse team drives our science mission forward.

New Assessment Tool Supports Onboarding ICU Nurses

AACN Knowledge Assessment Tool helps hospitals better identify knowledge gaps and educational needs of critical care and progressive care nurses during orientation and onboarding. The online assessment randomly generates validated questions in over 10 areas and aligns with AACN’s Essentials of Critical Care Orientation course used by 1,000+ healthcare facilities.

Chula Researcher’s Innovative Wireless Hepatitis B Test Kit for Complete Screening and Data Collection in One Step

Chula researchers have developed a remarkable wireless hepatitis B virus test kit to screen for infection and collect data for an online database that’s fast and complete in one step.

The AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves Presents the 2024 Spine Summit

The 2024 Spine Summit, presented by the AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves, will pack in plenty of exciting educational opportunities, interesting networking events and spine-tingling entertainment over the four-day meeting at Caesars Palace, February 21-24.

تدريجيًا: التغييرات الصغيرة قد تؤدي إلى صحة القلب، كما يقول خبير مايو كلينك

قد يكون الانتقال من اتباع نظام غذائي غير صحي ونمط حياة خامل (نمط حياة قليل الحركة) إلى نمط غذائي صحي وممارسة التمارين الرياضية أمرًا شاقًا. في هذا التحذير الصادر من الخبير، يطلعنا جوان كارديناس روسالز، الدكتور في الطب، وهو طبيب باطني والمدير الطبي لممارسة الطب الدولي في مايو كلينك في جاكسونفيل، فلوريدا، على بعض الخطوات الصغيرة وخطوة كبيرة يمكن أن تؤدي إلى حياة صحية للقلب.

URI Nutrition study to help inform official USDA dietary guidelines

Evidence to support the assumption that ultra-processed foods are all bad for one’s health is limited, and the nutritional quality of processed foods has not been considered by official U.S. Department of Agriculture dietary guidelines. University of Rhode Island Nutrition Professor Kathleen Melanson aims to help inform the newest guidelines, due out in 2025, as she begins a nutritional study funded by a $300,000 grant from the USDA.

Argonne training program alumni find success in extreme-scale computing

Past attendees of the annual Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing are thriving in careers across the field of high performance computing.

التهاب الدماغ: يشرح خبير من مايو كلينك سبب أهمية العلاج المبكر

التهاب الدماغ هو مرض ينطوي على التهاب أو تورم الدماغ. ويمكن أن يحدث بسبب التهابات أو مشكلات تصيب الجهاز المناعي، والعلاج المبكر لتلك الحالة مهم. يقول ساروش إيراني، بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة.، طبيب الأعصاب، وباحث في مايو كلينك في جاكسونفيل، فلوريدا أنه لهذا السبب من الضروري رفع مستوى الوعي.

“ViaBus,” an innovation by Chula engineering alumni, wins the DEmark Award 2023 in Thailand and the Good Design Award (G-Mark) in Japan

Congratulations to the ViaBus Application, developed by alumni of Chula Faculty of Engineering, for winning Thailand’s Design Excellence Award (DEmark) 2023 in the category of Systems, Services, Digital Platform, Online Interface Design, Apps for Smartphones and Tablets, Website.

How Ancient Sea Creatures can Inform Soft Robotics

Soft robotics is the study of creating robots from soft materials, which has the advantage of flexibility and safety in human interactions. These robots are well-suited for applications ranging from medical devices to enhancing efficiency in various tasks.

Haran and Saif elected to the National Academy of Engineering

Kiruba Haran, who is a professor of electrical and computer engineering and the Grainger Endowed Director’s Chair in Electric Machinery and Electromechanics, and Taher Saif, the Edward William and Jane Marr Gutgsell Professor in mechanical science and engineering, were elected to the National Academy of Engineering

أسئلة وأجوبة مايو كلينك: هل يعتمد عملك على يديك؟ احترس من متلازمة النفق الرسغي

الأعزاء في مايو كلينك: أعمل في بناء المنازل، وبدأت أشعر بخدر ووخز في اليدين. وفي بعض الأحيان تسقط الأشياء من يدي لأنني لا أستطيع الإمساك بها جيداً. ونبهني أحد الأصدقاء إلى أنني ربما أكون مصاباً بمتلازمة النفق الرسغي. ولكن ألا تُصيب هذه المتلازمة الأشخاص الذين يعملون على الحاسوب طوال اليوم؟ هل يمكنكم تقديم مزيد من الشرح حول هذه الحالة؟

El Observatorio Rubin impulsará una nueva era en misiones espaciales sin salir de la tierra

El Observatorio Vera C. Rubin ayudará a los científicos a identificar objetivos intrigantes para dar prioridad a futuras misiones espaciales, mediante la detección de millones de nuevos objetos en el Sistema Solar y revelar, con el mayor detalle jamás visto, el contexto más amplio en el que existen.

Rubin Observatory will Inspire a New Era in Space Missions without Ever Leaving the Ground

Vera C. Rubin Observatory will help scientists identify intriguing targets to prioritize for future space missions by detecting millions of new Solar System objects, and by revealing — in more detail than we’ve ever seen — the broader context in which these objects exist.

Ligações do estilo de vida à saúde do coração vão além de alimentação e exercícios físicos, explica especialista em saúde da Mayo Clinic

Quais são os passos que se pode tomar além de uma alimentação saudável e exercícios físicos para melhorar a sua saúde do coração? Neste alerta, a especialista, PhD e Dra. Gosia Wamil, cardiologista pela Mayo Clinic Healthcare em Londres, responde a essa pergunta e muito mais.