Superar las barreras quirúrgicas en áreas de bajos recursos

Hasta la mitad de las personas con epilepsia resistente a los medicamentos (ERD) pueden beneficiarse de la cirugía. Sin embargo, en muchas regiones de bajos recursos, el establecimiento de un programa quirúrgico requiere enfrentar múltiples desafíos.

Changing epilepsy care through entrepreneurship: Dr. Mark Cook

Dr. Cook realized, when his father was diagnosed with epilepsy, that a system to identify and predict seizures could improve care and change people’s lives. In this episode, Dr. Cook talks about entrepreneurship in epilepsy and advancing the field through innovation.

Educando a no especialistas en México: Nuevo curso universitario ofrece experiencia híbrida

Un nuevo curso acreditado sobre epilepsia está educando a una variedad de profesionales de la salud a través de un modelo híbrido. Impartido en español, el curso está atrayendo a médicos de atención primaria, neurólogos, neuropsicólogos y antropólogos.

Après une chirurgie de l’épilepsie : gérer les attentes et les soins

Avant la chirurgie, les personnes atteintes d’épilepsie subissent une longue évaluation et des tests approfondis. Mais après une opération chirurgicale, certains professionnels et défenseurs affirment que les gens sont injustement laissés seuls pour gérer le traitement et les soins, sans beaucoup d’aide ou de conseils.

“Talking about things that no one else will talk about”: Torie Robinson, host of Epilepsy Sparks Insights

Diagnosed with epilepsy at age 10, Torie Robinson uses her podcast to share knowledge with people with epilepsy, their families, and the public. Her episode topics range from the biochemistry of epilepsy to gastrointestinal issues and much, much more.

Comment les médecins peuvent-ils encourager les personnes atteintes d’épilepsie à pratiquer une activité physique ?

Des études suggèrent que faire de l’exercice améliore la condition physique, l’humeur, la pensée et la mémoire, ainsi que la qualité de vie globale des personnes atteintes d’épilepsie – autant d’avantages qui s’appliquent également aux personnes non épileptiques.

Cerebral amyloid angiopathy, seizures, and epilepsy: Dr. Brin Freund

Sixty percent of patients with dementia on autopsy studies have cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) pathology. This episode discusses the relationship between CAA and epilepsy through the lens of a recent publication. Dr. Alina Ivaniuk talks with Dr. Brin Freund.

These Screen-printed, Flexible Sensors Allow Earbuds to Record Brain Activity and Exercise Levels

Earbuds can be turned into a tool to record the electrical activity of the brain and levels of lactate in the body with two flexible sensors screen-printed onto a flexible surface.

Summer Safety: Keeping Your Cool in the Heat

Climate change has supersized summer heat this year, with Southern California expected to again reach more than 100 degrees mid-month. Along with the rise in outdoor temperatures, physicians are seeing an increase in heat-related illnesses following weeks of unrelenting hot weather.

Soutenir les personnes atteintes d’épilepsie aves des outils pour réduire la stigmatisation

La stigmatisation affecte tous les aspects des soins de l’épilepsie, du diagnostic au traitement en passant par la législation et aux allocations budgétaires. Elle affecte la vie des personnes atteintes d’épilepsie lorsqu’elles n’ont pas un accès égal à l’éducation, à l’emploi et aux mêmes droits sociaux.

Empowering people with epilepsy to lead the way in reducing stigma

Stigma affects all aspects of epilepsy care. It affects the lives of people with epilepsy when they are not given equal access to education, employment, and social opportunities. In a US study, one-third of respondents identified stigma—not seizures—as the most difficult part of living with epilepsy.

Moving epilepsy care closer to home: Dr. Gagandeep Singh and Dr. Meenakshi Sharma

Can bringing epilepsy care to people’s homes improve outcomes? ILAE spoke with two researchers who conducted a randomized trial of home-based care versus clinic-based care in northern India. Those receiving the home-based care, delivered by community health workers, had better outcomes.

Comment les soins de santé primaires peuvent-ils aider à combler les lacunes dans le traitement de l’épilepsie? Un voyage à travers l’Andhra Pradesh, Inde

Le rôle des soins de santé primaires dans l’identification, le diagnostic et le traitement des personnes atteintes d’épilepsie est de plus en plus important. Cependant, les attitudes sociétales et la stigmatisation entourant l’épilepsie peuvent constituer des obstacles majeurs à l’amélioration des soins.

Study: Seizures can be predicted more than 30 minutes before onset in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy

Seizures can be predicted more than 30 minutes before onset in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, opening the door to a therapy using electrodes that could be activated to prevent seizures from happening, according to new research from UTHealth Houston.

Traitement de première intention inapproprié de l’état de mal épileptique : problématique et solutions

Malgré les recommandations, le traitement de première intention de l’état de mal épileptique est souvent inapproprié. Des études suggèrent que jusqu’à deux tiers des patients reçoivent des doses subcliniques de benzodiazépines, soit avant d’arriver à l’hôpital, soit pendant un traitement hospitalier d’urgence. Existe-t-il des solutions ?

How can primary health care help to close the epilepsy treatment gap? A journey through Andhra Pradesh, India

Hours from the nearest city in India, down a pothole-studded road framed by fish farms, primary care centers in Andra Pradesh provide service to tens of thousands of people. How do these centers care for people with epilepsy, and what challenges do they face?

La encuesta de ILAE destaca las preocupaciones globales sobre los medicamentos genéricos anticrisis

Los neurólogos de todo el mundo tienen preocupaciones sobre el uso de medicamentos genéricos anticrisis, cuestionando la calidad deficiente o inconsistente, el acceso limitado, el costo y la falta de control regulatorio.

Functional, nonepileptic seizures show structural abnormalities in brain scans, study shows

For a long time, functional, nonepileptic seizures were not believed to involve structural changes in the brain, but a new study suggests that they are associated with structural changes that can be seen using MRI. Researchers say the findings bring potential for earlier diagnosis of functional seizures, which are often misdiagnosed as epilepsy.

Engineering Research Provides Non-Invasive Solutions for Diagnosing and Treating Neurological and Psychiatric Conditions

Could artificial intelligence help solve the mental health crisis? What if an algorithm allowed neurologists to know the area affected by a brain seizure?    These are just a few of the questions that Maryam Ravan, Ph.D., assistant professor of electrical and…

ILAE survey highlights global concerns about generic anti-seizure medications

Neurologists worldwide have concerns about the use of generic anti-seizure medications, including poor or inconsistent quality, limited access, cost, and lack of regulatory control, according to a global survey of health care professionals.

Doctors with Texas Comprehensive Epilepsy Program lead 22-year-old Tyler resident to seizure freedom

Elisabeth Gentry had experienced auras ever since she was a toddler, but she didn’t learn that the occasional strange tastes in her mouth and feelings of impending doom were epilepsy until 2015, when she was 15 years old and suffered a grand mal seizure.