Post doc interviews in the life sciences may promote bias

Post-doctoral training is a critical career stage for researchers in the life sciences yet interviewing for a post-doctoral position is largely an unregulated process. Without regulation, interviews are susceptible to unconscious biases that may lead to discrimination against certain demographic groups (e.g., women and minorities). Using data from an online survey of post-docs, we show that interview procedures for post-doctoral positions in the life sciences are correlated with several factors (e.g., candidate demographics) in ways that may bias the outcome of interviews. We discuss key components of interviews and suggest that conducting standardized, well-planned interviews that are less susceptible to unconscious biases may help increase the retention of women and under-represented minorities in the life sciences.

Starting drinking young predicts hospital admission for acute intoxication

In studies, younger age at first alcohol use has been associated with later alcohol problems in adult life, including heavy drinking and alcohol use disorder. That is the reason why around the world, as in the Netherlands, a key aim of alcohol policy is to postpone the age at first alcohol use. In a report published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, researchers from the Netherlands have investigated whether age of drinking onset is a risk factor for alcohol intoxication among adolescents aged under 18 years.

Mercury Transit Observed at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

About 13 times per century, fleeting Mercury can be seen passing directly in front of the Sun in what is called a transit. The most recent Mercury transit occurred on 11 November 11, 2019. While the path of Mercury across the Sun in fact traced a straight line, in this image the path appears to loop backwards due to an effect called field rotation as the telescope and camera track across the sky.

Beware of Swimming if You Use Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s

Researchers have identified nine cases of people who lost their ability to swim after having a deep brain stimulation device implanted to control symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The new research is published in the November 27, 2019, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. All nine people had been good swimmers even after their Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. But once they had deep brain stimulation surgery, researchers found while other movement symptoms improved, their swimming skills deteriorated.

A method with roots in AI uncovers how humans make choices in groups and social media

Using a mathematical framework with roots in artificial intelligence and robotics, UW researchers were able to uncover the process for how a person makes choices in groups. And, they also found they were able to predict a person’s choice more often than more traditional descriptive methods.

Schedule for ASA Press Conferences with Live Webcasts from San Diego

Press conferences for the 178th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America will be held Tuesday, Dec. 3, in Hospitality Suite 3103 of the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego. They will focus on research into sounds from virtual reality to the deep ocean and making music from tiny atoms and 3D printing. In addition, 2020 will be celebrated as the International Year of Sound, and a kickoff event will take place during the meeting.

Stem Cell Therapy Helps Broken Hearts Heal in Unexpected Way

A study in Nature shows stem cell therapy helps hearts recover from a heart attack, although not for the biological reasons originally proposed two decades ago that today are the basis of ongoing clinical trials. The study reports that injecting living or even dead heart stem cells into the injured hearts of mice triggers an acute inflammatory process, which in turn generates a wound healing-like response to enhance the mechanical properties of the injured area.

Don’t fall victim to the holiday hustle— Here’s advice to make the holidays more healthy and less stressful.

Francoise Adan, MD, ABIHM, Director, University Hospitals Connor Integrative Health Network, offers these tips for a healthy holiday season. About Dr. Adan: The holidays are meant to be a time of celebration and quality time with family and friends. However, when…

When peatlands burn in mega-fires, stored methane is rapidly released into the atmosphere. #EmissionsGap #ClimateAction @UNEP @MTUcfres

According to a report released on Tuesday by the United Nations Environment, Global greenhouse gas emissions have grown by 1.5 percent every year over the last decade. To stay within relatively safe limits, emissions must decline sharply, by 7.6 percent every year, between 2020 and…

Helper Protein Worsens Diabetic Eye Disease

In a recent study using mice, lab-grown human retinal cells and patient samples, Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists say they found evidence of a new pathway that may contribute to degeneration of the light sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. The findings, they conclude, bring scientists a step closer to developing new drugs for a central vision-destroying complication of diabetes that affects an estimated 750,000 Americans.

شركة أبوظبي للخدمات الصحية، Mayo Clinic تدخل في إتفاقية شراكة لتشغيل مدينة الشيخ شخبوط الطبية

أعلنت كل من شركة أبوظبي للخدمات الصحية – أكبر شبكة لخدمات الرعاية الصحية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة – ومؤسسة Mayo Clinic – مؤسسة عالمية غير هادفة للربح ورائدة في مجال الرعاية الطبية والتعليم والأبحاث – عن إقامة إتفاقية شراكة لتشغيل مدينة الشيخ شخبوط الطبية، التي تعد من أكبر المستشفيات لرعاية المصابين بأمراض خطيرة ومعقدة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

Artificial intelligence-based algorithm for intensive care of traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a significant global cause of mortality and morbidity with an increasing incidence, especially in low-and-middle income countries. The most severe TBIs are treated in intensive care units (ICU), but in spite of the proper and…