Mayo Clinic announces a groundbreaking achievement in organ transplantation, offering hope to thousands who have lost their ability to speak, swallow and breathe on their own due to diminished function or loss of their larynx. A multidisciplinary team of doctors in Arizona performed the third known total larynx transplant in the U.S.
Tag: Mayo Clinic Proceedings
Estudo da Mayo Clinic quantifica os custos decorrentes dos sintomas de menopausa para as mulheres no ambiente de trabalho
Sintomas relacionados com a menopausa, como ondas de calor, transpiração noturna, mudanças de humor, distúrbios do sono, dores nas articulações e dificuldades cognitivas prejudicam a qualidade de vida de milhões de mulheres. Eles também podem afetar adversamente as mulheres no ambiente de trabalho.
Estudio de Mayo Clinic evalúa los costos derivados de los síntomas de la menopausia para las mujeres en el lugar de trabajo
Los síntomas relacionados con la menopausia, como sofocos, sudoración nocturna, cambios en el estado de ánimo, alteraciones del sueño, dolores en las articulaciones y dificultades cognitivas, perjudican la calidad de vida de millones de mujeres. También pueden afectar negativamente a las mujeres en el lugar de trabajo.
Mayo Clinic study puts price tag on cost of menopause symptoms for women in the workplace
Menopause-related symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, sleep disturbances, joint aches and cognitive difficulties damage the quality of life for millions of women. They also can adversely affect women in the workplace. A newly published Mayo Clinic study puts numbers on that cost: an estimated $1.8 billion in lost work time and $28 billion when medical expenses are added, in the U.S. alone.
New Mayo Clinic Proceedings expansion journal will focus on health care’s digital transformation
Mayo Clinic will launch a new Mayo Clinic Proceedings expansion journal on digital health, with the first issue to be published in early 2023. Articles will be published ahead of issue as they are accepted.
Diets higher in calcium and potassium may help prevent recurrent symptomatic kidney stones, Mayo Clinic study finds
Kidney stones can cause not only excruciating pain but also are associated with chronic kidney disease, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. If you’ve experienced a kidney stone once, you have a 30% chance of having another kidney stone within five years.
Machine-learning algorithms can help health care staff correctly diagnose alcohol-associated hepatitis, acute cholangitis
New Mayo Clinic research finds that machine-learning algorithms can help health care staff distinguish the two conditions. In an article published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, researchers show how algorithms may be effective predictive tools using a few simple variables and routinely available structured clinical information.
Patients with mitral annulus calcification at higher risk of heart valve and cardiovascular disease, Mayo Clinic research finds
A retrospective review of more than 24,000 patients who underwent an EKG at Mayo Clinic finds that nearly one-quarter of the patients had mitral annulus calcification, a chronic degeneration of tissue at the base of the heart’s mitral valve.
Retrospective study finds that cancer drug also lowers blood glucose
Dasatinib, a drug that often is used to treat certain types of leukemia, may have antidiabetic effects comparable to medications used to treat diabetes, and with more research may become a novel therapy for diabetic patients, according to new research published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
Comprehensive patient blood management program can reduce use of transfusions, improve patient outcomes
A growing number of hospitals have implemented patient blood management programs to reduce unnecessary blood transfusions and costs. A study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings finds that such a program can not only substantially reduce transfusion use, but also reduce length of hospital stays and in-hospital adverse outcomes.
A forte resposta imunológica relacionada com a covid -19 contribui para lesões renais
Os pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic descobriram que a lesão renal aguda associada com a COVID-19 é muito similar à lesão renal causada por sepse e que a resposta imunológica ativada pela doença exerce um papel central.
Detrás de la insuficiencia renal aguda relacionada con la COVID-19, hay una fuerte reacción inmunitaria
Los investigadores de Mayo Clinic descubrieron que la insuficiencia renal aguda relacionada con la COVID-19 actúa de forma similar al daño renal causado por la sepsis y que la reacción inmunitaria producida por la infección tiene un papel fundamental.
Strong immune response underlies acute kidney injury related to COVID-19
Mayo Clinic researchers have found that acute kidney injury associated with COVID-19 resembles sepsis-caused kidney injury, and the immune response triggered by the infection plays a pivotal role.
The findings, published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, also suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction — a loss of function in cellular energy production — is commonly found in kidney injury related to COVID-19.
Mayo Clinic study provides clarity on use of anticoagulants in gastrointestinal cancers
A study by Mayo Clinic researchers provides some clarity in the use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC), such as apixaban and rivaroxaban, to treat acute venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with gastrointestinal cancers. The findings were published Wednesday, June 2, in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
La fatiga, el deterioro cognitivo percibido y los trastornos del estado de ánimo se asocian al síndrome posterior a la COVID-19, según un estudio de Mayo Clinic
Los pacientes a los que se les diagnostica el síndrome posterior a la COVID-19, también conocido como “PCS”, “síndrome de COVID-19 de larga duración” y “secuelas posagudas del SARS COV-2”, experimentan síntomas como trastornos del estado de ánimo, fatiga y deterioro cognitivo percibido que pueden afectar de manera negativa el regreso al trabajo y la reanudación de las actividades normales.
Uma alta taxa de vacinação é fundamental para o curso da pandemia de COVID-19, mostra o modelo computacional da Mayo Clinic
Os cientistas de dados da Mayo Clinic que desenvolveram modelos computacionais altamente precisos para prever tendências para casos de COVID-19 nos Estados Unidos têm novas pesquisas que mostram a importância de uma alta taxa de vacinação para reduzir o número de casos e controlar a pandemia.
Una tasa alta de vacunación es clave para el curso de la pandemia de la COVID-19, según un modelo computarizado de Mayo Clinic
Los científicos de datos de Mayo Clinic que desarrollaron un modelado computarizado de gran precisión para predecir las tendencias de los casos de COVID-19 en Estados Unidos cuentan con una investigación nueva que muestra la importancia de una tasa alta de vacunación para reducir la cantidad de casos y controlar la pandemia.
Mayo Clinic Model of Care and Research leads to favorable outcomes for patients with COVID-19
Patients with COVID-19 who received care at Mayo Clinic, whether in the hospital or at home, had outcomes that compared favorably to those reported nationally and internationally. These results demonstrate the value of an integrated, team-based approach to patient care and monitoring, according to a retrospective study of all patients with COVID-19 treated at Mayo Clinic March 1–July 31.
Homeless people receive less treatment in hospitals for heart attacks, have higher readmission rates
Homelessness has become a social crisis and public health problem around the world, affecting people of all ages. Most homeless people are at a disadvantage with few resources, and may or may not have adequate health insurance. Mental illness and substance abuse are common issues in the homeless community. People living on the streets have a high likelihood of developing heart disease. Yet they have little ability to take care of their health.
‘Start low, go slow’ still applies for pain management, especially for older patients
Chronic pain affects a large proportion of older adults and most long-term care residents. Managing chronic pain effectively is essential but challenging, and it has been complicated by concerns about opioid abuse.
High cost of insulin has life-or-death implications for diabetic patients
The most commonly used forms of insulin cost 10 times more in the U.S. than in any other developed country, according to a commentary in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. This prohibitive cost is causing some U.S. patients with Type 1 diabetes to ration the amount of insulin they use, with life-threatening implications.
Structured, salary-only compensation plan for physicians is a model for pay equity, Mayo Clinic study finds
Gender pay equity in the field of medicine remains elusive. Gender-based pay differences have been shown to persist, even when controlling for experience, clinical productivity, academic rank and other factors. These inequities result in significantly lower lifetime earnings, job burnout and negative attitudes toward work, and adverse effects on the profession and society.
Expert Alert: Keep exercising: New study finds it’s good for your brain’s gray matter
A study in Mayo Clinic Proceedings from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases provides new evidence of an association between cardiorespiratory fitness and brain health, particularly in gray matter and total brain volume — regions of the brain involved with cognitive decline and aging.
Diabetes can independently lead to heart failure, population study shows
Heart problems are a common development for people with diabetes. In fact, about 33% of people in the U.S. admitted to the hospital for heart failure also have diabetes. Heart failure may be the result of a co-condition, such as hypertension or coronary heart disease, but not always.
A study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Diabetes Mellitus Is an Independent Predictor for the Development of Heart Failure: A Population Study, examines the idea of diabetic cardiomyopathy and heart failure from the effects of diabetes alone.
Case report: Stem cells a step toward improving motor, sensory function after spinal cord injury
Stem cells derived from a patient’s own fat offer a step toward improving — not just stabilizing — motor and sensory function of people with spinal cord injuries, according to early research from Mayo Clinic.
Study finds associations between rheumatoid arthritis, other diseases before and after diagnosis
A Mayo Clinic-led study involving 3,276 patients has found that people with inflammatory bowel disease, Type 1 diabetes or blood clots may be at increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. The study, published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, also found that people who have rheumatoid arthritis are at increased risk of developing heart disease, blood clots and sleep apnea.
Chronic kidney disease patients at increased risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes, Mayo Clinic study finds
Chronic kidney disease, which afflicts an estimated 6.4% of U.S. adults 45 and older, is associated with an increased risk of heart attack and other adverse cardiovascular outcomes, according to new research from Mayo Clinic.