توصلت دراسة في مايو كلينك إلى أن تشغيل جسمك أثناء العمل قد يزيد من توقد عقلك

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا. — تشير دراسة أجريت في مايو كلينك إلى أن “محطات العمل النشطة”، وهي تجهيزات العمل التي تشمل سير المشي أو الدراجة أو المشاية أو مكتب الوقوف، تعمل على تحسين الإدراك العقلي دون تقليل الأداء الوظيفي. في الوقت نفسه، يزيد وقت الجلوس الممتد من خطر الإصابة بالأَمْراض المُزْمِنَةالذي يمكن الوقاية منها. نُشرت النتائج في مجلة جمعية القلب الأمريكية

Hackensack University Medical Center Celebrates Heart Month with Cardiovascular Successes

Hackensack University Medical Center’s heart experts are taking this time to celebrate their leadership in cardiovascular care. The hospital is the only center in New Jersey to use a novel method to assess the health of smaller arteries in the heart and pinpoint microvascular disease, which until now has presented a diagnostic challenge. And they are offering patients promising new therapies by participating in high-profile cardiovascular clinical trials.

IU experts available to discuss cardiovascular disease research and care for American Heart Month

According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide.  The interdisciplinary research team at the Indiana University School of Medicine Krannert Cardiovascular Research Center investigates the pathological changes of the heart at various…

Emergency cardiovascular care impact goal outlines 3 target needs

Only 10% of people who experience a cardiac arrest survive.[1] In new challenge goals outlined in the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care 2030 Impact Goals and Call to Action to Improve Cardiac Arrest Outcomes, the American Heart Association’s volunteer advisory Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee makes the case for doubling survivorship to 20%.

Por qué las personas adultas de la comunidad LGBTQ+ deben prestar atención a la salud cardíaca

En estudios recientes se ha observado una tendencia preocupante en la salud cardiovascular de las personas adultas de la comunidad LGBTQ+. Tienen una peor salud cardíaca en comparación con las personas cisgénero heterosexuales. Las personas LGBTQ+ también tienden a tener una mayor prevalencia de factores de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular.

Los investigadores de Mayo Clinic preparan el terreno para el tratamiento individualizado de la obesidad, adaptando las intervenciones a las necesidades de cada persona

En un estudio piloto de 165 personas, los investigadores de Mayo Clinic analizaron la eficacia de dos enfoques distintos para la pérdida de peso: una intervención estándar en el estilo de vida y tratamiento individualizado. La intervención estándar en el estilo de vida comprendía una dieta reducida, ejercicio y terapia conductual.

New Study Shows Black Cancer Survivors Face Increased Mortality From Heart Disease; Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Insurance Contributing Factors

A new study from researchers at the American Cancer Society found that Black cancer survivors in the United States experience a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared with White cancer survivors.

First Dedicated Heart and Vascular Hospital in Waxahachie Opening Soon

Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital – Waxahachie*, an expansion of the nationally recognized Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital – Dallas*, is now complete.

Not eating enough of these six healthy foods is associated with higher cardiovascular disease and deaths globally

This study found that not eating enough of six key foods in combination is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults. Researchers derived a diet score from PHRI’s ongoing, large-scale global Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study, then replicated that in five independent studies to measure health outcomes in different world regions and in people with and without prior CVD.

Statin alternative lowers risk of cardiac events as well as cholesterol levels

A medication called bempedoic acid reduced the risk of cardiac events as well as statins and may offer an alternative to the popular cholesterol-reducing medications, according to industry-supported research being presented Thursday at ENDO 2023, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting, in Chicago, Ill.

How Does Glucocorticoid Therapy Affect the Developing Cardiovascular System During Pregnancy?

Glucocorticoid therapy is widely used during pregnancies at risk of premature delivery to promote fetal lung maturation. While it is an effective treatment, it can also trigger heart and blood vessel problems. New research published in The FASEB Journal uncovers the mechanisms behind the cardiovascular-related effects of the most commonly used glucocorticoids, Dexamethasone (Dex) and Betamethasone (Beta).

Detecting, Predicting, and Preventing Aortic Ruptures with Computational Modeling

According to some estimates, up to 80% of patients who experience a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm will die before they reach the hospital or during surgery. But early intervention can prevent rupture and improve outcomes. In Physics of Fluids, researchers make a computational model of the cardiovascular system in order to predict early AAA rupture and monitor patients’ blood vessel conditions. They mimicked specific health conditions and investigated various hemodynamic parameters using image-based computational blood dynamics.

La obesidad dificulta el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la enfermedad cardíaca

Tener sobrepeso afecta salud cardíaca de más formas que las que podría imaginar. Un nuevo artículo de revisión de la Revista del Colegio Americano de Cardiología de Mayo Clinic describe cómo la obesidad afecta las pruebas comunes que se usan para diagnosticar la enfermedad cardíaca e impacta en los tratamientos.

A Novel Mechanism May Be Effective in Patients With Severe Hypertriglyceridemia and Prior Episodes of Acute Pancreatitis

A novel type of therapy, known as ANGPTL3 inhibitor therapy, was effective in lowering triglycerides in certain types of patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia (sHTG) who had a prior episode(s) of acute pancreatitis. sHTG is a well-established risk factor for recurrent episodes of acute pancreatitis. These high-risk patients were the focus of a phase 2 study that was led by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and sponsored and funded by Regeneron.

Ingeniería de tejidos para fortalecer corazones con malformaciones

¿Acaso sería posible extraer células de una pequeña porción de piel y transformarlas en tejido muscular para reparar un defecto cardíaco congénito? Esta es una pregunta científica que el Dr. Timothy Nelson, y sus colaboradores esperan responder para ayudar a quienes nazcan con una cavidad malformada en el hemisferio izquierdo del corazón, una afección compleja e infrecuente conocida como síndrome del corazón izquierdo hipoplásico (HLHS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Modificação de tecido para fortalecer os corações subdesenvolvidos

As células coletadas de uma pequena porção de pele poderiam se transformar em músculo cardíaco e reparar um defeito cardíaco congênito raro? Esta é uma questão científica que o Dr. Timothy Nelson (Ph.D.) e os seus colaboradores esperam responder para as pessoas que nasceram com a cavidade cardíaca esquerda subdesenvolvida (uma condição rara e complexa conhecida como Síndrome de hipoplasia do coração esquerdo, SHCE).

Una investigación de 20 años sugiere que los deportistas con enfermedades cardíacas genéticas pueden volver a competir sin correr peligro

Los investigadores de Mayo Clinic hicieron una revisión de los atletas que se trataron en Mayo durante un período de 20 años, y los hallazgos publicados en Mayo Clinic Proceedings sugieren que después de que la afección del paciente se haya evaluado y tratado de manera adecuada, es factible que los atletas puedan volver a sus actividades de forma segura.

Cardiologist to Female Patients: Be Aware of Atypical Heart Attack Symptoms

In recognition of American Heart Month (February), one cardiologist from New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM) is sharing potentially life-saving information for patients assigned female at birth. “The leading killer in women is not cancer—it’s heart disease,…

Treating, Preventing Heart Attacks with Human Tissue Models

In Biophysics Reviews, researchers explore how human tissue models can be used to examine the impact of heart attacks and treatment of the fibrotic tissue outside the body, improving treatment and diagnosis. They use organoids, 3D organlike multicellular models derived from stem cells, to mimic natural development, structural organization, regeneration, and disease progression. Meanwhile, microfluidic devices control cell placement and fluid flow to act like the heart on a chip, while bioprinting allows cardiac tissue to be built up layer by layer.

Enfermedad de las arterias periféricas señala problemas cardiovasculares en corazón, cerebro y piernas

Si no ha escuchado hablar sobre la enfermedad de las arterias periféricas, no es la única persona que no lo ha hecho. Aunque los médicos y las organizaciones de atención de la salud han concienciado mejor acerca de que la enfermedad cardíaca es la primera causa de muerte en todo el mundo,

A doença arterial periférica pode ser um sinal de problema cardiovascular no coração, cérebro e pernas

Se você nunca ouviu falar da doença arterial periférica, você não está sozinho. Apesar de s médicos e as organizações de saúde já terem avançado na conscientização de que a doença cardíaca é a principal causa de morte em todo o mundo, a doença arterial periférica, mesmo sendo parte das doenças cardíacas, não é muito conhecida.

When heart-assisting implants could save a life, patients who are Black or female don’t get them as often

Black people and women with severe heart failure who might be good candidates for surgery to implant a heart-assisting device have a lower chance of actually getting that operation than white patients, or male patients, a new study finds.

Cardiac death rates declined for both Black and white Americans since 1999, but racial disparities persist

Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center conducted a comprehensive investigation of national trends in cardiovascular mortality among Black and white women and men across multiple socio-demographic domains and found a decline in cardiovascular mortality rates across all groups over the last 20 years.

Procedimiento cardíaco para disminuir riesgo de accidente cerebrovascular debe controlar fugas pequeñas

Las fugas después del cierre del apéndice auricular izquierdo son más importantes de lo que se creía, dice un nuevo estudio de Mayo Clinic. El estudio muestra una relación entre una fuga, aunque sea pequeña, y un riesgo entre 10 y 15 por ciento mayor de sufrir un evento adverso.