Distinguished Lecture: Targeting a World-Leading Market Supplier of Graphene Materials

Join us for an insightful lecture by Professor Zhongfan Liu, Boya Chair Professor at Peking University and President of the Beijing Graphene Institute (BGI). Professor Liu will discuss how BGI is rapidly becoming a global leader in graphene materials, with innovations like graphene-skinned glass fibers, single crystal graphene wafers, and more!

Argonne materials scientist Mercouri Kanatzidis wins award from American Chemical Society for Chemistry of Materials

Argonne materials scientist Mercouri Kanatzidis received the award for chemistry in materials from the American Chemical Society, the nation’s leading professional society for chemists.

Material stimulated by light pulses could be leap toward more energy-efficient supercomputing

In an Argonne-led project, researchers used X-ray microscopy to discover a ferroelectric material that tailors its response to controlled ultrafast external stimuli, such as light pulses. The material might be applicable to energy-efficient microelectronics.

New light-induced material shows powerful potential for quantum applications

Argonne researchers recently discovered a way to control electronic bonding in a semiconducting material using light and magnetic fields, paving the way toward new quantum devices.

High-Voltage Gun Accelerates Electrons from Zero to 80 … Percent the Speed of Light

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have designed and tested the world’s highest voltage polarized electron gun, a key piece of technology needed for building the world’s first fully polarized Electron-Ion Collider (EIC).

Nanoscale method boosts materials for advanced memory storage

Next-generation technologies, such as leading-edge memory storage solutions and brain-inspired neuromorphic computing systems, could touch nearly every aspect of our lives — from the gadgets we use daily to the solutions for major global challenges.

‘Writing’ with atoms could transform materials fabrication for quantum devices

A research team at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory created a novel advanced microscopy tool to “write” with atoms, placing those atoms exactly where they are needed to give a material new properties.

Innovative electrolytes could transform steelmaking and beyond

Scientists are pioneering a new approach to designing electrolytes for more energy-efficient and less carbon-intensive electrochemical processes. They hope to improve electrolyte performance in applications such as iron production for steel.

Emily Carter wins prestigious Marsha I. Lester Award from American Chemical Society

Nominees for the award must be members of the ACS’s physical chemistry division. The winner receives the award at the meeting, gives a research presentation, and receives an honorarium. Carter is just the second person to receive this newly established award.

Constriction Junction, Do You Function?

Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have shown that a type of qubit whose architecture is more amenable to mass production can perform comparably to qubits currently dominating the field.

Four Argonne scientists receive 2024 DOE Early Career Research Awards

As winners of the 2024 U.S. Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Program, four scientists from Argonne National Laboratory are each receiving an award of $550,000 a year for five years to help them answer complex questions.

New Computer Simulations Help Scientists Advance Energy-Efficient Microelectronics

Researchers have developed FerroX, a new open-source, 3D simulation framework that could advance record-breaking energy efficiency in microelectronics by unveiling the microscopic origins of a physical phenomenon called negative capacitance in ferroelectric thin films.

Researchers demystify polymer binders to pave way for better sulfide solid-state electrolyte membranes

Using a polymer to make a strong yet springy thin film, scientists led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory are speeding the arrival of next-generation solid-state batteries. This effort advances the development of electric vehicle power enabled by flexible, durable sheets of solid-state electrolytes.

New technique sculpts tiny tools for optical precision

Scientists have developed a new way to create miniature optical components that shape light into non-diffracting beams, paving the way for smaller, more versatile optical systems. By directly writing tiny patterns with a femtosecond laser, they can tailor these components to specific tasks, like trapping particles or manipulating light for advanced imaging.

Studying Loss to Make Quantum Computing Gains

Scientists from Yale University and the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have developed a systematic approach to understanding how energy is lost from the materials that make up qubits. Energy loss inhibits the performance of these quantum computer building blocks, so determining its sources — and adjusting the materials as necessary — can help bring researchers closer to designing quantum computers that could revolutionize several scientific fields.

Ability to track nanoscale flow in soft matter could prove pivotal discovery

Scientists developed a novel technique using X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy to study soft matter at the nanoscale. This method enables precise determination of the flow behavior of nanoparticles in soft matter exposed to an external stimulus.

Esther Takeuchi Honored in Special Festschrift Issue

Esther Sans Takeuchi, a materials scientist and chemical engineer at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, was honored by the Journal of Physical Chemistry C in a special Festschrift issue earlier this year.

New framework for identifying material coatings that can be used in nuclear reactors finds alternative to nickel-based alloys

Argonne scientists designed a way to optimize discovery of nuclear material coatings and identified a promising new candidate along the way.

Pursuing the middle path to scientific discovery

Scientists have made significant strides in understanding the properties of a ferroelectric material under an electric field. This breakthrough holds potential for advances in computer memory, lasers and sensors for ultraprecise measurements.

High-Speed Camera for Molecules: Entangled Photons Enabled Raman Spectroscopy

This scheme significantly improves the frequency-time resolution of spectra, yielding elaborate HOM interference which enables the selective access of stimulated Raman scattering. In addition, no grating is required for detection, simplifying the experimental setup.

Drug delivery via textile fibers

Medical products such as ointments or syringes reach their limits when it comes to delivering medication locally – and above all in a controlled manner over a longer period of time. Empa researchers are therefore developing polymer fibers that can deliver active ingredients precisely over the long term. These “liquid core fibers” contain drugs inside and can be processed into medical textiles.

CityUHK President Prof. Freddy Boey Appointed as HKIAS Senior Fellow

The Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Freddy Boey Yin Chiang as the Senior Fellow of the Institute. Professor Boey, currently serving as the President and Distinguished University Professor of City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK), brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this prestigious role.

HKIAS Senior Fellow Professor Sir John B. Pendry Receives the 2024 Kyoto Prize

The Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) is pleased to share that Professor Sir John Pendry, our HKIAS Senior Fellow and Professor of Theoretical Solid State Physics at Imperial College London, has been awarded the 2024 Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology for his contribution to the Theoretical Construction of Metamaterials in Materials Science.

Unlocking the mystery behind the performance decline in a promising cathode material

Researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory have discovered the main reason why and how one of the more promising new cathode materials degrades with repeated cycling of lithium-ion batteries. The team’s new analysis method was key to the discovery.

3 women named to Pitt posts of engineering dean, education dean, head of student affairs

Michele V. Manuel has been named the first women dean at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, while Eboni Zamani-Gallaher likewise was named dean of the Pitt School of Education and Carla Panzella the vice provost for student affairs, university officials announced.

Scientists are shaking up lithium extraction with a different kind of chemistry

Scientists at the Critical Materials Innovation (CMI) Hub, led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames National Laboratory, have developed a new process, mechanochemical extraction of lithium at low temperatures, or MELLT, to increase and diversify the supply of lithium in the United States.

New Technique Lets Scientists Create Resistance-Free Electron Channels

Researchers have taken the first atomic-resolution images and demonstrated electrical control of a chiral interface state – an exotic quantum phenomenon that could help researchers advance quantum computing and energy-efficient electronics.

How Scientists Are Accelerating Chemistry Discoveries With Automation

Researchers have developed an automated workflow that could accelerate the discovery of new pharmaceutical drugs and other useful products. The new approach could enable real-time reaction analysis and identify new chemical-reaction products much faster than current laboratory methods.

Healable Cathode Could Unlock Potential of Solid-state Lithium-sulfur Batteries

UC San Diego engineers developed a cathode material for lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries that is healable and highly conductive, overcoming longstanding challenges of traditional sulfur cathodes. The advance holds promise for bringing more energy dense and low-cost Li-S batteries closer to market.