Sixbert Muhoza studies a new class of materials that could help fight climate change

A scholar in Argonne’s Applied Materials Division, Sixbert Muhoza is studying a new class of materials called MXenes that could improve batteries and help convert carbon dioxide to fuel.

Q & A with UK sport psychologist Marc Cormier: How student-athletes handle high-pressure situations

It’s basketball fans’ favorite time of year — March Madness. Whether it is the love of basketball, or the thrill of competition, every fan is rooting on a favorite team.What does it take to win it all? Marc Cormier, director of the Sport and Exercise Psychology graduate program housed in the University of Kentucky College of Education Department of Kinesiology and Health Promotion, and director of Counseling and Sport Psychology Services in UK Athletics, recently explained to UKNow how student-athletes handle high-pressure situations.

COVID expansion of SNAP benefits expires, hunger and food insecurity likely to rise, says family nutrition expert

SNAP serves as the nation’s and the state’s largest line of defense against hunger and food insecurity. SNAP, formerly called food stamps, provides cash benefits to purchase food to eligible individuals with low incomes. Elena Serrano, director of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Family Nutrition Program, says, “Ending the enhanced benefits will affect households who have the most to lose, those households that qualified for maximum benefits, who will lose an added $95 per month in benefits. On average SNAP participants will lose $82 per month.”

Netflix password sharing outrage can be explained by behavioral economics, says expert

By the end of March, Netflix plans to crack down on password sharing for U.S. subscribers. This announcement has been met by surprise, outrage, and confusion as consumers ponder how their Netflix accounts will be affected. Jadrian Wooten, a professor of economics at Virginia Tech, provides his perspective on the issue.

UK HealthCare neurologist working to improve access to MS treatments

Together with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) experts, biostatisticians and clinicians from across the globe, a UK HealthCare neurologist has helped compile an essential list of MS medications for patients in resource-poor settings. Jagannadha “Jay” Avasarala, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Comprehensive Care Center for MS and Neuroimmunology at the Kentucky Neuroscience Institute, currently serves as a panel member of the Multiple Sclerosis International Foundation (MSIF) and previously served as chair of the American Academy of Neurology (2020-22).

ACC Scientific Session 2023 to Feature Smidt Heart Institute Experts

Experts from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai, California’s premier cardiology and heart surgery provider, will present innovative research findings and lead discussions on the latest high-impact medical breakthroughs during the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Annual Scientific Session & Expo March 4-6 in New Orleans.

Experto de Mayo Clinic Healthcare: la inteligencia artificial mejora la precisión de la colonoscopia

El Dr. James East dedica su tiempo a examinar con destreza el colon de las personas para buscar y detectar pólipos sospechosos que podrían transformarse en algún momento en cáncer. Este gastroenterólogo de Mayo Clinic Healthcare en Londres afirma que la capacidad de identificar riesgos de cáncer y de eliminarlos de inmediato durante una colonoscopia es una de las partes más gratificantes de la profesión que eligió.

Especialista da Mayo Clinic Healthcare: a inteligência artificial melhora a precisão da colonoscopia

O Dr. James East passa os seus dias examinando com habilidade o cólon das pessoas, procurando e extraindo pólipos suspeitos que um dia poderiam se transformar em câncer. Gastroenterologista da Mayo Clinic Healthcare em Londres, ele diz que a capacidade de identificar os riscos do câncer e eliminá-los diretamente no local durante a colonoscopia é uma das partes mais satisfatórias da profissão que ele escolheu.

UC San Diego Expert on Violence Assesses Police Brutality and Mass Shootings in America

Tage Rai is a psychologist and assistant professor of management at UC San Diego’s Rady School of Management who studies ethics and violence. He co-authored the book “Virtuous Violence” outlining research which finds that most acts of violence are driven by moral motives on the part of perpetrators. That is, perpetrators believe they are doing the right thing when they hurt and kill their victims. In this Q&A, Rai, who teaches negotiation at the Rady School, addresses dual crises impacting America—police brutality and gun violence—and what can be done to prevent them.

Un experto del Sistema de Salud de Mayo Clinic comparte 10 consejos para el entrenamiento con peso para principiantes

Hace unos años, se consideraba que el levantamiento con peso estaba reservado solo para fisicoculturistas y deportistas. Sin embargo, se han investigado considerablemente los beneficios médicos de levantar pesas. Tener huesos y músculos más fuertes es beneficioso para todas las personas. Piense en incorporar el entrenamiento con peso a su rutina, más allá de su edad, capacidad o nivel de aptitud física.

خبير نظام مايو كلينك الصحي يشارك 10 نصائح حول تمارين رفع الأثقال للمبتدئين

لاكروس، ولاية ويسكونسن — منذ سنوات، كان يُعتقد بأن رفع الأثقال يقتصر فقط على لاعبي كمال الأجسام والرياضيين. على الرغم من وجود أبحاث هامة حول الفوائد الطبية لرفع الأثقال. حيث يستفيد الجميع من التمتع بعظام وعضلات قوية. لذا، عليك بالتخطيط لإدراج تمارين رفع الأثقال في روتينك، بصرف النظر عن عمرك أو قدراتك أو مستوى لياقتك البدنية.

Especialista do Sistema de Saúde da Mayo Clinic compartilha 10 dicas de musculação para iniciantes

Anos atrás, acreditava-se que o levantamento de peso era reservado apenas para fisiculturistas e atletas. No entanto, muitas pesquisas significativas foram realizadas sobre os benefícios médicos da musculação. Ossos e músculos mais fortes são benéficos para todas as pessoas. Pense em incorporar a musculação em sua rotina, independentemente da sua idade, habilidade ou nível de condicionamento físico.

Neurocirujano de Mayo Clinic describe las opciones más recientes para tratar la epilepsia

La epilepsia es un trastorno neurológico en el que la actividad del cerebro es anormal, lo que provoca convulsiones o períodos de comportamiento inusuales, sensaciones y, en algunos casos, pérdida de la consciencia. Cualquier persona puede padecer epilepsia, y esta afecta a hombres y mujeres de todas las razas, orígenes étnicos y edades. En esta alerta para los expertos, el Dr. Jamie Van Gompel, neurocirujano de Mayo Clinic, describe las opciones de tratamiento más recientes.

Neurocirurgião da Mayo Clinic descreve as opções mais recentes para tratar a epilepsia

A epilepsia é um distúrbio neurológico no qual as atividades cerebrais se tornam anormais, causando convulsões ou períodos de comportamento e sensações incomuns e, ocasionalmente, perda de consciência. Qualquer pessoa pode desenvolver epilepsia e a doença afeta homens e mulheres de todas as raças, etnias e idades. Neste alerta do especialista, o Dr. Jamie Van Gompel, neurocirurgião da Mayo Clinic, descreve as opções mais recentes de tratamento.

Fetal Echoes: Caring for the Heart During Pregnancy

As the nation continues to recognize American Heart Month, the Smidt Heart Institute’s Ruchira Garg, MD, director of Congenital Noninvasive Cardiology in the Guerin Family Congenital Heart Program at Cedars-Sinai, and Susanna Tran, MD, sat down with the Cedars-Sinai Newsroom to spotlight specialized fetal imaging.

Women in Medicine: Dr. Priyamvada Rai to Co-lead Tumor Biology Research Program

Priyamvada Rai, Ph.D., is the new Tumor Biology Research Program co-leader at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of UHealth – University of Miami Health System.

Countdown To the Big Game: Dr. Tyrha’s Top Five Super Bowl Commercials for the Past Five Years

Who are the big brands who win big with their Super Bowl commercials? Advertising executive and multicultural media expert Tyrha M. Lindsey-Warren, Ph.D., clinical assistant professor of marketing at Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business, says the key for companies break through the noise and make a lasting impression on viewers is empowered storytelling.

Q&A: UW historian explores how a Husky alum influenced postcolonial Sudan

Christopher Tounsel, associate professor of history at the University of Washington, found multiple connections between Sudan and Seattle while researching his upcoming book. The most prominent was the late Andrew Brimmer, a UW alum who in 1966 became the first Black member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

Advancing Care and Innovation for Pediatric Brain Tumors

The Brain Tumor Center at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles takes a team approach—and offers one of the largest clinical trial programs of its kind. The Brain Tumor Center at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is one of the largest and most comprehensive pediatric brain tumor programs in the country, integrating experts from multiple specialty areas into a coordinated treatment team.

أسئلة وإجابات مايو كلينك: كيف تتجنب إصابة الكاحل؟

عزيزتي مايو كلينك: أنا في أوائل الخمسينيات من عمري وأتمتع بنمط حياة نشط. سمعت مؤخرًا تقارير عن زيادة في إصابات التواء الكاحل وكسره خاصة لدى كبار السن، ويرجع ذلك جزئيًا إلى مقدار النشاط والشيخوخة. كيف يمكنني تجنب هذه الإصابات في المقام الأول؟

Preguntas y respuestas de Mayo Clinic: cómo evitar una lesión en el tobillo

Tengo poco más de 50 años y disfruto de un estilo de vida activo. Hace poco, me enteré de que hay informes sobre un aumento de esguinces y fracturas de tobillo, particularmente entre la población más adulta, debido a una combinación de dos factores: la actividad y la edad. ¿Cómo puedo evitar estas lesiones en primer lugar?

Sure Bet: UNLV Expert on the Past, Present, and Future of Legalized Sports Wagering

For many fans, sports betting is most associated with the glare of television screens broadcasting every sporting event imaginable in a glitzy casino in Las Vegas — for decades, one of the only places in the U.S. where spectators could legally place wagers. But today, we’re not alone: Since 2018, federal law changes have prompted 36 states to join Nevada in legalizing bets on some of America’s favorite pastimes, and another three could get in the game this year.

What is MINOCA? A Type of Heart Attack Mostly Affecting Women

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in the U.S., and a type of heart attack called myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA), which predominantly affects women, is garnering increased attention.

Keep Your Heart Strong with these 3 Foods. Expert Tips for February: American Hearth Month

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women, with half of all Americans (47%) qualifying for at least one of the three key risk factors (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking cigarettes). Keep Your Heart Strong with these 3 Foods. Expert Tips for February: American Hearth Month
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women, with half of all Americans (47%) qualifying for at least one of the three key risk factors (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking cigarettes). Good news: You can manage two of these risk factors.

UT Southwestern ophthalmologist shares techniques for cataract surgery complications

Patients undergoing cataract surgery typically have their natural lens replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). But complications occasionally arise that require the placement of a more surgically challenging secondary IOL. Several techniques are available for secondary IOL placement, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Q&A: How AI can help people be more empathetic about mental health

A team led by researchers at the University of Washington studied how artificial intelligence could help people on the platform TalkLife, where people give each other mental health support. The researchers developed an AI system that suggested changes to participants’ responses to make them more empathetic. The best responses resulted from a collaboration between AI and people.

أسئلة وإجابات مايو كلينك: علامات التمدد لدى المراهقين

الأعزاء في مايو كلينك: زاد طول ابني البالغ من العمر 14 عامًا حوالي 4 بوصات (10 سم) في العام الماضي. وقد لاحظت ظهور بعض الخطوط الوردية والأرجوانية على ساقيه وظهره. لقد بدت هذه الخطوط كأنها علامات تمدد، وكنت أظن أن مثل هذه الخطوط لا تظهر إلا خلال فترة الحمل. هل علامات التمدد شائعة الحدوث في أثناء فترة المراهقة؟ لقد سمعت أن وضع زبدة الكاكاو على الجلد سيؤدي إلى اختفاءها، ولكن هل هناك أشياء أخرى يجب أن نجربها؟

Síntomas de menopausia: especialista de Mayo Clinic describe las terapias hormonales y no hormonales

La menopausia, que es el fin de los ciclos menstruales, puede provocar síntomas como sofocos, sudoración nocturna, insomnio y cambios en el estado de ánimo. Las mujeres no tienen por qué sufrir en silencio. La Dra. Jewel Kling, presidenta de la División de Salud de la Mujer de Mayo Clinic en Scottsdale, Arizona, explica las terapias hormonales y no hormonales.

Sintomas da menopausa: especialista da Mayo Clinic fala sobre terapias hormonais e não hormonais

A menopausa (o fim dos ciclos menstruais) pode produzir sintomas como ondas de calor, transpiração noturna, insônia e mudanças de humor. As mulheres não precisam sofrer em silêncio. Muitas opções de tratamento estão disponíveis. A Dra. Jewel Kling, diretora da divisão de Saúde da Mulher na Mayo Clinic em Scottsdale, Arizona, fala sobre terapias hormonais e não hormonais.

Menopause symptoms: Mayo Clinic expert outlines hormone and nonhormonal therapies

Menopause, the end of menstrual cycles, can produce symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and mood changes. Women do not need to suffer in silence: Many treatment options are available. Jewel Kling, M.D., chair of the Division of Women’s Health at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, describes hormonal and nonhormonal therapies.

أعراض انقطاع الطمث: خبير من مايو كلينك يفسر العلاجات الهرمونية وغير الهرمونية

مدينة سكوتسديل، ولاية أريزونا – يمكن أن يؤدي انقطاع الطمث، نهاية دَورة الحيض، إلى ظهور أعراض مثل هَبَّات الحرارة والتعرّق الليلي والأرق والتغيرات المزاجية. لا يُفترض أن تعاني النساء في صمت: إذ تتوفر العديد من خيارات العلاج. تصف جويل كلينج، دكتورة الطب، رئيسة قسم صحة المرأة في مايو كلينك في مدينة سكوتسدال، بولاية أريزونا، العلاجات الهرمونية وغير الهرمونية.

Sports Psychologist Offers Insight on Damar Hamlin’s Collapse and the Future of Football

University at Albany’s Bruce Svare, professor emeritus of psychology and neuroscience, is an expert in sport psychology and the relationship between sport and society. We caught up with Svare to gain insight into the potential implications of Hamlin’s injury on the sport, whether the incident might incite changes to policies around player protection and how this event might influence perceptions of the sport among youth athletes and their caregivers.