Nature’s 3D printer: bristle worms form bristles piece by piece

A new interdisciplinary study led by molecular biologist Florian Raible from the Max Perutz Labs at the University of Vienna provides exciting insights into the bristles of the marine annelid worm Platynereis dumerilii. Specialized cells, so-called chaetoblasts, control the formation of the bristles. Their mode of operation is astonishingly similar to that of a technical 3D printer. The project is a collaboration with researchers from the University of Helsinki, Vienna University of Technology and Masaryk University in Brno.

LLNL debuts trio of systems on new Top500 list of world’s most powerful supercomputers, including El Capitan Early Delivery System

Three new systems currently or soon-to-be sited at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) on Monday debuted on the latest Top500 list of most powerful supercomputers in the world, including the first portion of the exascale machine El Capitan.

Making batteries takes lots of lithium. Almost half of it could come from Pennsylvania wastewater.

A new analysis using compliance data from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection suggests that if it could be extracted with complete efficiency, lithium from the wastewater of Marcellus shale gas wells could supply up to 40% of the country’s demand. The research is by University of Pittsburgh and National Energy Technology Laboratory scientists.

Development of technology for producing bioplastics from agricultural and food byproducts by the World Institute of Kimchi

Hae Choon Chang, President of the World Institute of Kimchi (WiKim) announced on April 22 that the institute has developed a ‘bio-refactoring-based upcycling technology’ that can convert cabbage byproducts discarded as waste during the food manufacturing process into biodegradable plastics.

Join Us for a Research Sharing Session on Neurocognitive & Dyslexia

The Faculty of Psychology at Chulalongkorn University cordially invites everyone to join a Research Sharing Session on “Neural Sensitivity and Facilitation in Visual Word Processing of Typical and Dyslexic Readers” presented by Prof. Dr. Urs Maurer from the Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The American Macular Degeneration Foundation Showcases Breakthrough AMD Research at ARVO 2024

The American Macular Degeneration Foundation supports a diverse portfolio of research investigations to advance the development of treatments, tools and usable information that improve the lives of those affected by AMD.


The long-awaited Increasing Organ Transplant Access (IOTA) Model was released yesterday by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) focusing on increasing patients’ access to kidney transplantation across the United States.

Adding immune-boosting agent to personalized cancer vaccine supercharges the body’s immune defense against malignant brain tumors

Investigators at the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center have pinpointed a combination immunotherapy treatment that enhances the immune response for people with malignant gliomas, an aggressive type of brain tumor that is fast growing and difficult to treat.

Mother’s Day brings flowers, floral expert lists favorites, shares how to make them last

Mother’s Day celebrations in the United States bring family together — and bring a lot of business to the floral industry, with flowers one of the most popular gifts. Floral design instructor Barbara Leshyn talks about what the holiday means for the floral industry, what kinds of flowers make the most popular gifts, and how to make those lovely bouquets last.

Giving Local Business a ‘Boost’ with National Lab Technology

Jefferson Lab has teamed up with New Mexico’s Sandia National Laboratories to bring the Boost Platform to Hampton Roads, kicking off the partnership with a well-attended workshop in Newport News. The DOE initiative, led by Sandia Labs, brings national labs, startups, academia and entrepreneurs together to find solutions to big, community-based energy and technology challenges.

Chula Engineering Students Win First Prize in BU X Berkeley SkyDeck Fund Hackathon 2024

Congratulations to Ms. Anya Chiradejnant, Ms. Nuchada Chotipanich and Ms. Sarisa Trithipchatsakul, 3rd-year Nano-Engineering students at the International School of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, for securing the top spot in the 2nd BU X Berkeley SkyDeck Fund Hackathon 2024.

Infección del tracto urinario: Esta infección común puede ser grave

La infección del tracto urinario (ITU) es común, pero puede ser grave. “Las infecciones simples del tracto urinario pueden ser manejadas por su médico de familia, pero cuando se vuelven complejas, lo que lleva a otras cuestiones o problemas, uno debe buscar la atención de un especialista”, explica el Dr. Mitchell Humphreys, urólogo de Mayo Clinic en Arizona.