Study finds that AI benefits workers more than bosses

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Researchers Gordon Gao and Ritu Agarwal published a new report on Wednesday, October 11 that explores how knowledge workers (workers whose main capital is knowledge) with different levels and types of experience team with AI for productivity gains.   The primary findings…

What’s at Stake Today for Workers, Unions? Rutgers Labor Experts Available for Interview

PISCATAWAY, N.J. (November 3, 2020) – Stronger workplace health and safety protections, national paid family leave, a higher federal minimum wage, organizing rights, and other policies critical to workers and their families hinge on the outcome of today’s presidential election.…

Harmful Microbes Found on Sewer Pipe Walls

Can antibiotic-resistant bacteria escape from sewers into waterways and cause a disease outbreak? A new Rutgers study, published in the journal Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, examined the microbe-laden “biofilms” that cling to sewer walls, and even built a simulated sewer to study the germs that survive within.