GW Expert Available: Influence of Redistricting Disputes on House Control in 2024

Redistricting disputes over new congressional lines could determine which party controls the House following the 2024 election. Such disputes were brought on by the delayed completion of the 2020 census due to pandemic-related obstacles as well as the 2019 Supreme…

Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan Partners with Financial Times on Economic Poll Ahead of 2024 Presidential Election

The Financial Times and Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan are partnering on a new monthly poll to track how American voters perceive financial and economic issues in the lead up to the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

Shutdowns, like elections, have winners and losers. Virginia Tech expert explains the optics and how it impacts elections.

The political optics of a government shutdown Shutdowns, like elections, have winners and losers. Virginia Tech public relations expert Cayce Myers says the perception of who caused the shutdown and who didn’t frequently becomes part of a larger political narrative…

Two networks, two realities, one big problem

National news coverage from the two largest broadcast outlets, CNN and Fox News, not only reflects growing political polarization in America, but in a recent publication, researchers at Virginia Tech have shown that partisan and inflammatory broadcast coverage has increased over time and can exacerbate growing divides in the new public square of social media.

Machine learning, blockchain technology could help counter spread of fake news

A proposed machine learning framework and expanded use of blockchain technology could help counter the spread of fake news by allowing content creators to focus on areas where the misinformation is likely to do the most public harm, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University of New York.

Dance and the state: Research explores ballet training in Ukraine

Ballet training centers of Ukraine successfully resist co-optation by both neo-imperial and nationalist ideologies, forming robust and inclusive dancing communities that in many ways mirror structures of modern Ukrainian society, according to research from Binghamton University, State University of New York.

American University Anthropologist and Global Health Expert Available to Comment on Immigration, Immigrant Health

WHAT: As the summer migrant labor season is in full swing in the U.S., health inequities and other social disparities that affect these communities become more visible. Over 3 million people in the U.S. work temporarily or seasonally in farm fields, orchards, canneries, plant nurseries, fish/seafood/meat packing plants, and more.

Financial transparency index helps track the flow of “dark money” in politics

Not all nonprofits are created equal — and some exist mainly to capitalize on a tax law loophole that allows them to anonymously funnel donations to political causes. New University of Oregon research proposes an index that rates the financial transparency of social advocacy nonprofits to give people more awareness of organizations that are funneling anonymous donations, or “dark money,” into politics.

UGA Law professor discusses environmental implications of Sackett decision

On May 25, the Supreme Court issued its decision on Sackett v. EPA, No. 24-454 (2022). University of Georgia School of Law Assistant Professor Adam D. Orford, whose interdisciplinary research investigates legal and policy approaches to environmental protection, has shared…

Expert Available: The political implications and importance of Finland’s entry to NATO — what it means for the conflict in Eastern Europe and regional politics

Christian Jensen, Ph.D., is a political science professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He’s an expert on the topic of European affairs, and can answer high-level questions about Finland and its place in European politics following its accession to…

University provost calls out anti-woke/trans movement in Florida

Donald Hall, provost at Binghamton University, State University of New York, just published a powerful op-ed at the Miami Herald that calls out anti-woke/anti-trans policy and hysteria gaining ground in Florida, and calls for those students seeking a positive learning environment…

American University Experts Look Ahead to 2023

What: Uncertainty in the economy and a possible global recession, the quest for normalcy after the COVID-19 pandemic; the continued war in Ukraine; record numbers of migrants surging across the U.S.-Mexican border… As 2022 concludes, American University experts share their…

Blank pieces of paper at Chinese protests actually say a lot

Demonstrators in China have recently begun to hold blank pieces of paper at protests. While the paper might say nothing, protesters are sending a clear message, according to Dave Clark, an expert in global protest movements and professor of political…

New international study concludes digital media can fuel polarisation and populism

A team of international researchers has carried out a comprehensive review of hundreds of studies globally, the biggest of its kind, exploring whether digital media erodes democracy and found that while social media is not exclusively bad, it can certainly fuel starkly conflicting views, populism, and political mistrust especially in established democracies.

UCI School of Social Ecology welcomes Andrew Yang for “Leading the Change Distinguished Speaker Series”

EVENT:  The School of Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine, welcomes Andrew Yang for its “Leading the Change Distinguished Speaker Series.” The businessman, attorney, lobbyist, political candidate and co-founder of the Forward Party will speak on “Technology, Democracy and the Future.” Event is free and open to the public, but registration is required here: https://socialecology.

GW Experts on Election Security and Political Violence Ahead of the Midterms

“Election officials in the United States have been alerted to safe-proof their voting systems and be vigilant about political violence amid a “very complex threat environment,” top U.S. cybersecurity official Jen Easterly said on Sunday in the wake of an…

Climate Change Consensus Endures in Florida

Seven sequenced surveys since October 2019 paint a comprehensive picture of Floridians’ climate resilience attitudes during a period of particularly dynamic political, economic and environmental events. Climate change has emerged as an abiding and cross-cutting issue in Florida.

EVENT: Peaceful Transitions of Power – Protecting Our Democracy – October 8th

A panel discussion moderated by AU President Sylvia Burwell, featuring Joshua Bolten, chief of staff for President George W. Bush; John Podesta, chief of staff for President Bill Clinton and David Marchick, dean of the Kogod School of Business and former director of the Center for Presidential Transition at the Partnership for Public Service. The event will discuss vulnerabilities in our system of transitions of power and focus on Dean Marchick’s new book, The Peaceful Transfer of Power: An Oral History of America’s Presidential Transitions.

This event is part of American University’s Conversations on Policy, Politics and Our American Democracy series during AU’s Family Weekend.

Highly partisan U.S. election administration should become nonpartisan to preserve democracy, new report recommends

Election Administration In America – Partisan by Design, a recently released report from the Center for an Independent and Sustainable Democracy at Arizona State University and Open Primaries, a national election reform organization, indicates electoral codes in the United States are rife with rules for how the two major parties – Republican and Democratic – prioritize their power at the exclusion of everyone else.

Mass shootings: Conservative, liberal #socialmedia users starting to agree — enough is enough, says @UNLV researcher

Schoolchildren huddled in Uvalde, Tex. classrooms as classmates and teachers are cut down by a rogue gunman. A peaceful weekend afternoon at a Buffalo, N.Y. grocery store interrupted by a white supremacist who sprays the aisles of elderly, predominantly African American weekend shoppers with an AR-15 style rifle. Only five months into the year, these attacks tallied as the 198th and 214th U.