A Q&A with Jeffrey Upperman, a national leader in pediatric trauma and disaster preparedness.

Jeffrey Upperman, MD, surgeon-in-chief at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, talks about why the U.S. needs a coordinated initiative to emphasize the impact of disasters on children to improve both future crisis responses and the care of children in the immediate aftermath and as they develop.

FAU Awarded $10M to Train People with Disabilities for In-demand Tech Jobs

The project will offer career counseling, work-readiness skills training, and customized-training leading to a certificate in cybersecurity, cloud computing solutions, and computer-aided design and 3D printing. The project will assist individuals with disabilities nationwide to acquire certified skills needed for entry into high quality technology sectors and can serve as a model for similar initiatives.

New Scientific Study Confirms Elephants Are Not Thriving in Zoos

A new peer-reviewed study published in the journal Peer J, “Continuing challenges of elephant captivity: the captive environment, health issues, and welfare implications”, has found that, despite recent efforts by zoos, captive elephants continue to face serious problems. This study represents the most up-to-date and accurate account of the persistent if not insurmountable challenges faced by captive elephants.

IA puede ayudar a predecir el riesgo de tener esófago de Barrett y cáncer de esófago

Los cambios precancerosos en las células del esófago, una condición conocida como esófago de Barrett, son un factor de riesgo para el cáncer de esófago. El esófago de Barrett es causado por la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE), que ocurre cuando el ácido del estómago regresa constantemente al esófago, irritando el revestimiento del esófago.

IA pode ajudar a prever o risco de se ter esôfago de Barrett e câncer de esôfago

As alterações pré-cancerosas nas células do esôfago, uma condição conhecida como esôfago de Barrett, são um fator de risco para o câncer de esôfago. O esôfago de Barrett é causado pela doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE), que ocorre quando o ácido do estômago retorna constantemente para o esôfago, irritando o revestimento do esôfago.

قد يساعد الذكاء الاصطناعي في التنبؤ بخطر الإصابة بمريء باريت وسرطان المريء

فينيكس، ولاية أريزونا — تُعد التغيرات في خلايا المريء السابقة للتسرطن، وهي حالة تُسمى مريء باريت، من عوامل الخطورة المرتبطة بسرطان المريء. وينتُج داء باريت عن داء الارتجاع المَعِدي المريئي الذي يحدث عندما يتكرر ارتداد حمض المعدة إلى المريء مما يؤدي إلى تهيج بطانته.

UCLA researchers develop new risk scoring system to account for role of chronic illness in post-surgery mortality

A UCLA research team has created the Comorbid Operative Risk Evaluation (CORE) score to better account for the role chronic illness plays in patient’s risk of mortality after operation, allowing surgeons to adjust to patients’ pre-existing conditions and more easily determine mortality risk.

Neurointerventionalists Can Rarely Recover Payment for Out of Network Mechanical Thrombectomy Under the No Suprises Act

A new Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute study found that neurointerventionalists, who often deliver lifesaving and disability-sparing treatments for emergency stroke cases, have essentially no financially viable access to payment recovery through the No Surprises Act (NSA) for professional mechanical thrombectomy (MT) out-of-network (OON) claims. MT is an effective treatment for emergent large vessel occlusions, such as ischemic stroke. This Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery study was based on 1,000 simulated years of OON MT claims.

As Temperatures Rise, Researchers Identify Mechanisms Behind Plant Response to Warming

Plants widen microscopic pores on their leaves in response to heat. But scientists lacked an understanding of the mechanisms behind this “sweating” function. Now, biologists have unlocked the details behind these processes and identified two paths that plants use to handle rising temperatures.

Mount Sinai BioDesign Expands Industry Collaborations to Expedite and Enhance the Development of Innovative Surgical Technologies

Mount Sinai Health System today announced that Mount Sinai BioDesign, the medical technology incubator of the Health System, has expanded its reach to become a key, effective partner for the broader MedTech community.

Mayo Clinic secures ARPA-H award to build a living pharmacy within the body for inflammatory disease

Mayo Clinic is the prime site for an ARPA-H award to develop an implantable device that acts as a living pharmacy, triggering a “cell factory” in the body to treat inflammatory disease. ARPA-H, short for Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services. It supports research for potentially transformative biomedical and health breakthroughs.

Spinning Out a New Biomaterials Startup Is Harder Than You Think

Spider silk, long prized for its strength and elasticity, has created something of a furor in the biomanufacturing world as businesses look for ways to cheaply scale up production for silks, which can be used in everything from tactical gear to sutures and textiles. However, a comprehensive study conducted by a team of students from around the country, including University of California San Diego, shows that there are many challenges facing the spider silk industry.

Inaugural summit to explore artificial intelligence

A new virtual conference will explore how artificial intelligence (AI) can help health care providers and scientists efficiently analyze vast amounts of data and make more informed decisions, the Endocrine Society announced today.

Cancer centers launch Cancer AI Alliance to unlock discoveries, transform care using cancer data and applied AI

SEATTLE – Oct. 2, 2024 – Four National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers – Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Fred Hutch Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center and Whiting School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins – have joined forces and secured funding from AI technology leaders AWS, Deloitte, Microsoft and NVIDIA, to create the Cancer AI Alliance (CAIA).

Yale Cancer Center Expert Available to Discuss New American Cancer Society Report Revealing Higher Rates of Early Onset Breast Cancer and Disparities in Underserved Populations

Dr. Eric Winer, director of Yale Cancer Center and president and physician-in-chief of Smilow Cancer Hospital, can provide expert insight on the new American Cancer Society report which revealed a three-decade decline in breast cancer mortality, but higher rates of breast…

Q&A: UW researchers examine link between light pollution and interest in astronomy

Rodolfo Cortes Barragan, research scientist the University of Washington Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences (I-LABS), and Andrew Meltzoff, co-director of I-LABS and professor of psychology, recently co-authored a study in Nature Scientific Reports showing a link between the ability to see the stars unblocked by light pollution and an interest in astronomy.

UC Irvine Pathway Project Revolutionizes Literacy Education Across the Country

Irvine, Calif., October 2, 2024 – The Pathway Project, developed by UC Irvine School of Education Professor Emerita Carol Booth Olson as an initiative of the UCI Writing Project at University of California, Irvine, is making significant strides in improving literacy education for students across the country. Using a cognitive strategies approach, the project helps teachers guide students in reading and writing complex texts more effectively.

MD Anderson Research Highlights for October 2, 2024

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Research Highlights showcases the latest breakthroughs in cancer care, research and prevention. These advances are made possible through seamless collaboration between MD Anderson’s world-leading clinicians and scientists, bringing discoveries from the lab to the clinic and back.

Making business model decisions like scientists: Strategic commitment, uncertainty, and economic performance

Abstract Research Summary This study abductively investigates how a firm’s degree of business model development—the extent to which strategic choices are crystallized—moderates the impact of a scientific approach to decision-making on performance. We present findings from a field experiment involving…

JMU expert available to discuss flooding impacts in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene

James Madison University Geomorphology professor L. Scott Eaton is available to discuss flooding impacts in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.   More than 100 people have died across six states and hundreds of roads remain closed, especially in the Carolinas.…

The epileptic heart: Seizures, epilepsy, and cardiac risk factors

Studies suggest that compared with the general population, people with chronic epilepsy have three times the risk of sudden cardiac death. Researchers have introduced the concept of the “epileptic heart” as “a heart and coronary vasculature damaged by chronic epilepsy… leading to electrical and mechanical dysfunction.”

Harnessing Protons to Treat Cancer

Radiation therapy techniques have been used for more than a century to treat cancers. Physicists in the Radiation Detector and Imaging group and associated with the Biomedical Research & Innovation Center (BRIC) at Jefferson Lab are launching a study into how best to advance safer types of radiation therapy. BRIC scientists plan to evaluate the ability of accelerator-based proton therapy to replace radioactive isotope-derived treatments.

PCORI Awards $37 Million To Accelerate Implementation of Evidence-Based Health Research

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) today announced $37 million in funding awards through its Health Systems Implementation Initiative (HSII). These awards will support 25 projects implementing PCORI-funded comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER) findings in participating HSII health systems.

Employment restrictions on resource transferability and value appropriation from employees

Abstract Research Summary We examine the joint adoption of four employment restrictions that limit firm resource outflows—nondisclosure (NDA), non-solicitation, non-recruitment, and noncompete agreements—and their associations with value appropriation from employees. Using novel individual- and firm-level survey data, we find that…

NASA’s Webb Reveals Unusual Jets of Volatile Gas from Icy Centaur 29P

Using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, a team of astronomers observed Centaur 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, one of the most active and intriguing objects in the outer solar system. The high degree of detail captured by the telescope led to the discovery of new, previously unknown jets of gas, which is helping inform theories about how centaurs and planets are formed.