FAU’s Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center (SNMREC) has received an $800,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to advance ocean energy technologies. Collaborating with various experts and organizations, SNMREC will conduct a pioneering feasibility study for an ocean current test facility off Palm Beach County, marking a first in leveraging top marine energy expertise. The project’s end goal is to improve the nation’s competitiveness in marine energy technology, encourage domestic manufacturing, and create jobs while helping to achieve the nation’s energy goals.
Tag: marine energy
Harnessing the Power of the Sea for Renewable Energy
The Atlantic Marine Energy Center (AMEC), led by the University of New Hampshire, is working to develop the technology and skills that will help unlock the power of the sea as a renewable source of energy.
Research Vessel Resilience Charts Course to the Future of Marine Research
SEQUIM, Wash.—Officials gathered at the Sequim campus of the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory today to dedicate DOE’s first hybrid-electric research vessel, RV Resilience.The event marks the start of a new era of marine energy research at PNNL-Sequim, part of DOE’s Office of Science national laboratory system and Resilience’s new home port.
Emerging energy sources’ social acceptability: Evidence from marine-based energy projects
Abstract Any decrease in global warming and its effects can only occur with a substantial reduction in anthropogenic CO2 emissions. In this context, renewable energy sources, particularly emerging sources, may play a central role in accelerating the transition from fossil fuels…
New Generator Rolls into Ocean Energy
New PNNL-developed nanogenerator harnesses the renewable energy in ocean waves to power sensors that provide critical weather and wave information.
Simple Process Extracts Valuable Magnesium Salt from Seawater
A new, simple, and efficient flow-based method allows researchers to pull a useful magnesium salt from natural seawater using easily available chemicals.
Mentoring the Next Generation of Marine Researchers
Program pairs PNNL experts with aspiring UW undergraduates who learn through doing on laboratory projects.
PNNL Makes Waves in New Issue of Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
A new journal issue is dedicated to highlighting the Triton Initiative’s recent work advancing environmental monitoring of marine energy.
Waste to Energy: Biofuel from Kelp Harvesting and Fish
Using existing fish processing plants, kelp and fish waste can be converted to a diesel-like fuel to power generators or fishing boats in remote, coastal Alaska.
Marine and Coastal Research Laboratory—Past, Present, Future
The Marine and Coastal Research Laboratory in Sequim, Washington, is the U.S. Department of Energy’s only marine research facility. It has a rich history and expanding research scope.
Researchers Identify Which West Coast Regions Hold Greatest Wave Energy Potential
Washington and Oregon coastlines hold most promising areas to pull power from West Coast waves, according to a recent study on wave energy.
Renewable Energy Advances in Marine Clean Energy
A special issue of the Marine Technology Society Journal focuses on research and development efforts among industry, academia, and national laboratories, including PNNL. The issue was guest edited by Alicia Gorton, a project manager and ocean engineer at PNNL.
Who Will Get the Prize for Better Hurricane Monitoring?
The Ocean Observing Prize seeks competitors for an incentive prize program to help inventors advance new concepts for marine energy technologies that can power ocean observing systems. This phase focuses on observing platforms that host instruments that can provide better data regarding hurricane formation.