For the seventh year in a row Arizona State University was ranked number one in innovation by U.S. News and World Report.
Month: September 2021
Saving the Great Plains with prescribed fire, mixed grazing
Rangelands in the Great Plains, and the ranchers who depend on them, are losing battles against an invasion of brush and shrubs on historical grasslands.
Child abuse and neglect linked to early death in adulthood
Children who experience sexual or physical abuse or are neglected are more likely to die prematurely as adults, according to a new study analysing data from the 1950s to the present by researchers at UCL and the University of Cambridge.
New potential factor contributing to severity of COVID-19 identified
The University of Kent’s School of Biosciences and the Institute of Medical Virology at Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, have identified a protein that may critically contribute to severe forms of COVID-19.
Fighting Fire with Data Science
UC San Diego has announced a joint appointment with Los Alamos National Laboratory with the appointment of Senior Scientist Rodman Linn to a three-year position with the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI). This is the first joint appointment program between Los Alamos and a UC campus.
Ancient DNA analysis sheds light on dark event in medieval Spain
An international research team led by the University of Huddersfield’s Archaeogenetics Research Group, including geneticists, archaeological scientists, and archaeologists, has published the genome sequence of a unique individual from Islamic medieval Spain – al-Andalus – the results of which have shed light on a brutal event that took place in medieval Spain.
Organic molecule remnants found in nuclei of ancient dinosaur cells
A team of scientists from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and from the Shandong Tianyu Museum of Nature (STM) has isolated exquisitely preserved cartilage cells in a 125-million-year-old dinosaur from Northeast China that contain nuclei with remnants of organic molecules and chromatin.
3D Nano-inks Push Industry Boundaries
A new, 3D-printable polymer nanocomposite ink has incredible properties — and many applications in aerospace, medicine and electronics.
Researchers and citizen scientists complete first-ever Weddell seal count
A research team led by the University of Minnesota Twin Cities has completed a first-ever global population estimate of Weddell seals in Antarctica, showing that there are significantly fewer seals than previously thought. Documenting the seals’ population trends over time will help scientists better understand the effects of climate change and commercial fishing.
NCI renews prestigious ‘comprehensive’ designation for cancer center
The National Cancer Institute renewed the “comprehensive” designation of the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center in recognition of its breadth and depth in cancer research, clinical care, cancer control and population sciences.
Expanding Texas’ integrated pest management teachings
Pest management outreach to both rural and urban audiences in Texas will be expanded and improved thanks to a federal grant awarded to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
Unusual visual examination of objects may indicate later autism diagnosis in infants
Unusual visual inspection of objects in infants may precede the development of the social symptoms characteristic of autism syndrome disorder, a UC Davis Health study has found.
妙佑医疗国际问与答: 儿童与暴风雨焦虑
尊敬的妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic):每当暴风雨来袭时,我6岁的儿子就会变得焦虑不安。去年我们曾因为一场即将来临的飓风而不得不疏散撤离几天。我注意到,从那之后,他对暴风雨的恐惧就变得频繁起来。我该如何帮助我的孩子克服这种恐惧?每当我们离家外出,他总会询问天气情况,如果天色变暗,他还会问我们是不是需要找个地方躲躲以确保安全。我有必要为此感到担忧吗?我是否需要为他安排一次咨询师看诊?
أسئلة وأجوبة مايو كلينك: الأطفال والقلق من العاصفة
السادة الأعزاء في مايو كلينك: يصاب ابني البالغ من العمر 6 سنوات بالقلق والاضطراب كلما عصف الجو. لقد لاحظتُ أن هذا السلوك أصبح أكثر تكرارًا منذ أن اضطررنا إلى الإخلاء العام الماضي لبضعة أيام بسبب إعصار منتظر. ماذا أفعل لمساعدة طفلي على التغلب على خوفه من العواصف؟
Perguntas e respostas da Mayo Clinic: Crianças e a ansiedade relacionada a tempestades
ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: meu filho de 6 anos fica ansioso e agitado sempre que há tempestades. Percebi que esse comportamento se tornou mais frequente desde quando precisamos sair da nossa casa por alguns dias no ano passado devido a um furacão iminente.
Preguntas y respuestas de Mayo Clinic: Los niños y el miedo a las tormentas
ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: Mi hijo de 6 años se pone muy ansioso y agitado siempre que hay tormenta. He observado que este comportamiento se ha vuelto más frecuente, desde que el año pasado nos vimos obligados que evacuar durante unos días debido a la amenaza de un huracán.
Involuntary job loss affects male BMI and health behaviors
A new study led by the University of Kent has found that involuntary job loss affects the Body Mass Index (BMI) of men and behaviours differentially across the life cycle.
New cause of inherited heart condition discovered
A UCL-led research team has identified a new gene as a cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, an inherited heart condition affecting one in 500 people.
What is RSV? And How Can I Protect My Children?
Respiratory syncytial virus, commonly called RSV, usually affects very young children in the winter months. But this year, physicians are treating an unusual, out-of-season surge both in California and across the country.
MD Anderson celebrates World Cancer Research Day, progress made to end cancer through research
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is proud to support World Cancer Research Day, Sept. 24, and its efforts to promote cancer research as a driving force behind progress in cancer prevention, early detection, treatment and survivorship.
ESF’s Center for Native Peoples and the Environment and The Nature Conservancy Embark on Transformational Partnership
A new partnership between the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry’s (ESF) Center for Native Peoples and the Environment (CNPE) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) will serve as a bridge between traditional ecological knowledge and Western scientific approaches, embracing a “two-eyed” way of seeing and informing conservation.
UCLA-led Research Finds Ozone Exposure Link to the Development of Type 2 Diabetes
UCLA-led research finds ozone exposure contributes to the development of Type 2 diabetes; team examining Californians’ health finds pattern holds true, particularly among those with higher levels of leisure-time outdoor physical activity
Guidelines Emphasize Need for Multimodal, Individualized Care for Surgery Patients
A new multi-society organizational consensus statement published in Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine establishes seven guiding principles for acute perioperative pain management to help institutions better care for patients having surgery.
“Read Medicine Labels” – How to Safely Use Green Chiretta Against COVID-19
Chula Pharmaceutical Science urges consumers to pay attention to “medicine labels” to choose and use green chiretta (Andrographis paniculata) effectively and safely. They also cautioned that the government should modify the labels, and control the price of herbal medicines that help in curbing the current pandemic.
ADHD and impulsivity: New potential targets to approach the treatment for neuropsychiatric disorders
A study published in the journal Pharmacological Research describes the existence of a complex built by dopamine and noradrenergic receptors that could be a therapeutic target of potential interest to tackle the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and impulsivity.
Diversity matters
Microorganisms, plants, and animals accomplish great feats every day. For example, by decomposing material, producing plant biomass, or pollinating flowers, they keep nature ‘up and running,’ thereby securing the livelihood of humans.
Geological cold case may reveal critical minerals
Researchers on the hunt for why cold eclogites mysteriously disappeared from geological records during the early stages of the Earth’s development may have found the answer, and with it clues that could help locate critical minerals today.
2021 State Latino GDP Report: California
Release of the 2021 State Latino GDP Report: California
Radiation therapy reprograms heart muscle cells to younger state
New research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that radiation therapy can reprogram heart muscle cells to what appears to be a younger state, fixing electrical problems that cause a life-threatening arrhythmia without the need for a long-used, invasive procedure.
Artificial Intelligence Tool Improves Accuracy of Breast Cancer Imaging
A computer program trained to see patterns among thousands of breast ultrasound images can aid physicians in accurately diagnosing breast cancer, a new study shows.
New study finds domestic reference pricing could lower Medicare spending on new drugs by 30%
Basing new drug launch prices on historical domestic data could limit manufacturers’ power to set extremely high launch prices and could reduce Medicare spending on new drugs by up to 30%, according to a new white paper released today by West Health and its Council for Informed Drug Spending Analysis (CIDSA).
How grocery shoppers spend differently during times of personal and macro economic change
Researchers from the University of Cologne and University of Bremen published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines how micro and macro conditions influence grocery shopping behaviors in different ways.
Tololo captura una galaxia condenada a desaparecer
Los integrantes del cúmulo galáctico de Fornax protagonizan esta imagen del Telescopio Víctor M. Blanco de 4 metros ubicado en el Observatorio de Cerro Tololo (CTIO) en Chile, un programa de NOIRLab de NSF y observatorio AURA. En ella, la galaxia irregular NGC 1427A, que aparece en la esquina inferior izquierda de esta imagen, se dirige irremediablemente hacia el corazón del cúmulo de Fornax en un viaje de millones de años que culminará con la ruptura total de la galaxia.
Preparing for exascale: Argonne’s Aurora supercomputer to drive brain map construction
Argonne researchers are mapping the complex tangle of the brain’s connections — a connectome — by developing applications that will find their stride in the advent of exascale computing.
Plunging into the Furnace
The denizens of the Fornax galaxy cluster populate this image from the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope, located in Chile at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO), a Program of NSF’s NOIRLab. The irregular galaxy lurking in the bottom left corner of this Dark Energy Survey image is NGC 1427A, and its headlong plunge into the heart of the Fornax Cluster over millions of years will eventually result in the galaxy’s disruption.
Bat guts become less healthy through diet of ‘fast food’ from banana plantations
Nectar-feeding bats foraging in intensively managed banana plantations in Costa Rica have a less diverse set of gut microbes in comparison to bats feeding in their natural forest habitat or organic plantations, reveals new research published today in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
Mount Sinai Neurobiologist Selected as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) has selected Ian Maze, PhD, Associate Professor of Neuroscience, and Pharmacological Sciences, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, as an HHMI Investigator.
Hesitancy About COVID-19 Vaccine for Children Highest Among Black Parents
Nearly half of Black parents (48 percent) were hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccine for their child, compared to 33 percent of Latinx parents and 26 percent of white parents, according to survey results from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.
Men should check their genes for prostate cancer risk
As Prostate Cancer Awareness Month comes to a close, researchers want to circulate the message that some gene mutations linked to breast and ovarian cancer are also associated with prostate cancer.
COVID-19 may be an occasional Guillain-Barré syndrome trigger
A new paper in Brain, published by Oxford University Press, indicates that a COVID-19 infection may prompt Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Artificial intelligence may be set to reveal climate-change tipping points
Researchers are developing artificial intelligence that could assess climate change tipping points. The deep learning algorithm could act as an early warning system against runaway climate change.
Simmons Cancer Center, MD Anderson Scientists Develop Artificial Intelligence Method To Predict Anti-Cancer Immunity
Researchers and data scientists at UT Southwestern Medical Center and MD Anderson Cancer Center have developed an artificial intelligence technique that can identify which cell surface peptides produced by cancer cells called neoantigens are recognized by the immune system.
Rutgers Global Health Expert Available to Discuss the Global Need for More COVID-19 Vaccines
Rutgers global health expert Richard Marlink, M.D., is available to discuss the importance of prioritizing vaccinations in low- to middle-income countries that need it the most, following President Biden’s pledge to donate an additional 500 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19…
Protecting Clinical Output from Water Risks
When lives are at stake, there is no margin for error.
ELGA LabWater Helps Immuneserology Laboratories Maximize Uptime
Immune-serology Laboratories Require Consistent Ultrapure Water
Physicist Greg Hammett honored for his work advancing understanding of fusion plasmas
Theoretical and computational physicist Greg Hammett, a leader in advancing understanding of the complex turbulence that controls the performance of fusion plasmas and a dedicated educator, has been named a 2021 Distinguished Scientist Fellow by the DOE’s Office of Science.
University of Miami Urologists Study How Plant-Based Diets Impact Men’s Health
Studies show that plant-based diets can help lower prostate-specific antigen (PSA levels), improve serum testosterone and erectile dysfunction.
From Alpha to Epsilon: Consortium study illuminates surfaces of Spike most resistant to antibody escape
Scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) have published a detailed map of where human antibodies bind to SARS-CoV-2, a map that was generated by a global collaboration comparing nearly all leading clinical candidates. The new research will guide the development of more effective COVID-19 antibody therapies and help scientists develop effective vaccines to address emerging viral variants.
Ranked choice, multimember districts could ‘handicap’ gerrymandering
New research from Cornell University lays out in detail why ranked-choice voting (RCV), combined with multi-member legislative districts, promotes fair representation and severely limits the gerrymanderers’ ability to draw themselves into the Election Day winner’s circle
NYC delivery workers laws just ‘the floor’ of what’s needed
Today, the New York City Council is likely to pass a package of legislation that will set minimum pay and improve working conditions for app-based delivery workers. Patricia Campos-Medina, executive director of the Worker Institute at Cornell University’s School of…