Argonne researchers are mapping the complex tangle of the brain’s connections — a connectome — by developing applications that will find their stride in the advent of exascale computing.
Tag: data sciences
New school, data sciences major at WVU enhances programs across campus
West Virginia University has launched the School of Mathematical and Data Sciences under the leadership of Director Earl Scime and Snehalata Huzurbazar, who will lead the data sciences program.
Argonne collaborations bring computational tools to the forefront of COVID-19 research
Argonne, industry and academia collaborate to bring innovative AI and simulation tools to the COVID-19 battlefront.

10 ways Argonne science is combatting COVID-19
Argonne scientists and research facilities have made a difference in the fight against COVID-19 in the year since the first gene sequence for the virus was published.

Argonne AI methods unravel mysteries of SARS-CoV-2 viral-human cell interaction
Using a combination of AI and supercomputing resources, Argonne researchers are examining the dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to determine how it fuses with the human host cell, advancing the search for drug treatments.

The high-tech evolution of scientific computing: A slight return
To leverage emerging computing capabilities and prepare for future exascale systems, the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is expanding its scope beyond traditional simulation-based research to include data science and machine learning approaches.

Automatic database creation for materials discovery: Innovation from frustration
A collaboration between the University of Cambridge and Argonne has developed a unique method of generating automatic databases to support specific fields of science using AI and high-performance computing.

Argonne’s new menu of data storage software helps scientists realize findings earlier
A research team, led by Argonne, is developing a new data navigation system called Mochi that will provide scientists with a menu of data services they can rapidly combine and customize to suit the particular needs of a specific science domain.