Science can be difficult to explain to the public. Explaining a theoretical science concept to high school students requires a new way of thinking altogether, which is precisely what researchers at UC San Diego did when they orchestrated a dance with high school students at Orange Glen High School in Escondido as a way to explain topological insulators. The experiment was led by former graduate student Matthew Du and UC San Diego Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Joel Yuen-Zhou.
Tag: Quantum Mechanics
New light-induced material shows powerful potential for quantum applications
Argonne researchers recently discovered a way to control electronic bonding in a semiconducting material using light and magnetic fields, paving the way toward new quantum devices.
Making Difficult Quantum Many-Body Calculations Possible
One of the methods scientists use to study quantum many-body systems is the ab initio approach, but some ab initio methods run into severe computational problems when using realistic interactions. This study introduces wavefunction matching and uses it to perform lattice simulations with realistic interactions. This allows scientists to make calculations that were once impossible.
Topologically protected entanglement switching around exceptional points
The robust operation of quantum entanglement states is crucial in quantum information, and computation. However, it is a great challenge to complete such a task because of decoherence and disorder.
FSU to co-sponsor international quantum symposium
By: Bill Wellock | Published: July 22, 2024 | 3:10 pm | SHARE: Florida State University is partnering with the University of Florida (UF) to bring a flagship symposium in quantum materials to the state.The 2024 International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids will take place July 24-30 in Jacksonville, Fla. The event brings scientists and engineers whose work explores the workings of materials characterized by quantum mechanics, a branch of physics that describes the behavior of particles at very small scales, such as atoms, molecules and subatomic particles.
High-Speed Camera for Molecules: Entangled Photons Enabled Raman Spectroscopy
This scheme significantly improves the frequency-time resolution of spectra, yielding elaborate HOM interference which enables the selective access of stimulated Raman scattering. In addition, no grating is required for detection, simplifying the experimental setup.
What Flavor Is that Neutrino? Adding Flavor Helps to Track Neutrino Movement in Astrophysical Systems
Because of the number and density of neutrinos involved, it is nearly impossible to calculate the movement of neutrinos from compact astrophysical systems such as core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers.
Grainger engineers bring quantum expertise to DOE InterQnet initiative
InterQnet is a three-year initiative to demonstrate that quantum computers separated by large distances and even based on different hardware architectures can work in tandem.
Precision Measurements of Radioactive Molecules for Fundamental Physics
For the first time, nuclear physicists made precision measurements of the short-lived radioactive molecule, radium monofluoride (RaF). The researchers combined ion-trapping and specialized laser systems to measure the fine details of the quantum structure of RaF. This allowed them to study the rotational energy levels of RaF and determine its laser-cooling scheme.
PPPL unveils new laboratory space to advance quantum information science
On March 11, PPPL opened its new Quantum Diamond Lab, a space devoted to studying and refining the processes involved in using plasma, the electrically charged fourth state of matter, to create high-quality diamond material for quantum information science applications.
New quantum entangled material could pave way for ultrathin quantum technologies
Two-dimensional quantum materials provide a unique platform for new quantum technologies, because they offer the flexibility of combining different monolayers featuring radically distinct quantum states. Different two-dimensional materials can provide building blocks with features like superconductivity, magnetism, and topological matter.…
Scientists closer to solving mysteries of universe after measuring gravity in quantum world
Scientists are a step closer to unravelling the mysterious forces of the universe after working out how to measure gravity on a microscopic level.
How the Quantum World Can Help Scientists Engineer Biology
By studying how CRISPR-Cas works, scientists can predict and design where these tools modify DNA.
Department of Energy Announces $137 Million for Research on High Energy Physics
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $137 million in funding for 80 projects in high energy physics. The scope of the research spans the full gamut of topics in experimental and theoretical high energy physics.
What is quantum squeezing?
Scientists exploit a property of quantum physics to make ultraprecise sensors and measurements.
Three Argonne scientists receive 2023 DOE Early Career Awards
Argonne researchers received three DOE Early Career Awards, which will help early-career researchers establish themselves as experts in their fields.
Unveiling the quantum dance: Experiments reveal nexus of vibrational and electronic dynamics
Scientists have demonstrated experimentally a long-theorized relationship between electron and nuclear motion in molecules, which could lead to the design of materials for solar cells, electronic displays and other applications that can make use of this powerful quantum phenomenon.
5 ways Argonne entangled with Ant-Man to get people to geek out about quantum science
Whether Ant-Man is shrinking between atoms or communicating through entangled particles, his true superpower is his ability to excite people about quantum science. Argonne assembled experts to spread the word about the real science of the quantum realm.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Plans to Deploy First IBM Quantum System One on a University Campus
Today, it was announced that Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will become the first university in the world to house an IBM Quantum System One. The IBM quantum computer, intended to be operational by January of 2024, will serve as the foundation of a new IBM Quantum Computational Center in partnership with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). By partnering, RPI’s vision is to greatly enhance the educational experiences and research capabilities of students and researchers at RPI and other institutions, propel the Capital Region into a top location for talent, and accelerate New York’s growth as a technology epicenter.
Quantum liquid becomes solid when heated
Supersolids are a relatively new and exciting area of research. They exhibit both solid and superfluid properties simultaneously.
How Argonne is pushing the boundaries of quantum technology research
With its Department of Energy National Quantum Information Science Research Center (Q-NEXT) and its quantum research team, Argonne is a hub for research that could change the way we process and transmit information.
Building an understanding of quantum turbulence from the ground up
Researchers show how energy disappears in quantum turbulence. The discovery paves way for a better understanding of turbulence in scales ranging from the microscopic to the planetary
Researchers take a step towards turning interactions that normally ruin quantum information into a way of protecting it
Rresearchers at Aalto University in Finland and IAS Tsinghua University in China report a new way to predict how quantum systems, such as groups of particles, behave when they are connected to the external environment. Usually, connecting a system such as a quantum computer to its environment creates decoherence and leaks, which ruin any information about what’s happening inside the system. Now, the researchers developed a technique which turns that problem into its a solution.
Argonne announces 2022 Postdoctoral Performance Awards
Nine postdoctoral appointees were recognized with Postdoctoral Performance Awards.
Entrepreneurship program at Argonne National Laboratory opens applications for startups
Chain Reaction Innovations, the entrepreneurship program at Argonne National Laboratory, is accepting applications for its next fellowship cohort.
New laboratory to explore the quantum mysteries of nuclear materials
Every day, researchers discover new details about the laws that govern the tiniest building blocks of the universe. These details not only increase scientific understanding of quantum physics, but they also hold the potential to unlock a host of technologies, from quantum computers to lasers to next-generation solar cells.
But there’s one area that remains a mystery even in this most mysterious of sciences: the quantum mechanics of nuclear fuels.
Breakthrough Reported in Machine Learning-Enhanced Quantum Chemistry
The equations of quantum mechanics require too much computer time and power when used to predict behavior in large systems. Researchers have now shown that machine learning models can mimic the basic structure from first principles, which can be very difficult to simulate directly. The result is predictions that are easy to compute and are accurate in a wide range of chemical systems.
Next generation atomic clocks are a step closer to real world applications
Quantum clocks are shrinking, thanks to new technologies developed at the University of Birmingham-led UK Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing.
Evasive quantum phenomenon makes debut in routine tabletop experiment
A Quantum Science Center-supported team has captured the first-ever appearance of a previously undetectable quantum excitation known as the axial Higgs mode.
A New Duality Solves a Physics Mystery
In conventional wisdom, producing a curved space requires distortions, such as bending or stretching a flat space.
‘Beam Me Up:’ Nation’s First Quantum Drone Provides Unrivaled Security
Researchers are developing the nation’s first drone-based, mobile quantum network for unhackable wireless communication. The network includes drones, a ground station, lasers and fiber optics. In war, these drones would provide one-time crypto-keys to exchange critical information, which spies and enemies would not be able to intercept. Quantum protects information using the laws of nature and not just by a clever manmade code.
Remembering Paul Benioff, renowned scientist and quantum computing pioneer
Paul Benioff, an Argonne emeritus scientist, helped pave the way for the field of quantum computing that is now being intensely pursued throughout the world. He passed away on March 29, leaving a legacy of intellectual courage and collaboration.
See how quantum ‘weirdness’ is improving electron microscopes
Two new advances from the lab of University of Oregon physicist Ben McMorran are refining the microscopes. Both come from taking advantage of a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics: that an electron can behave simultaneously like a wave and a particle. It’s one of many examples of weird, quantum-level quirks in which subatomic particles often behave in ways that seem to violate the laws of classical physics.
Science Snapshots from Berkeley Lab
An experiment to study gravity at the quantum scale, insights into an antibiotic-building enzyme, and the backstory of an incredible new protein prediction algorithm are featured in this month’s roundup of science highlights.
Discovery paves way for improved quantum devices
Physicists and engineers have found a way to identify and address imperfections in materials for one of the most promising technologies in commercial quantum computing.
Verizon and Zurich Instruments join Q-NEXT national quantum science center
Q-NEXT adds two new corporate partners to its collaboration: Verizon and Zurich Instruments. Q-NEXT, a DOE National Quantum Information Science Research Center led by Argonne, aims to develop the technology to control and transmit quantum information.
Chaotic electrons heed ‘limit’ in strange metals
Chaos, to a point: A new Cornell-led study confirms the chaotic behavior of electrons in “strange” metals has a limit established by the laws of quantum mechanics.
Uncovering Hidden Local States in a Quantum Material
States of local broken symmetry at high temperature—observed in several materials, including one with a metal-insulator transition, an iron-based superconductor, and an insulating mineral part of the Earth’s upper mantle—may enable the technologically relevant properties arising at much-lower temperature.
Quantum-nonlocality at all speeds
The phenomenon of quantum nonlocality defies our everyday intuition. It shows the strong correlations between several quantum particles some of which change their state instantaneously when the others are measured, regardless of the distance between them. While this phenomenon has been confirmed for slow moving particles, it has been debated whether nonlocality is preserved when particles move very fast at velocities close to the speed of light, and even more so when those velocities are quantum mechanically indefinite.
5th cohort of five innovators selected for Chain Reaction Innovations program
Five new innovators will be joining Chain Reaction Innovations, the entrepreneurship program at Argonne National Laboratory, as part of the elite program’s fifth cohort to develop clean energy startups that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase U.S. competitiveness in emerging energy technologies.
Blueprint for a robust quantum future
Researchers at Argonne National Laboratory, the University of Chicago and scientific organizations in Japan, Korea and Hungary have established an invaluable resource for those looking to discover new quantum systems.
Argonne National Laboratory a founding partner in nation’s first startup accelerator program dedicated exclusively to quantum
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory is a founding partner of Duality, the first startup accelerator program in the nation that is dedicated to startup companies focused on quantum science and technology — a rapidly emerging area that is poised to drive transformative advances across multiple industries.
Nation’s first quantum startup accelerator, Duality, launches at the University of Chicago’s Polsky Center and the Chicago Quantum Exchange
The University of Chicago’s Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and the Chicago Quantum Exchange today announced the launch of Duality, the first accelerator program in the nation that is exclusively dedicated to startup companies focused on quantum science and technology—a rapidly emerging area that is poised to drive transformative advances across multiple industries.
Bacteria know how to exploit quantum mechanics, UChicago study finds
Photosynthetic organisms harvest light from the sun to produce the energy they need to survive. A new paper published by University of Chicago researchers reveals their secret: exploiting quantum mechanics.
Designing Materials from First Principles with Yuan Ping
The UC Santa Cruz professor uses computing resources at Brookhaven Lab’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials to run calculations for quantum information science, spintronics, and energy research.
Eight ways Argonne advanced science in 2020
Throughout 2020, Argonne answered fundamental science questions and provided solutions for the world.
Quantifying Quantumness: A Mathematical Project ‘of Immense Beauty’
Large objects behave in accordance with the classical laws of mechanics formulated by Sir Isaac Newton and small ones are governed by quantum mechanics, where an object can behave as both a wave and a particle. The boundary between the classical and quantum realms has always been of great interest. Research reported in AVS Quantum Science, considers the question of what makes something “more quantum” than another — is there a way to characterize “quantumness”?
Timekeeping theory combines quantum clocks and Einstein’s relativity
A phenomenon of quantum mechanics known as superposition can impact timekeeping in high-precision clocks, according to a theoretical study from Dartmouth College, Saint Anselm College and Santa Clara University.
Perimeter Institute launches Clay Riddell Centre for Quantum Matter
A new research hub at Perimeter Institute seeks to accelerate discovery in one of the fastest-growing fields in physics, thanks to a $10 million investment from the Riddell Family Charitable Foundation.
All together now: Experiments with twisted 2D materials catch electrons behaving collectively
A team led by the University of Washington reports that carefully constructed stacks of graphene — a 2D form of carbon — can exhibit highly correlated electron properties. The team also found evidence that this type of collective behavior likely relates to the emergence of exotic magnetic states.