‘Bathtub rings’ around Titan’s lakes might be made of alien crystals

New research presented at the 2019 Astrobiology Science Conference in Bellevue, Wa. BELLEVUE, WA –The frigid lakeshores of Saturn’s moon Titan might be encrusted with strange, unearthly minerals, according to new research being presented here. Scientists re-creating Titan-esque conditions in…

Columbia Researchers Provide New Evidence on the Reliability of Climate Modeling

Observational data of equatorial circulation pattern confirms that the pattern is weakening, a development with important consequences for future rainfall in the subtropics. Columbia Researchers Provide New Evidence on the Reliability of Climate Modeling Observational data of equatorial circulation pattern…

Baking Soda Boosts Immunity, Impairs Insulin Response in Type 2 Diabetes

Researchers learn insulin response connected to alkaline load, not inflammation Charlottesville, Va. (June 24, 2019)—Early research suggests that the common pantry staple baking soda affects inflammation and insulin handling in type 2 diabetes. The findings will be presented today at…

Blood Metabolite Levels May Help Identify Diabetic Kidney Disease

Noninvasive measurement may provide alternative to diagnostic kidney biopsy Charlottesville, Va. (June 24, 2019)—Metabolomics, the study of small molecules the body produces during metabolism (metabolites) may be a future key to identifying diabetes-related kidney disease. The finding will be presented…

Political scientists offers tips, insight on what to watch for as presidential debates begin

The 2020 Democratic presidential debates begin this week in Miami, the first face-off among candidates in what might be one of the largest primary fields in recent U.S. history. The unusual format features 10 candidates squaring off on Wednesday, with…

The Best in Pathology, Laboratory Quality, Proficiency Testing, Technology & Patient Safety

The College of American Pathologists Releases List of Longest Accredited Laboratories in U.S. Northfield, IL (June 24, 2019) This week, the College of American Pathologists (CAP) released a list of its longest accredited laboratories in the United States. These 41…

Hydrogel Offers Double Punch Against Orthopedic Bone Infections

Surgery prompted by automobile accidents, combat wounds, cancer treatment and other conditions can lead to bone infections that are difficult to treat and can delay healing until they are resolved. Now, researchers have a developed a double-duty hydrogel that both…

Scientists hit pay dirt with new microbial research technique

A better method for studying microbes in the soil will help scientists understand large-scale environmental cycles Long ago, during the European Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci wrote that we humans “know more about the movement of celestial bodies than about the…

American Physiological Society (APS)

Donald Kohan Details Recent Advances and New Frontiers in Kidney Research in Keynote Address

Charlottesville, Va. (June 23, 2019)—New treatments, exciting research and future trends in kidney health are the focus of discussion at the American Physiological Society (APS)/American Society of Nephrology (ASN) conference, Control of Renal Function in Health and Disease, in Charlottesville,…

Hunger, impulsivity, childhood trauma, and drinking contribute to intimate partner violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV) – commonly known as domestic violence, and long associated with drinking – is a significant public health problem. Examination of patients treated at urban Emergency Departments(EDs) shows that choice of drinking venues, such as bars or…

Northwestern Center Conducts First-Ever Poll About Presidential Leadership on Diversity and Inclusion

Barack Obama had the highest rating among modern U.S. presidents for both his overall leadership and rhetoric on diversity and inclusion, according to a new poll conducted by Northwestern University’s Center for the Study of Diversity and Democracy (CSDD). Obama, who served as…

Former Gov. O’Malley Shines Light on Need for Evidence-based Policy Making at Data Science for the Public Good Forum

Last Friday marked the launch of the University of Virginia’s Data Science for the Public Good (DSPG) Distinguished Speaker Series with Martin O’Malley, former mayor of Baltimore and governor of Maryland, as its inaugural speaker. The Distinguished Speaker Series is…

Low Rates of Tobacco Dependence Treatment in Patients Hospitalized with Substance Use Disorders

June 21, 2019 – Tobacco dependence is very common in patients hospitalized with substance use disorders (SUDs) – but most don’t receive recommended treatment for tobacco dependence while in the hospital, reports a study in the Journal of Addiction Medicine,…