Household items, inexpensive workout gear are good alternatives to gym equipment during social distancing

Due to social distancing measures put in place to flatten the curve in the COVID-19 pandemic, gyms around the world are closed. But you can still get a great full-body workout using household items and/or inexpensive workout equipment, says Jenna…

Social media challenges, apps can help you stay fit during social distancing

Social distancing measures have made it difficult for those who normally go to the gym to maintain a workout regimen. Jenna Moore, assistant director of fitness and wellness for Campus Recreational Services at Binghamton University, State University of New York…

Poor fitness may impede long-term success in weight loss program

People who are very out of shape when they begin a behavioral weight loss program lose less weight in the long term than those who are more fit, suggests a new study that was accepted for presentation at ENDO 2020, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting, and will be published in a special supplemental section of the Journal of the Endocrine Society.

Parents’ physical activity helps kids with developmental disabilities improve motor skills

CORVALLIS, Ore. — It’s a self-perpetuating cycle: Kids with developmental disabilities face challenges in building motor skills, which makes them less able to participate in routine physical activity, which gives them less opportunity to practice those same motor skills. But…

How to Stay Active and Eat Healthy During Coronavirus Pandemic

As local, state, and federal public health officials continue to urge social distancing as the best way to stay safe from the coronavirus pandemic, Americans across the country are hunkering down in their homes and finding ways to adjust to…

Rutgers Expert Available to Discuss Physical Activity and Health During COVID-19 Crisis

New Brunswick, N.J. (March 18, 2020) – Rutgers University–New Brunswick Professor Brandon L. Alderman is available for interviews on how to stay active when gyms are closed and you’re confined to home during the COVID-19 crisis. Alderman can also discuss…

Heavy stress and lifestyle can predict how long we live

Life expectancy is influenced not only by the traditional lifestyle-related risk factors but also by factors related to a person’s quality of life, such as heavy stress. The biggest causes for shortened life expectancy for 30-year-old men are smoking and…

Exercise Habits Set Early in Life May Lead to Better Physical Fitness, BMI & Performance in Adulthood

Good exercise habits formed in adolescence correlate positively with exercise habits in adults, and adults with good exercise habits have better physical performance and appropriate body-mass index scores for their age, according to a new study presented this week at the Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting in Orlando.

Fur-friendly ‘wearable for pets’ developed at Imperial

Imperial College London researchers have invented a new health tracking sensor for pets and people that monitors vital signs through fur or clothing. The new type of sensor, which can detect vital signs like heart and breathing rates through fur…

Fur-friendly ‘wearable for pets’ developed at Imperial

Imperial College London researchers have invented a new health tracking sensor for pets and people that monitors vital signs through fur or clothing. The new type of sensor, which can detect vital signs like heart and breathing rates through fur…