Three researchers from Washington University in St. Louis have received highly competitive and prestigious NIH Director’s awards, totaling $10 million in “High Risk, High Reward” medical research funding to be used over the next five years.
Tag: Medical Science
FAU Interim Vice President for Research Named Prestigious Fulbright Specialist
The United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs has selected Gregg Fields, Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University’s interim vice president for research, as a Fulbright Specialist Program grantee following a competitive application process.
Prebys Foundation Announces $7 Million “Prebys Research Heroes” Program to Improve Medical Research through Diversity
The Prebys Foundation has launched a $7 million program designed to bring more diverse perspectives into the laboratory and yield ground-breaking medical research.
Scientists pioneer autonomous robotic method for studying liquids suspended in air
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have used robots and artificial intelligence to dramatically speed up data collection and analysis in X-ray studies of liquids.
Prof. Dr. Thanyavee Puthanakit, National Outstanding Researcher in Medical Science, with Clinical Research on the Treatment and Prevention of HIV in Youth
Prof. Dr. Thanyavee expressed her appreciation and honor for receiving the Outstanding Researcher Award.
Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) selects Symplectic Elements to enable comprehensive research management
Digital Science is pleased to announce that Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) has chosen Symplectic Elements from Digital Science’s flagship products to advance awareness of its world-class research.
Autonomous discovery defines the next era of science
Argonne National Laboratory is reimagining the lab spaces and scientific careers of the future by harnessing the power of robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning in the quest for new knowledge.
Researchers use Argonne X-rays to find the best antibodies
Antibody therapies are only effective if the antibodies do what we want them to do. This research can help scientists determine if an antibody is likely to stick to something other than the intended target, which should lessen the amount of time wasted with overly sticky antibodies.
Study reveals workings of promising Copper deficiency drug
Research at Argonne National Laboratory’s Advanced Photon Source has revealed a key mechanism behind a promising drug for copper deficiency disorders.
Scientists use Argonne supercomputer to detail HIV protein mechanism crucial for drug development
Researchers from the University of Illinois Chicago used the Theta supercomputer at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility to run simulations on and determine the molecular mechanisms behind the ways that new HIV antivirals could work.
Scientists use X-ray beams to determine role of zinc in development of ovarian follicles
Researchers from Argonne, Michigan State University and Northwestern University used Argonne’s Bionanoprobe beamline to look at the concentration of zinc in egg cells.
Argonne aids in the fight against one of the world’s most ubiquitous human viruses
With the help of Argonne National Laboratory, Epstein-Barr Virus researchers identified a viral protein as a target for antiviral and vaccine development, as well as an antibody that might benefit the immunocompromised.
The 2023 American Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting Features Never-Before-Presented Research
The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) Annual Meeting will be the first ever to showcase the late-breaking abstract “Decompressive Craniectomy vs Craniotomy for Traumatic Acute Subdural Hematoma” Sunday, April 23, at 9:10 am-9:18 am, during Plenary Session ll.
Projects to fight biological threats receive $5 million in federal funding
To help computer models better mimic reality, Argonne National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories will collaborate on agent-based modeling projects.
Scientists create antibody ‘cocktail’ to fight deadly Lassa virus
A group of researchers have used the Advanced Photon Source to look at monoclonal antibodies to subvert the “shield” of the Lassa virus, potentially paving the way for new therapies.
Internships help students create prototypes for career success
Argonne’s Rapid Prototyping Laboratory is a testing ground for new ideas and new careers in autonomous discovery. Undergraduate and graduate student interns are learning how to automate lab work using robotics and artificial intelligence.
A year in review: Argonne’s breakthroughs in 2022
Argonne researchers put their stamp on 2022 with accomplishments as varied as quantum science, wearable medical sensors, and climate change resilience and recovery.
Argonne seeks STEM interns to help design the future of science
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory seeks undergraduate and graduate students for a summer 2023 internship in robotics and instrumentation. Students will explore using robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Powered by artificial intelligence, Argonne technology eyes bird activity at solar facilities
The World Health Organization says monkeypox is a global health emergency. Scientists use ultrabright X-ray beams and diffraction imagery to understand how poxviruses behave. This can accelerate development of critical vaccines and treatments for monkeypox and other poxviruses.
Call for Papers – The International Halal Science and Technology Conference 2022 (IHSATEC): 15th Halal Science Industry and Business (HAISB)
The Halal Science Center, Chulalongkorn University, and Research Synergy Foundation, invites all to attend “The International Halal Science and Technology Conference 2022 (IHSATEC): 15th Halal Science Industry and Business (HAISB)” and has opened up a call for papers. The conference sessions will be on December 15-16, 2022 at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Existing drug is shown to inhibit virus that causes COVID-19
Scientists using the Advanced Photon Source have discovered that a drug used to fight tumors in animals might be effective against many types of coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2.
Scientists repurpose cancer and seizure medications to aid in the fight against COVID-19
Two teams of researchers using the Advanced Photon Source identified existing drugs — one used to treat cancer, the other an anti-seizure medication — that may work as treatments for COVID-19.
Exploiting cancer cells to aid in their own destruction
Researchers at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago have developed a new therapeutic vaccine that uses a patient’s own tumor cells to train their immune system to find and kill cancer.
Under wraps: X-rays reveal 1,900-year-old mummy’s secrets
Researchers used the powerful X-rays of the Advanced Photon Source to see the preserved remains of an ancient Egyptian girl without disturbing the linen wrappings. The results of those tests point to a new way to study mummified specimens.
Nanodevices for the brain could thwart formation of Alzheimer’s plaques
Researchers designed a nanodevice with the potential to prevent peptides from forming dangerous plaques in the brain in order to halt development of Alzheimer’s disease.
Argonne’s researchers and facilities playing a key role in the fight against COVID-19
Argonne scientists are working around the clock to analyze the virus to find new treatments and cures, predict how it will propagate through the population, and make sure that our supply chains remain intact.
Research at Argonne’s Advanced Photo Source Leads to New Ebola Drug
Scientists using specialized beamlines at Argonne’s Structural Biology Center (SBC), a facility for macromolecular crystallography at the Advanced Photon Source, derived insights that led to the discovery of a promising new drug for Ebola.
InnovationXLab Summit brings industry, national laboratories together around artificial intelligence
The recent InnovationXLab℠ Summit on AI raised the profile of the national laboratories’ work in AI and forged new partnerships between industry and the national labs.
CNS Gift to the CNS Foundation Doubles Innovative Clinical Research Initiative, Creating Annual NINDS/CNSF K12 Scholar Awards
The Congress of Neurological Surgeons Foundation (CNS Foundation) announced a second K12 award will be funded by a generous gift from the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS). The award is made possible through a collaboration with the Foundation of the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Congress of Neurological Surgeons Hosts 2019 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, October 19–23
Schaumburg, Illinois, August 21, 2019 — The Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) is proud to host its 67th Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California, October 19–23. Each year, thousands of neurosurgeons, advanced practice providers, health care advocates, and other professionals from around the world gather to celebrate and learn about the advances are being made in the field of neurosurgery.