Digital knowledge engineering for strategy development

Abstract This special issue focuses on digital knowledge engineering, where artificial intelligence (AI) emulates human judgment and behavior to create, organize, and implement knowledge bases. AI’s evolution from narrow applications to a versatile general-purpose technology (e.g., generative AI) marks a…

Energy saving and economic competitiveness of solar desiccant cooling technology – A case study of the Moroccan Kingdom

Abstract As many countries in the world, Morocco is vulnerable to climate change having direct impacts on its main economic sectors highly dependent on natural resources. This is exemplified, among other things, by long periods of drought, increase of average…

Polyphase wireless power transfer system achieves 270-kilowatt charge, sets another world record for electric light-duty passenger vehicles

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have successfully demonstrated the first 270-kW wireless power transfer to a light-duty electric vehicle. The demonstration used a Porsche Taycan and was conducted in collaboration with Volkswagen Group of America using the ORNL-developed polyphase wireless charging system.

Anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib could reduce risk of colon cancer recurrence for a subset of patients

An analysis of data from a randomized clinical trial for patients with stage 3 colon cancer found that those with PIK3CA mutations who took celecoxib, an anti-inflammatory drug, after surgery lived significantly longer and had longer disease-free survival compared to those without the mutation.

Shine on: Upgraded Advanced Photon Source sees first X-ray light for science

After a decade of planning and a year of removal, installation and commissioning, the upgraded Advanced Photon Source has delivered its first photons to a scientific beamline. This paves the way for the start of a new era of scientific discovery at the upgraded facility.

New England Biolabs® and Inorevia to Partner on Novel Solutions for the Preparation of Challenging Samples for Next Generation Sequencing

New England Biolabs (NEB®) and Inorevia announce a collaboration to develop automated workflows to maximize data quality by preparation of sequence-ready libraries from challenging samples using NEBNext® library preparation reagents on Inorevia’s Magelia® automation platform.

Research scientist’s “one-of-a-kind” model of the heliosphere wins $824k NASA heliophysics grant

Dr. Federico Fraternale at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of the University of Alabama System, has been awarded a $824,132 NASA heliophysics grant to develop new global models of the heliosphere that incorporate interstellar neutral atoms that can help reveal the properties of space beyond the farthest reaches of the Sun’s influence.

Novel Use of Existing Drug Could Significantly Cut Heart Attack Risk

Heart attacks have been the leading cause of death in the U.S. for a century. While most treatments for cardiac events target breaking down blood clots, Georgia Tech researchers have found a way to prevent blood clots from even forming. Dramatically, their drug is shown to completely knock out the formation of blood clots without increasing the risks of bleeds in vivo.

منصة بحثية جديدة تقيّم طفرات سرطان الدماغ أثناء الجراحة

يصعُب علاج سرطان الدماغ عندما يبدأ في النمو، فالنوع السائد، المعروف باسم الورم الدِبقي، لديه معدل بقاء على قيد الحياة لا يتعدى الخمس سنوات. في دراسة جديدة نُشرت في Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences، أعلن باحثو مايو كلينك عن منصة جراحية جديدة تُستخدم أثناء الجراحة والتي توجه عملية اتخاذ القرارات الحاسمة بشأن علاج الورم في غضون دقائق. فالوقت له أهمية قصوى عند التعامل مع الأورام الخبيثة العدوانية.

Tanzania fertilizer use increased after intervention, but changes were not sustained, study shows

Smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa tend to use very small amounts of fertilizer, limiting their crop productivity. A 2016 intervention in Tanzania increased farmers’ fertilizer use and their crop yields. However, a follow-up study from an international team of researchers found the 2016 effects proved temporary, and farmers have since reverted to baseline low rates of fertilizer use and low crop yields.

MD Anderson’s Institute for Data Science in Oncology establishes internal advisory council to maximize impact

The Institute for Data Science in Oncology (IDSO) at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center today announced the establishment of its internal advisory council to identify needs and opportunities for data science development and integration across MD Anderson, advancing work that will yield significant benefits for patients and families.

Rensselaer Professor Receives $3.7 Million Grant for Alzheimer’s Disease Research

Chunyu Wang, M.D., Ph.D., professor of biological sciences and chemistry and chemical biology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has been awarded a five-year grant of more than $3.7 million by the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Aging to study Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) isoform interactions with heparan sulfate (HS) in Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

Planetary boundary layer revealed: satellites illuminate atmospheric mysteries

Unlocking the secrets of Earth’s planetary boundary layer (PBL), a pivotal zone influencing air quality and climate, a new study offers unprecedented insights into atmospheric thermal contrasts (TC). By scrutinizing satellite data, researchers have shed light on how the surface-to-atmosphere temperature gradient affects the detection of atmospheric pollutants.

“Look me in the eye, customer”: How do face-to-face interactions in peer-to-peer sharing economy services affect customers’ misbehavior concealment intentions?

Abstract Customer misbehavior poses a major risk in the sharing economy. For example, property damage to shared accommodations imposes burdens on both sharing platforms and hosts, especially if misbehaving guests purposefully, not coincidentally conceal, or fail to report damages. Such…

Evaluating underlying factor structures using novel machine learning algorithms: An empirical and simulation study

Abstract The scale development paradigm was created to improve the measurement of latent constructs. Although several statistical techniques have been successfully integrated into the overall process, identifying factor patterns and validating constructs using smaller datasets with different correlational structures remain…

Experimental and numerical investigation on H2-fueled micro-thermophotovoltaic with CH4 and C3H8 blending in a tube fully/partially inserted porous media

Abstract Energy conversion and utilization of micro-thermophotovoltaic (TPV) system are limited by the micro-combustor, so the stepped tube inserted with porous media (PM) is proposed for H2-powered systems with blending CH4 or C3H8. Effects of blended CH4 and C3H8 on the H2/air combustion…