The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science (SC) will support nearly 85 educators who either teach at schools and community colleges with large populations of students historically underserved and/or underrepresented in STEM or are educators who are from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM through awards for seven Pathway Summer Institutes for Educators at seven national laboratories.
Tag: Physics
How to find a comet before it hits Earth
First-year Ph.D. student Samantha Hemmelgarn led a study that looked at “footprints”—those meteor showers we see occasionally in the night sky—of comets that haven’t passed Earth in 200 years to determine where those comets are now and, importantly, whether any of them are on an impact path with our planet.
New Research Explores the Consequences as Human-Machine-AI Interact
As humans begin to increasingly rely on artificial intelligence and machines in their everyday lives, researchers at the George Washington University are exploring how humans, machines and AI/… …
Inspiring Minds: Nobel Laureates Illuminate CityUHK
City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) recently hosted two inspiring events featuring Nobel Laureates, offering students and faculty members a rare opportunity to engage with world-renowned scientists.
Scientists urged to pull the plug on ‘bathtub modeling’ of flood risk
Recent decades have seen a rapid surge in damages and disruptions caused by flooding. In a commentary article published today in the American Geophysical Union journal Earth’s Future, researchers at the University of California, Irvine and the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom – the latter also executives of U.
UC Irvine researchers reveal superconductivity secrets of an iron-based material
Irvine, Calif., Dec. 5, 2024 — Scientists at the University of California, Irvine have uncovered the atomic-scale mechanics that enhance superconductivity in an iron-based material, a finding published recently in Nature. Using advanced spectroscopy instruments housed in the UC Irvine Materials Research Institute, the researchers were able to image atom vibrations and thereby observe new phonons –quasiparticles that carry thermal energy –at the interface of an iron selenide (FeSe) ultrathin film layered on a strontium titanate (STO) substrate.
‘Spooky Action’ at a Very Short Distance: Scientists Map Out Quantum Entanglement in Protons
Scientists have a new way to use data from high-energy particle smashups to peer inside protons. Their approach uses quantum information science to map out how particle tracks streaming from electron-proton collisions are influenced by quantum entanglement inside the proton.
KSTAR Embarks on 2024 Plasma Experiments to Advance Fusion Reactor Operations
The Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE) has begun its 2024 plasma experiments, aiming to secure advanced plasma operation technologies.
How ‘Clean’ Does a Quantum Computing Test Facility Need to Be? PNNL Scientists Show the Way
How to keep stray radiation from “shorting” superconducting qubits; a pair of studies shows where ionizing radiation is lurking and how to banish it.
Curious by Nature: Dr. Neil Johnson – Hate Groups After Elections
Dr. Neil Johnson, a physics professor at George Washington University, explores unconventional areas within physics, focusing on complex, “taboo” problems not traditionally tackled by physicists, like online hate networks.
Stephen Wolfram presents at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for the Hertz Foundation’s Empowering Excellence Event
The Hertz Foundation and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) have jointly released a keynote talk, Where the Computational Paradigm Leads (in Physics, Tech, AI, Biology, Math, …), by visionary mathematician Stephen Wolfram, delivered to members of the Hertz Foundation board of directors and invited guests at the Empowering Excellence: The Hertz Way event held October 18 at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
How one UIC student is proposing to advance science of superconductivity
Materials called cubic rare earth hydrides could be superconductors in everyday conditions
Argonne to help drive AI revolution in astronomy with new institute led by Northwestern University
A group of institutions, including Argonne National Laboratory, received a $20 million grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation and Simons Foundation to establish an AI and astronomy institute called the NSF-Simons AI Institute for the Sky (SkAI).
American Physical Society recognizes ORNL’s historic Graphite Reactor
The American Physical Society has recognized the Graphite Reactor, located at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, as an APS historic site. APS President Young-Kee Kim presented a plaque commemorating the recognition on Monday, Nov. 4, the 81st anniversary of the reactor’s first achieving criticality in 1943.
Scientists prepare for the most ambitious sky survey yet, anticipating new insight on dark matter and dark energy
Argonne scientists are contributing to the success of the Legacy Survey of Space and Time through advanced simulation, analysis and collaborative partnership.
FSU physicist earns prestigious American Physical Society award
Laura Reina, FSU Distinguished Research Professor and Joseph F. Owens Endowed Professor in the Department of Physics, is the recipient of the 2024 Jesse W. Beams Award from the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society (SESAPS).
43rd International Symposium on Physics in Collision
The International Symposium on Physics in Collision, initiated in 1981, is a prominent conference series focused on particle physics. It features invited plenary talks, parallel sessions, and poster presentations, with a strong emphasis on recent experimental results and theoretical developments.
Get a Grip: The Best Thumb Position for Disc Launch Speed and Spin Rate
Disc golf is a sport growing in popularity, but there hasn’t been much research into the best techniques – until now. Researchers and disc golf enthusiasts have determined the best thumb position on a disc to maximize angular and translational speeds.
ASA Invites Media to Virtual Acoustics Meeting Nov. 18-22
The Acoustical Society of America will host a virtual conference from Nov. 18-22.
New light-induced material shows powerful potential for quantum applications
Argonne researchers recently discovered a way to control electronic bonding in a semiconducting material using light and magnetic fields, paving the way toward new quantum devices.
Cobalt complexes-based self-oscillating gels will become promising material for creation of actuators
Scientists from Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University for the first time obtained cobalt complexes-based self-oscillating gels. Such gels can occasionally change their geometric parameters, thanks to that they can be used for creation of chemomechanical materials, that transform chemical energy into the energy of mechanical oscillations. The emergence of propagating chemical waves inside such gels enables to use material for creation of devices, processing information using cooperation of chemical waves. Results of the research are published in magazine Gels.
High-Voltage Gun Accelerates Electrons from Zero to 80 … Percent the Speed of Light
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have designed and tested the world’s highest voltage polarized electron gun, a key piece of technology needed for building the world’s first fully polarized Electron-Ion Collider (EIC).
Bar-Ilan University researchers available for comment on Nobel Prize winning research in physics
The following experts in physics, brain science, computer science and additional fields can comment on the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2024 to U.S. scientist John Hopfield and British-Canadian Geoffrey Hinton for their discoveries and inventions that laid the…
AIP Congratulates 2024 Nobel Prize Winners in Physics
The 2024 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton “for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks.”
Stopping off-the-wall behavior in fusion reactors
New experimental results suggest that sprinkling boron into a tokamak could shield the wall of the fusion vessel and prevent atoms from the wall from getting into the plasma. A new computer modeling framework shows the boron powder may only need to be sprinkled from one location. The experimental results and computer modeling framework will be presented this week at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics in Atlanta.
HKIAS Distinguished Lecture Series: Materials that move faster than light by Prof. Sir John Pendry (23 Oct)
As the HKIAS Senior Fellow at CityUHK and Chair Professor in Theoretical Solid State Physics at Imperial College London, Professor Sir John Pendry will explain the theory behind materials that exhibit virtual motion faster than light and review the current state of experiments realizing this vision.
Revealing rare-earth elements with microscopy
Scientists at Case Western Reserve University hope to completely upend the process of refining these minerals, which are necessary in hundreds of high-tech applications, including cell phones, computer hard drives and medications.
AIP Coverage of 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics
The Nobel Prize in physics is scheduled to be awarded Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 5:45 a.m. ET, and AIP is here to help news outlets and reporters prepare. Experts from AIP and AIP Publishing will be available the morning of the announcement to comment on the new laureates, their accomplishments, and the importance of the Nobel award to the world of science at large.
Outstanding Graduate Students selected for Department of Energy Office of Science Research Program
A total of 62 PhD students from 24 states have been selected for the prestigious Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program.
Alternating currents for alternative computing with magnets
A new study conducted at the University of Vienna, the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, and the Helmholtz Centers in Berlin and Dresden takes an important step in the challenge to miniaturize computing devices and to make them more energy-efficient.
Replacing hype about artificial intelligence with accurate measurements of success
A new paper in Nature Machine Intelligence notes that journal articles reporting how well machine learning models solve certain kinds of equations are often overly optimistic. The researchers suggest two rules for reporting results and systemic changes to encourage clarity and accuracy in reporting.
Emily Carter wins prestigious Marsha I. Lester Award from American Chemical Society
Nominees for the award must be members of the ACS’s physical chemistry division. The winner receives the award at the meeting, gives a research presentation, and receives an honorarium. Carter is just the second person to receive this newly established award.
Non-Equilibrium Physics of Multi-Species Assembly Applied to Fibrils Inhibition in Biomolecular Condensates and Growth of Online Distrust
Abstract Self-assembly is a key process in living systems—from the microscopic biological level (e.g. assembly of proteins into fibrils within biomolecular condensates in a human cell) through to the macroscopic societal level (e.g. assembly of humans into common-interest communities across…
Elam named as a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society
The article provides an overview of Elam’s career and achievements on the occasion of his having been named as a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society.
New physics needed? Maybe
An unexpected finding about how our universe formed is again raising the question: do we need new physics? The answer could fundamentally change what physics students are taught in classes around the world.
Four Argonne scientists receive 2024 DOE Early Career Research Awards
As winners of the 2024 U.S. Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Program, four scientists from Argonne National Laboratory are each receiving an award of $550,000 a year for five years to help them answer complex questions.
Beneath the Brushstrokes, van Gogh’s Sky is Alive with Real-World Physics
Van Gogh’s brushstrokes in “The Starry Night” create an illusion of sky movement so convincing it led researchers to wonder how closely it aligns with the physics of real skies. Marine sciences and fluid dynamics specialists analyzed the painting to uncover what they call the hidden turbulence in the artwork.
Verified superb condition of the KSTAR Superconducting Magnet
The Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE) announced that they have experimentally verified that KSTAR’s superconducting magnets maintain maximum performance even after 16 years of continuous operation.
‘Nowhere Near Done’ — UAlbany Physicists Hail Latest in Dark Matter Hunt
Physicists at the University at Albany hail the latest progress in the hunt for direct evidence of dark matter — believed to be a massive-but-so-far-invisible building block to the universe.
The world’s fastest single-shot 2D imaging technique films ultrafast dynamics in flames
Candle flames, cars, and airplanes emit harmful gases and particles, which are formed through highly complex processes involving extremely fast reactions and often transient flow conditions. To better understand these processes, scientists from the USA and Europe developed the fastest 2D planar imaging system.
Long-range-interacting topological photonic lattices breaking channel-bandwidth limit
Optical phenomena are typically modeled with nearby interactions because interactions between optical elements generally decrease rapidly with distance. In the research from the Republic of Korea, scientists explored the impact of significant long-range interactions in topological photonics.
Quantum error correction research reveals fundamental insights on quantum systems
New research has implications for fundamental science, quantum computing and future technological applications.
Anisotropic phonon dynamics in Dirac semimetal PtTe2 thin films enabled by helicity-dependent ultrafast light excitation
Dirac semimetal PtTe2 holds great promise for next-generation low-power spintronics and optoelectronics devices. To achieve high performance in these devices, a deep study of phonon dynamics is crucial. Towards this goal, Chinese scientists, using all-optical ultrafast pump-probe and Raman scattering techniques, have discovered the generation mechanism of Eg-mode phonons driven by spin-polarized electrons and elucidated unusual dissipation process via electron-phonon scattering. This work paves the way for potential future breakthroughs in the field of spintronics and optoelectronics.
HKIAS Distinguished Lecture Series: Soccer Balls: Their History, Geometries, and Aerodynamics (30 Oct 2024)
Join us for the HKIAS Distinguished Lecture Series: Soccer Balls: Their History, Geometries, and Aerodynamics!
Discover the fascinating evolution of soccer ball designs and their impact on the game.
Chip-scale giant THz Kerr effect via stimulated phonon polaritons
Chip-scale THz devices could enable future compact computing, imaging, and communication techniques, where the all-optical tunability via Kerr effect remains a bottleneck for THz waves.
Quenching the intense heat of a fusion plasma may require a well-placed liquid metal evaporator
New fusion simulations of the inside of a tokamak reveal the ideal spot for a “cave” with flowing liquid lithium is near the bottom by the center stack, as the evaporating metal particles should land in just the right spot to dissipate excess heat from the plasma.
Why do plants wiggle? New study provides answers
Decades after his voyage on the HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin became fascinated by why plants move as they grow—spinning and twisting into corkscrews. Now, more than 150 years later, a new study may have solved the riddle.
Heating for fusion: Why toast plasma when you can microwave it!
Can plasma be sufficiently heated inside a tokamak using only microwaves? New research suggests it can! Eliminating the central ohmic heating coil normally used in tokamaks will free up much-needed space for a more compact, efficient spherical tokamak.
Wayne State University professor receives NSF grant to study quantum tunneling
A Wayne State University professor recently received a three-year, $626,467 grant from the National Science Foundation’s Division of Physics. The project, “Probing Nonadiabatic Strong Field Ionization with Phase-Resolved Attoclock,” will research a quantum mechanical process known as quantum tunneling.
Jatinder Palta Appointed Director of First-of-its-Kind Medical Physics Institute
Jatinder Palta, PhD, FAAPM, FASTRO, FACR, has been appointed as the first director to lead the Medical Physics Institute within the American Association of Physicists in Medicine. MPI was approved by the AAPM Board of Directors in 2023 to improve the quality and safety of patient care in radiology and radiation oncology.