‘Fit2Drive’ Transforms Assessing Older Drivers with Cognitive Decline

With the help of an evidence-based calculator called “Fit2Drive,” researchers have made it easy to administer and evaluate an in-office test to predict an older individual’s probability of passing an on-road driving test. Based upon brief, easily administered cognitive tests, Fit2Drive provides an objective estimation of the ability to drive for those with cognitive concerns. Results show that the Fit2Drive algorithm demonstrated a strong 91.5% predictive accuracy.

Subtle cognitive decline precedes end to driving for older adults

Even slight cognitive changes can affect an older person’s decision to stop driving, according to a new study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The findings suggest that routine cognitive testing — in particular, the kind of screening designed to pick up the earliest, most subtle decline — could help older adults and their physicians make decisions about driving that maximizes safety while preserving independence as long as possible.

Study Detects Cognitive Changes in Older Drivers Using In-vehicle Sensors

Continuous, unobtrusive sensors and related monitoring devices are installed in older drivers’ vehicles to detect changes in highly complex activities over time. A driver facing camera, forward facing camera, and telematics unit provide video in real-time to enable researchers to analyze abnormal driving such as getting lost, reaction time and braking patterns as well as travel patterns such as miles driven, miles during the night and daytime, and driving in severe weather. Detecting changes in behavior could generate early warning signs of possible changes in cognition.

Daylight saving can create driver fatigue and hazards on the road, says expert

As clocks “fall back” and daylight saving time ends, many Americans will be driving longer at night which could translate to more driver fatigue and hazards on the road, says Virginia Tech Transportation Institute expert Matt Camden.   Camden says that any time change can exacerbate drowsiness and your body may need a few days to adjust accordingly.

Majority of older adults with cognitive impairment still drive

The majority of older adults with cognitive impairment are still driving, despite concerns raised by caregivers and others, a study finds. Researchers say it’s best for caregivers to start conversations surrounding driving earlier while the care recipient is able to understand and actively participate in the discussion.

Distracted driving on the rise, but rather than the problem, expert says technology could be the solution

In the digital age, an increased desire for constant online connection has created safety hazards for drivers on the road. It’s especially top of mind during the month of April, which is Distracted Driver Awareness Month, but Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) researcher, Charlie Klauer says that technology can also be part of the solution.

Driving simulations that look more life-like

Today’s driving simulators have a big problem: They don’t look realistic enough, particularly background objects, such as trees, and road markings. But researchers have developed a new way to create photorealistic images for simulators, paving the way for better testing of driverless cars.Conventional computer graphics use detailed models, meshes and textures to render 2D images from 3D scenes, a labor-intensive process which produces images that often fall short of being realistic, particularly in the background.

New Study Finds Hands-free Cellphone Laws Associated with Fewer Driver Deaths

A recent study led by researchers at the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital looked at drivers, non-drivers (passengers, pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists), and total deaths involved in passenger vehicle crashes from 1999 through 2016 in 50 U.S. states, along with the presence and characteristics of cellphone use laws.

Ask an Expert: Have Drivers Gotten Worse Since COVID?

As the restrictions around COVID-19 are lifted, and more and more people hit the road to return to their work spaces and routines, you may have heard a familiar refrain: “People have forgotten how to drive.” Is it true? Are drivers worse now than they were before the coronavirus pandemic took over the world? The answer, according to Dwight A. Hennessy, department chair and professor of psychology at Buffalo State College, is probably not.

GW Receives Funding to Develop Artificial Intelligence Systems Aimed at Helping People with Health Problems Drive Safely

Samer Hamdar, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at the George Washington University, is partnering with Moment AI to launch a project aimed at developing AI systems that could one day prevent health-induced traffic accidents, including those linked to stress.


New drivers between the ages of 15 and 25 account for nearly half of the more than one million road deaths that occur worldwide each year, according to the World Health Organization. Educational programs often use fear-based messaging and films of crash scenes to reduce risky driving behavior among young people. But does this “scary” approach work?

Rutgers Expert Can Discuss How to Avoid Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions

New Brunswick, N.J. (Oct. 7, 2020) – With deer breeding season underway, Kathleen Kerwin, a wildlife expert at Rutgers University–New Brunswick, is available for interviews on defensive driving to avoid wildlife-vehicle collisions, what to do if you see wildlife crossing…

Should You Really Be Behind the Wheel After Concussion?

Even after all of their symptoms are gone, people who have had a concussion take longer to regain complex reaction times, the kind you need in most real-life driving situations on the road, according to a preliminary study released today that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s Sports Concussion Virtual Conference from July 31 to August 1, 2020.

Rutgers Experts Can Discuss Emissions, Climate Change During COVID-19 Crisis

New Brunswick, N.J. (April 13, 2020) – Rutgers University–New Brunswick experts are available for interviews on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and efforts to promote a greener economy and lifestyles. “During the 2007…

Street Smart NJ Program Reduces Traffic Violations, Boosts Safety

New Brunswick, N.J. (Oct. 1, 2019) – Street Smart NJ campaigns on pedestrian safety at intersections in eight communities reduced traffic violations and increased safety, according to a two-part study by the Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT)…