5,200-year-old grains in the eastern Altai Mountains redate trans-Eurasian crop exchange

Agricultural crops dispersed across Eurasia more than five millennia ago, causing significant cultural change in human populations across the ancient world. New discoveries in the Altai Mountains illustrate that this process occurred earlier than believed

Time-resolved measurement in a memory device

At the Department for Materials of the ETH in Zurich, Pietro Gambardella and his collaborators investigate tomorrow’s memory devices. They should be fast, retain data reliably for a long time and also be cheap. So-called magnetic “random access memories” (MRAM)…

A prescription for the pain of rejection: Acetaminophen and forgiveness

The emotional distress that often accompanies a breakup is called social pain, and it may cause sadness, depression and loneliness, as well as actual physical pain, research has shown.

A study, published recently in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine may have found an antidote – forgiveness combined with acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol.

Argonne leads award-winning collaboration with Kairos Power that unveils new simulation of nuclear power plants

Argonne scientists won a 2019 R&D 100 award for collaborating with Kairos Power to create software that simulates entire nuclear power plants.

UCLA Fielding School of Public Health faculty experts available for media covering novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

UCLA Fielding School of Public Health experts available for media covering novel coronavirus (COVID-19) include: Dr. Robert J. Kim-Farley serves as professor-in-residence of epidemiology and community health sciences at the Fielding School. His previous roles include director of the Division of…

Coronavirus multiple-times worse than SARS: Global supply-chain effect could exceed $400bn, linger up to 2 years — WashU expert

Panos Kouvelis 314-935-4604 [email protected]   Please read: https://source.wustl.edu/2020/02/washu-expert-coronavirus-far-greater-threat-than-sars-to-global-supply-chain/ Please watch: https://youtu.be/ATzgs67Dnx8   Original post https://alertarticles.info

Loss of bladder function in children could be because of stress

We know that stress can have a profound impact on health. But it’s rare to discover a health issue that is caused directly by stress.  That’s exactly what one Michigan State University researcher and his team have found.  Nathan Tykocki, an assistant professor of pharmacology and toxicology in the College of Osteopathic Medicine, set out to understand why children who seemingly have nothing wrong with them lose bladder function, a condition also known as stress-induced bladder dysfunction, or SIBD.