Over the years, edibles have risen in popularity and have grown to mimic many popular, well-known candy packaging such as Sweet Tartz, Sour Patch Kids, gummy bears and more. The packaging for the THC edibles contain potentially dangerous amounts of…
Tag: Marijuana

Dramatic Drop in Marijuana Use Among U.S. Youth Over a Decade: (2011 to 2021)
Among 88,183 U.S. high school students, marijuana use declined from 23.1% in 2011 to 15.8% in 2021, with first-time use before age 13 dropping from 8.1% to 4.9%. In 2021, use was highest among 12th graders (22.4%) and 11th graders (18.7%). Notably, girls (17.8%) surpassed boys (13.6%) in reported use in 2021, reversing past trends. While Asian, Hispanic, and white adolescents saw declines, Black adolescents had a higher usage rate of 20.5% in 2021, indicating ongoing racial disparities.
Clinical Trial Shows Synthetic Cannabis Reduces Agitation in Alzheimer’s Disease
In a study led by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Tufts University School of Medicine, researchers show that a pill form of the drug dronabinol, an FDA-approved synthetic version of marijuana’s main ingredient, THC, reduces agitation in patients with Alzheimer’s by an average of 30%.

Cannabis and older adults: Poll shows current use patterns, beliefs and risks
One in 5 older adults used cannabis products that include THC in the last year. Among them, 20% said they drove within 2 hours of using cannabis, and a similar percentage said they experience at least one potential signs of addiction.
60% of Women with Disabilities View Cannabis as a ‘Harmless’ Drug
In women of childbearing age, cannabis use may increase the risk of adverse reproductive and perinatal health outcomes. A study in a sample of 20,234 women ages 18 to 49 by disability status showed that about 60% of women with disabilities who used cannabis in the past 12 months perceived no risk of harm from weekly cannabis use.
Marijauana Set To Be Reclassified As Lower Risk Drug
Tony Yang, is a professor in health policy at the George Washington University School of Nursing with a joint appointment at the Milken Institute School of Public Health in the Department of Health Policy and Management. He was the lead…
CBD shown to ease anxiety without the risks that can come with THC
Cannabis products high in the nonintoxicating compound CBD can quell anxiety better than THC-dominant products— and without the potential side effects, new University of Colorado Boulder research suggests.
Study Suggests Marijuana Use Damages Brain Immune Cells Vital to Adolescent Development
In a mouse study designed to explore the impact of marijuana’s major psychoactive compound, THC, on teenage brains, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they found changes to the structure of microglia, which are specialized brain immune cells, that may worsen a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. The
Factors associated with marijuana use among high-risk college students
The past decade has seen a significant increase in marijuana use among U.S. college students. This increase has coincided with notable changes in national and local cannabis laws and policies, and perceptions of the associated drug’s risk over the same period.
Young Adults’ Simultaneous Use of Alcohol and Marijuana Linked to More Drinking, More Negative Alcohol Consequences, and More Hours High
Up to one in four young adults use alcohol and marijuana simultaneously (i.e., use at the same time with overlapping effects), a behavior linked to a greater risk of adverse consequences. Given the expanding legalization of non-medical marijuana use, there is an urgent need to better understand the effects of simultaneous use and who is most vulnerable to adverse outcomes.
Concurrent use of alcohol and cannabis leads to higher levels of drinking in the longer term
Co-existing use of alcohol and cannabis can lead to negative outcomes such as the development of a substance-use disorder, poor academic and occupational performance, and psychiatric disorders when compared to use of either drug alone. New research that examines simultaneous alcohol/cannabis use has found higher levels of drinking after 18 months. These results and others will be shared at the 46th annual scientific meeting of the Research Society on Alcohol (RSA) in Bellevue, Washington.
Hemp or Marijuana? Forensic Chemist Receives Federal Funding for Rapid Test
The U.S. Department of Justice is supporting the Musah Lab at the University at Albany with a $401,988 grant to develop and validate the test through December 2024.
First-of-its-Kind Study Examines the Impact of Cannabis Use on Surgical Patients’ Post-Procedure Healthcare Needs
In patients who underwent non-cardiac surgery in Boston between 2008 and 2020, those with a diagnosed cannabis use disorder more often required advanced postprocedural healthcare compared to non-users. However, patients whose use of cannabis was not classified as a disorder had lower odds of requiring advanced healthcare after surgery compared to patients who never use cannabis.
Study First to Show Statewide Cannabis-related Deaths in Florida
There has been a 1,107.01 percent increase in the number of people with medical cannabis cards in Florida (2018 to Jan. 27). One key reason is because many people believe cannabinoids – plant derived, medicinal, and synthetic or chemically engineered – are safe to use. A study shows that 386 people died in Florida as a result of cannabis use; of these, 258 cases were caused by synthetic cannabis. Nearly 88 percent were men; 28 percent of deaths were in those ages 45 to 54, compared to 9 percent in those ages 8 to 24. Nearly 99 percent of individuals using cannabis and synthetic cannabis died from accidents.
Codeine demand drops when recreational marijuana is legal
States that permit recreational use of cannabis see a reduction in demand for prescription codeine, an opioid with a high potential for misuse.
Nearly 1/3 of people with chronic pain turn to cannabis
According to a new study published in JAMA Network Open, almost a third of patients with chronic pain reported using cannabis to manage it.
Expert available to discuss the impact of President Biden pardoning people convicted of marijuana possession under federal law
Having people incarcerated for non-violent offenses affects families in marginalized communities across the country. Incarcerating nonviolent offenders for marijuana is one of the root causes for mass incarceration by the local, state, and federal government. Programs are available for helping…
Marijuana Plant Might Hold Key to Treating Chronic Inflammation
Rockville, Md. (July 18, 2022)—Several minor cannabinoids contained in the cannabis plant “strongly inhibit” the activation of human immune cells that lead to chronic inflammation, according to physiologists at The Queen’s Medical Center and University of Hawaii. The study also…
Study of pre-teens yields surprises about alcohol, tobacco and marijuana
They may only be in 4th or 5th grade, but 1 in 10 pre-teen children already say they’re curious about using alcohol or tobacco products, and 1 in 50 say they’re curious about using marijuana, a new study shows.
As many as 3% of the nearly 12,000 9- and 10-year-olds surveyed say they already have a friend who uses one of these substances. And those who said they did were also much more likely to be curious about trying alcohol or tobacco and other nicotine-containing products themselves.

Chula Researchers Find Extensive amounts of THC in Cannabis-Flavored Drinks The Public Is Cautioned and the Government Urged to Impose Stricter Control
Research work of a biochemistry expert at Chulalongkorn University finds that over 30% of cannabis-flavored drinks randomly tested contain higher THC levels than what is permitted. The public is warned to keep their consumption to moderate levels and that children should refrain from drinking this beverage. The government should control its consumption and warn the people of the benefit and harm of cannabis.
Substances Other Than Alcohol, Like Cannabis, Can Impair Driving
Rutgers poison control experts discuss legal substances beyond alcohol that can impair driving
Misuse of stimulants linked to other drug abuse
College students who misuse stimulant drugs or nootropics like Adderall or Ritalin are also likely to drink heavily and use other drugs, according to new research from the University of Georgia.
Smartphone Sensor Data Has Potential to Detect Cannabis Intoxication
New report published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence demonstrates how phone sensor data, such as GPS, can be used to detect cannabis intoxication in young adults.
About the cannabis and alcohol relationship: it’s complicated
Not only is cannabis the most commonly used illicit – in a number of states – drug among people who drink alcohol, cannabis is also by far the most commonly used illicit drug in the U.S. overall. New research findings tease out the nuanced relationship between alcohol and cannabis through a survey of regular cannabis users who also report drinking alcohol, as well as heavy drinkers in treatment who also use cannabis. These findings will be shared at the 44th annual scientific meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA), which due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be held virtually this year from the 19th – 23rd of June 2021.
Vaping marijuana associated with more symptoms of lung damage than vaping or smoking nicotine
Adolescents who vape cannabis are at greater risk for respiratory symptoms indicative of lung injury than teens who smoke cigarettes or marijuana, or vape nicotine, a new University of Michigan study suggests.
Marijuana May Increase Risk of Heart Disease in Healthy Adults
Article title: Habitual cannabis use is associated with altered cardiac mechanics and arterial stiffness, but not endothelial function in young healthy smokers Authors: Christian P. Cheung, Alexandra Michelle Coates, Philip J. Millar, Jamie F. Burr From the authors: “Our cross-sectional data…

Chula Researches “Medical Marijuana” Following National Policy
Chulalongkorn University’s College of Public Health Sciences held an opening ceremony of the Drug Dependence Research Center at the Chulalongkorn–Saraburi Land Development Project. Guests of honor, Mr. Niyom Termsrisuk, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Justice, and Professor Emeritus Charas Suwanwela, M.D., former Chulalongkorn University President and former President of the University Council, and Prof. Narin Hiransuthikul, M.D., Chulalongkorn University Vice President, attended the opening ceremony and performed the ceremonial cutting of the first medical–grade, organically grown cannabis bouquets.
Rutgers Medical Experts Available to Discuss New Laws that Permit Use of Recreational Marijuana in New Jersey
Lewis Nelson, chair of the department of emergency medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, and Diane Calello, executive medical director of New Jersey Poison Control Center, based at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, is available to discuss the health considerations of the legalization of marijuana in New Jersey.
Legal cannabis stores linked to fewer opioid deaths in the United States
Findings may have implications for tackling opioid misuse

Study finds new evidence of health threat from chemicals in marijuana and tobacco smoke
Scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have uncovered new evidence of the potential health risks of chemicals in tobacco and marijuana smoke.

CU Cancer Center doctor untangles issues around medical cannabis
Camille Stewart’s article about medical cannabis explains issues around the drug’s legality, makes recommendations for its use before and after surgery and pushes for research on its effects on postoperative patients.
Rutgers Medical Expert Available to Discuss Passage of Marijuana Legalization Amendment in New Jersey
Diane Calello, executive medical director of New Jersey Poison Control Center, based at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, is available to discuss the passage of the Marijuana Legalization Amendment in New Jersey. “We will now face the challenge of creating…

Fighting Intestinal Infections With The Body’s Own Endocannabinoids
DALLAS – Oct. 7, 2020 – Endocannabinoids, signaling molecules produced in the body that share features with chemicals found in marijuana, can shut down genes needed for some pathogenic intestinal bacteria to colonize, multiply, and cause disease, new research led by UT Southwestern scientists shows.
American College of Surgeons panels warn vaping and marijuana use before an operation can be harmful
At panel discussions during the virtual ACS Clinical Congress 2020, experts underscored the importance of helping patients stop tobacco, vaping and marijuana use before having an operation.

Prenatal cannabis exposure associated with adverse outcomes during middle childhood
Research from the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis shows prenatal cannabis exposure may impact child behavior later in life.

UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative launches COVID-19 survey
To better understand the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on cannabis and CBD use, the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative has launched the Cannabis, CBD and COVID Survey.
Research into worker health and safety in the cannabis industry is critical and nearly absent
Legal marijuana is one of America’s fastest-growing industries, yet little scientific research exists on the unique workplace and health risks faced by cannabis workers. A special issue of the journal Annals of Work Exposures and Health explores worker safety in cannabis industry.
Legal marijuana may be slowing reductions in teen marijuana use, study says
A longitudinal study of more than 230 teens and young adults in Washington state finds that teens may be more likely to use marijuana following legalization – with the proliferation of stores and increasing adult use of the drug — than they otherwise would have been.

From bench to beach: Award-winning epilepsy researcher furthers understanding of how cannabidiol stops seizures
Lyndsey Anderson traveled halfway around the world to do epilepsy research in Sydney, Australia. Recently, she was awarded ILAE’s 2020 Epilepsia Prize for Basic Science Research.
New Technology Extends Therapeutic Effects of Medical Cannabis
Israeli researchers have developed an innovative drug delivery system that releases medical cannabis slowly to provide tailored treatment with a long-lasting effect. It could be tailored to specific treatment targets, such as seizures.
Does Using Marijuana Affect a Person’s Risk of Stroke?
The jury’s still out on whether the use of marijuana may increase the risk of stroke. While several larger studies have found an increased risk, other studies have found no such increased risk. Adding to the debate is a new study that looked at recent marijuana use and risk of ischemic stroke published in the June 3, 2020, online issue of Neurology® Clinical Practice.
Study suggests marijuana may impair female fertility
Female eggs exposed to THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, have an impaired ability to produce viable embryos, and are significantly less likely to result in a viable pregnancy, according to an animal study accepted for presentation at ENDO 2020, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting. The abstract will be published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society.

Saliva test for cannabis could someday help identify impaired drivers (video)
Currently, no breatalyzer test exists for cannabis intoxication, although the substance is known to impair driving, among other activities. Scientists now report that they are one step closer to a convenient saliva test for measuring cannabis levels at roadside stops.
Study Shows Legal Marijuana Products Too Strong for Pain Relief
More than 90% of the legal marijuana products offered in medical dispensaries are much stronger than what clinical studies have shown that doctors recommend for chronic pain relief, according to a study published in the March 26 online edition of the journal PLOS ONE.

Researcher receives $3.9 million grant to study how cannabis chemicals can help with pain
Ziva Cooper, research director of the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative, has been awarded a $3.9 million grant from the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health at the NIH to study whether cannabis chemicals called terpenes can reduce the amount of opioid medication a person needs to reduce pain.
Cannabis Use Among Older Adults has Increased 75 Percent Since 2015
Cannabis use continues to increase in popularity among adults 65 years of age and older in the United States, according to a new study from NYU Grossman School of Medicine.

How Marijuana Accelerates Growth of HPV-related Head and Neck Cancer Identified
University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers identified how THC from marijuana accelerates cancer growth in patients with human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive head and neck cancer.
Where Cannabis Is Legal, Americans Are More Likely to Believe It Has Benefits
Residents of states where cannabis has been legalized are more likely to believe it has beneficial effects – including health benefits in treatment of pain and anxiety or depression, reports a survey study in the Journal of Addiction Medicine, the official journal of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). The journal is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.
In States Where Recreational Marijuana is Legal, Adults Use More Frequently and Teens Report Increased Problematic Use
In States Where Recreational Marijuana is Legal,
Adults Use More Frequently and Teens Report Increased Problematic Use

CBD, THC Use During Early Pregnancy Can Disrupt Fetal Development
A new study published in Scientific Reports, a Nature Research journal, shows how a one-time exposure during early pregnancy to cannabinoids (CBs) – both synthetic and natural – can cause growth issues in a developing embryo. This is the first research to show such a connection in mammals.