LSU Health New Orleans describes a causal mechanism of link between cancer and obesity

New Orleans, LA – A review study led by Maria D. Sanchez-Pino, PhD, an assistant research professor in the departments of Interdisciplinary Oncology and Genetics at LSU Health New Orleans’ School of Medicine and Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, advances…

No difference in outcomes between light exercise and rest for patients with mild TBI

Des Plaines, IL – For acute mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), there were no differences in recovery or health care utilization outcomes with prescribed early light exercise compared to standard care. These are the results of a study titled A…

Racial/ethnic diversity among OBGYN, surgical, nonsurgical residents

What The Study Did: Researchers evaluated racial and ethnic diversity among obstetrics and gynecology, surgical and nonsurgical residents in the United States from 2014 to 2019. Authors: Claudia L. Lopez, M.D., of the University of California, Davis, is the corresponding…

Henry Ford Hospital Cardiologist to Perform Procedure During Worldwide Live Aid Event

A world-renowned interventional cardiologist at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit who specializes in catheter-based treatments for heart blockages will perform a live procedure during a 16-hour marathon of cases taking place around the world on May 6.

AGS recognizes expert and emerging geriatrics leaders at 2021 Virtual Annual Scientific Meeting

New York (April 30, 2021)–The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) annually recognizes researchers, clinicians, educators, and emerging health professionals who have made outstanding contributions to high-quality, person-centered care for older people. This year’s awardees include 15 healthcare leaders representing the breadth…

New nonprofit boosts Research4Life’s mission in lower- and middle-income countries

Wilmington, DC, April 22, 2021 – Friends of Research4Life , a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in the United States, was launched to support the critical mission of the Research4Life partnership to enable full participation in the global information environment. Organizations…

Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation awards $1 million grant to CWRU School o

The Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation–continuing Mt. Sinai Medical Center’s century-old tradition of caring for Northeast Ohio–has expanded its commitment to the region through a $1 million challenge grant to the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. With this…

Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine Has First ‘Match Day’

The students from the inaugural class are among an estimated 44,000 who found out today where they will “match” through the National Resident Matching Program® (NRMP). In the COVID-19 era, they were unable to gather in person, due to social-distancing recommendations. Instead, the students today celebrated Match Day® by tearing open their envelopes – then toasting one another from afar, via video conferencing, with champagne flutes sent to them by the School.

Researchers identify barriers to use of surface electromyography in neurorehabilitation

Kessler Foundation team proposes comprehensive approach to integrating surface electromyography into clinical practice as path to improving rehabilitative care for individuals with spinal cord injury

Heine H. Hansen Award: J. Vansteenkiste and F. Blackhall honored for lung cancer research

Lugano, Switzerland; Denver, CO, USA, 11 March 2021 – The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) have the pleasure of announcing that the Heine H. Hansen Award 2021 is…

Bentham Open welcomes Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI) as Institutional Member

Bentham Open is pleased to welcome Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI), Malaysia as Institutional Member. The partnership allows the researchers from the university to publish their research under an Open Access license with specified fee discounts. Bentham Open welcomes…

Demand for public health graduates remains high through the COVID-19 pandemic

March 4, 2021 — COVID?19 has altered the labor market for millions of people, including public health graduates, yet an analysis of job postings for Master’s level public health graduates showed that job postings remained at the same levels as…

$1m grant funds research on potential new RX for prostate cancer

New Orleans, LA – The Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development Branch of the Veterans Administration (VA) has awarded Hari Koul, PhD, Professor and Interim Chairman of the Department Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine,…

New York State’s hospital nurse staffing legislation predicted to save lives and money

PHILADELPHIA (March 3, 2021) – According to a new study published in Medical Care , improving hospital nurse staffing as proposed in pending legislation in New York state would likely save lives. The cost of improving nurse staffing would be…

Study identifies strengths and challenges of responding to dual disasters

New Orleans, LA — A new study of how the 2020 major hurricanes and the COVID-19 pandemic affected each other as well as disaster response found that although prior experience enabled community-based organizations to respond to the pandemic, the pandemic…