Global warming helps invasive species flourish – study models likely combined effects on ecosystems

Increased global temperatures help invasive species establish themselves in ecosystems, new research led by a Swansea University bioscientist has shown. The study, published by the Royal Society, gives an insight into the probable combined effects of species invasions, which are…

Patient wait times reduced thanks to new study by Dartmouth engineers

The first known study to explore optimal outpatient exam scheduling given the flexibility of inpatient exams has resulted in shorter wait times for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) patients at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center in Burlington, Mass. A team of…

Cutting-edge scale-out technology from Toshiba will take Fintech and Logistics to new level

Multi-chip architecture points way to continued increases in performance of Toshiba’s optimization computer; potential to create a game-changing shift in complex financial transactions and robotics

Danish computer scientist has developed a superb algorithm for findin

One of the most classic algorithmic problems deals with calculating the shortest path between two points. A more complicated variant of the problem is when the route traverses a changing network–whether this be a road network or the internet. For…

Researchers modify air quality models to reflect polluted reality in Latin America

Computational models of air quality have long been used to shed light on pollution control efforts in the United States and Europe, but the tools have not found widespread adoption in Latin America. New work from North Carolina State University…

Neural networks need more than neurons, new project posits

By encoding a feature of biological intelligence called reinforcement learning, in which we iteratively learn from successes and failures, “deep neural networks” (DNNs) have revolutionized artificial intelligence with spectacular demonstrations of mastery in Chess and Go. But they struggle to…

Ecology: Gene drives may help control invasive grey squirrel in the UK

Existing gene drive technologies could be combined to help control the invasive grey squirrel population in the UK with little risk to other populations, according to a modelling study published in Scientific Reports. Gene drives introduce genes into a population…

Researchers discover that privacy-preserving tools leave private data anything but

BROOKLYN, New York, Wednesday, March 3, 2021 – Machine-learning (ML) systems are becoming pervasive not only in technologies affecting our day-to-day lives, but also in those observing them, including face expression recognition systems. Companies that make and use such widely…

A Skoltech robot analyzes shoppers’ behavior

Researchers from Skoltech’s Intelligent Space Robotics Lab have proposed a novel method for customer behavior analytics and demand distribution based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) stocktaking. Their research was published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Control, Automation,…

Cosmetic and consumer product formulation design: Automation, AI and machine learning webinar

Due to the global pandemic we have re-scheduled the in person Advances in Cosmetic Formulation Design II Conference to Summer 2022. To keep the community up to date, this webinar will focus on an emerging area of high interest to…

New machine learning tool facilitates analysis of health information, clinical forecasting

Clinical research requires that data be mined for insights. Machine learning, which develops algorithms to find patterns, has difficulty doing this with data related to health records because this type of information is neither static nor regularly collected. A new…

NTU scientists develop laser system that generates random numbers at ultrafast speeds

An international team of scientists has developed a system that can generate random numbers over a hundred times faster than current technologies, paving the way towards faster, cheaper, and more secure data encryption in today’s digitally connected world. The random…

New discoveries on the containment of COVID-19 finds travel bans are of limited value

NYU Tandon researchers join collaboration with Politecnico di Torino revealing that after spread, travel bans are of limited value in thwarting the spread of COVID-19