Revealing the values in mathematics education through a variety of cultural lenses

Mathematics educators, mathematicians, teachers, and students come together to discuss the values that are espoused and developed through mathematics education today in different cultures

Direct flights save lives! New airline routes can increase kidney sharing by more than 7%

INFORMS Journal Management Science Study Key Takeaways: Lack of direct airline routes limit the flexibility of organ transplantation policies. A new airline route can increase the number of kidneys shared between different regions by more than 7% while also decreasing…

Danish invention to make computer servers worldwide more climate friendly

An elegant new algorithm developed by Danish researchers can significantly reduce the resource consumption of the world’s computer servers. Computer servers are as taxing on the climate as global air traffic combined, thereby making the green transition in IT an…

Predicting the evolution of a pandemic

The inclusion of biological uncertainty and the latest case data can significantly improve the prediction accuracy of standard epidemiological models of virus transmission, new research led by KAUST and the Kuwait College of Science and Technology (KCST) has shown. Modern…

Changing community networks impact disease spread

The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear the importance of understanding precisely how diseases spread throughout networks of transportation. However, rigorously determining the connection between disease risk and changing networks–which either humans or the environment may alter–is challenging due to the…

Scientists overhear two atoms chatting

How materials behave depends on the interactions between countless atoms. You could see this as a giant group chat in which atoms are continuously exchanging quantum information. Researchers from Delft University of Technology in collaboration with RWTH Aachen University and…

Pepper the robot talks to itself to improve its interactions with people

Ever wondered why your virtual home assistant doesn’t understand your questions? Or why your navigation app took you on the side street instead of the highway? In a study published April 21st in the journal iScience , Italian researchers designed…

NYU Tandon announces 2021 S&K scholarship recipients

BROOKLYN, New York, Wednesday, March 31, 2021 – As part of its ongoing commitment to addressing the need for developing cybersecurity experts now nearing 3.5 million worldwide , the NYU Tandon School of Engineering has awarded the 2021 S&K Scholarships…

Unique AI method for generating proteins will speed up drug development

Artificial Intelligence is now capable of generating novel, functionally active proteins, thanks to recently published work by researchers from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. “What we are now able to demonstrate offers fantastic potential for a number of future applications,…

Getting the inside track on street design

Pedestrian movements are tricky to track, but now the first large-scale statistical analysis of pedestrian flow using anonymous phone data collected in three European capital cities, London, Amsterdam and Stockholm, has been conducted by researchers from KAUST with Swedish colleagues…

Skoltech scientists use machine learning to help doctors find veins for no-fuss blood draws

Researchers from Skoltech have developed an early prototype of a medical imaging system that uses neural networks to analyze near-infrared images of veins and project a venous pattern onto a patient’s body – this may make blood draws much easier…

New research finds seating assignments on airplanes can reduce the spread of COVID-19

> CATONSVILLE, MD, March 24, 2021 – COVID-19 has been shown to spread on airplanes by infected passengers, so minimizing the risk of secondary infections aboard aircraft may save lives. New research in the INFORMS journal Service Science uses two…

A European monitoring and warning system on natural hazards for aviation

Volcanic eruptions, forest fires, electromagnetic radiation from the Sun or electrical storms, and sandstorms are among the phenomena that may pose a risk to air traffic safety and will be studied within the framework of this project. “Serious damage can…

Skoltech scientist bridges the gap between quantum simulators and quantum computers

A researcher from Skoltech has filled in the gaps connecting quantum simulators with more traditional quantum computers, discovering a new computationally universal model of quantum computation, the variational model. The paper was published as a Letter in the journal Physical…

Cutting-edge scale-out technology from Toshiba will take Fintech and Logistics to new level

Multi-chip architecture points way to continued increases in performance of Toshiba’s optimization computer; potential to create a game-changing shift in complex financial transactions and robotics

Danish computer scientist has developed a superb algorithm for findin

One of the most classic algorithmic problems deals with calculating the shortest path between two points. A more complicated variant of the problem is when the route traverses a changing network–whether this be a road network or the internet. For…