Transgender adults have double the prevalence of cirrhosis as cisgender adults

A new study from Keck Medicine of USC published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology finds that transgender adults have double the prevalence of cirrhosis compared to cisgender adults (people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth), suggesting a need for more supportive, preventive care.

Eyesight from a 3D Printer

Printing a new cornea during an operation to restore a patient’s eyesight: This groundbreaking step in the fight against corneal disorders is set to become reality with a laser based process using personalized bioink. The method was developed by researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in collaboration with Carl Zeiss Meditec AG and Evonik Healthcare.

Tomato timekeeper: NF-YA3b gene’s role in flowering time revealed

Controlling the timing of flowering in crops is crucial for optimizing yields and adapting to climate changes. A recent study has identified a specific gene in tomatoes that regulates this critical phase, providing a significant step forward in the ability to fine-tune agricultural practices and enhance productivity.

Adult sibling relationships: The impact of cohabitation, marriage, separation, and childbearing

Abstract Objective This study explores how life transitions, such as cohabitation, marriage, separation/divorce, and childbearing, affect three dimensions of full-sibling relationships (contact, intimacy, and conflict). Background Sibling relationships shape family dynamics and context, providing enduring support and affection as the…

Extending theoretical explanations for gendered divisions of care during the COVID-19 pandemic

Abstract Objective This article extends pre-pandemic theories, empirically testing the salience of pandemic-based absolute and relative resources and time availability mechanisms for understanding gendered divisions of childcare across the COVID-19 pandemic. Background Multiple cross-sectional studies have examined gender differences in…

Coparenting profiles and children’s socioemotional outcomes in unmarried parents with low-income

Abstract Objective This study aimed to examine patterns of mother–father coparenting relationship quality and their associations with child empathy, emotional insecurity, and behavior problems in families with low income. Background Given the growing number of nonmarital births and the high…

Pear-derived discovery: a genetic mechanism to fortify crops against drought

A pivotal study has shed light on a critical genetic mechanism that boosts plants’ ability to withstand drought. The research uncovers the role of the transcription factor PbERF3, native to wild pears, which works in concert with the protein PbHsfC1a to regulate genes key to drought tolerance.

Governance considerations and non-linear international scale-up behaviour among INVs

Abstract Underpinning this instrumental case study is an effectuation lens. It investigates how a firm’s governance affects decision-making within international new ventures (INVs), which rapidly withdrew from markets abroad, regarding their re-internationalisation activities. Interviews with founding owners, exhibiting growth-oriented objectives,…

Intergenerational and digital solidarity: Associations with depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic

Abstract Objective We aimed to explore dyadic latent classes of intergenerational solidarity with digital communication (texting, video call, and social media interaction) among older parent and adult child pairs during the COVID-19 pandemic, and whether derived dyadic latent classes were…

“The panic stays in your mind…concentrating more on the worries than the relationship”: Intimate partnerships during COVID-19 for immigrant women in New York City

Abstract Objective This study examines perceptions of change in intimate relationships among partnered, immigrant women in New York City during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. We pay close attention to how structural oppression, particularly related to undocumented immigration…

The role of political connections in rapid internationalisation: A study among Chinese international new ventures

Abstract Drawing upon the attention-based view, we examine whether political connections facilitate or hinder the speed of new venture internationalisation. Given the limited managerial attention and information-processing capacities of decision-makers, international new ventures (INVs) need to make a trade-off between…

Experto de Mayo Clinic comparte cuatro pilares de la salud intestinal

Un intestino sano ayuda a reducir el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades inflamatorias como la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII), una afección crónica que causa inflamación en el tracto digestivo. Victor Chedid, M.D., gastroenterólogo y experto en EII de Mayo Clinic en Rochester, comparte cuatro pilares de la salud intestinal que las personas pueden seguir para ayudar a mantener el intestino sano y las enfermedades inflamatorias a raya.

تنبيه من خبير: حافظ على صحة أمعائك وتجنب الإصابة بالأمراض الالتهابية

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — تساعد الأمعاء الصحية على تقليل خطر الإصابة بالأمراض الالتهابية مثل داء الأمعاء الالتهابي، وهو حالة مزمنة تسبب حدوث التهاب في السبيل الهضمي. يقدم فيكتور شديد، دكتور في الطب، طبيب الجهاز الهضمي وخبير داء الأمعاء الالتهابي في مايو كلينك في مدينة روتشستر، نصائح يمكن للأشخاص اتباعها للحفاظ على صحة أمعائهم وتجنب الإصابة بالأمراض الالتهابية.

Revision needed? A social constructionist perspective on measurement scales for assessing gender role stereotypes in entrepreneurship

Abstract This article compares contemporary views of who and what constitutes entrepreneurship with dimensions captured in established scales for determining gender role stereotypes associated with entrepreneurship. In so doing, we respond to ongoing debates about the timeliness, contextualisation and predetermination…

How political connections affect entrepreneurial risk-taking in SMEs: A symmetric assessment and a configurational approach

Abstract Drawing on resource dependency theory and the resource-absorbing perspective of risk-taking, this article examines how political connections provide firms with opportunities to gain government funding support to enhance financial slack, which can in turn benefit their entrepreneurial risk-taking. We…

Predictors of job crafting in SMEs working in an ICT-based mobile and multilocational manner

Abstract This article extends the discussion of the predictors of job crafting to include small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) working in an information and communication technologies (ICT)-based mobile and multilocational manner. Based on a survey (N = 412) conducted in 43…

Do enterprise education competitions have gendered outcomes amongst STEM early-career researchers?

Abstract This article examines whether an enterprise education competition is gendered and so, may have unintended gendered outcomes for male and female Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) early-career researcher participants. Sex-based differences in entrepreneurial intentions (EI) and entrepreneurial self-efficacy…

Bringing the knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship to circular economies: Knowledge and values in entrepreneurial ecosystems

Abstract Transitioning from a linear economy to a circular economy (CE) supports the realisation of societal values towards more sustainable development. This article identifies mechanisms by which circularity can be embedded in entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) through the flow of relevant…

Start-ups and entrepreneurial ecosystems in the circular economy: A multi-level approach for safe and just planetary boundaries

Abstract A circular economy (CE) addresses the shift in economic systems from an unsustainable linear approach to a sustainable circular approach through start-ups and entrepreneurial ecosystems (EE). A single level of focus on CE research limits an understanding of the…