Colorado study suggests new strategies against bone metastases from prostate cancer

When prostate cancer spreads, it most often spreads to bone. And while the 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer that has not spread is nearly 100 percent, once the disease reaches bone, the 5-year survival rate is only 29 percent.…

Drone images show Greenland ice sheet becoming more unstable as it fractures

The world’s second-largest ice sheet, and the single largest contributor to global sea-level rise, is potentially becoming unstable because of fractures developing in response to faster ice flow and more meltwater forming on its surface. Using custom-built drones strong enough…

Cultural differences account for global gap in online regulation — study

Differences in cultural values have led some countries to tackle the spectre of cyber-attacks with increased internet regulation, whilst others have taken a ‘hands-off’ approach to online security – a new study shows. Internet users gravitate towards one of two…

1940s blood samples reveal historical spread of malaria

DNA from 75-year old eradicated European malaria parasites uncovers the historical spread of one of the two most common forms of the disease, Plasmodium vivax, from Europe to the Americas during the colonial period, finds a new study co-led by…

Will cryogenically freezing yourself and coming back to life ever be reality? (video)

WASHINGTON, Dec. 2, 2019 — When you die, many things can be done with your body — embalming, cremation, donation to science and so on. But some people will choose to have their dead bodies, or parts thereof, frozen until…

Anthracnose alert: How bacteria prime fifth-biggest global grain crop against deadly fungus

Anthracnose of Sorghum bicolor devastates crops of the drought- and heat-resistant cereal worldwide. Priming with rhizobacteria can boost the plants’ resistance and tolerance against a wide range of adverse conditions such as microbial attacks. University of Johannesburg researchers decoded how…

New 5G-based system for sanitary emergency situations

5TONIC, the open research and innovation laboratory on 5G technologies, founded by Telefónica and IMDEA Networks, has presented, together with SAMUR-PC and the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M), a new system for situations 5G-based emergency plan, developed under the…

‘Native advertising’ builds credibility, not perceived as ‘tricking’ visitors

CATONSVILLE, MD, December 2, 2019 – The concept of “native advertising” has been in existence for as long as advertisements were designed to resemble the editorial content in newspapers and magazines. As the Internet emerged and became a powerful force,…

Researchers at IRB Barcelona study how altered protein degradation contributes to the development of tumors

To understand the molecular bases of cancer, it is imperative to determine the genetic alterations responsible for the development and spread of this condition and to identify the mechanisms through which healthy cells become malignant. In the last twenty years,…

New clues about the origins of familial forms of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

A team led by Brazilian researcher Elis Eleutherio, professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in partnership with Tiago Outeiro, at University of Goettingen, Germany, made important progress in understanding the conformation and accumulation of certain proteins involved…

Multi-sensor drone technology for plant phenotyping receives $4.5 million

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – A Purdue University-affiliated agbioscience startup is creating technology to help meet the growing global demand for bioenergy and, in partnership with Purdue, has received new support from the U.S. government. GRYFN offers precise geomatics solutions for…

RSNA 2019 presents session on lung injury from vaping

CHICAGO – A panel of medical professionals will discuss the public health impact of e-cigarette use, or “vaping,” today during a session at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). E-cigarette use is on the rise.…

Oat pathogen defence discovery marks an important milestone

Researchers have identified the critical last pieces of a genetic defence system that gives oats resistance to soil pathogens. The discovery opens significant opportunities for scientists and breeders to introduce versions of this defence mechanism into other crops. It is…