Study probing visual memory, amblyopia unveils many-layered mystery

In decades of studying how neural circuits in the brain’s visual cortex adapt to experience, MIT Professor Mark Bear’s lab has followed the science wherever it has led, yielding the discovery of cellular mechanisms serving visual recognition memory, in which…

Grant project aims to improve food security for remote indigenous populations in Australia

URBANA, Ill. – An international research team has received a $1.4 million grant from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council to investigate food availability and food security among indigenous mothers and children in remote Australian communities. Australia is…

Entrectinib effective, well-tolerated against ROS1 and NTRK lung cancers, especially with brain metastases

Pooled analysis of three phase 1 and 2 clinical trials published online ahead of print in the journal Lancet Oncology show that the drug entrectinib is effective and well-tolerated against advanced ROS1 and NTRK fusion-positive non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC).…

Wyss Academy for Nature founded at the University of Bern

Rapid biodiversity losses, accelerated climate change, and a growing demand for land resources – these developments and their consequences are closely interrelated. Where this is concerned, the following question is becoming increasingly pressing: How can the necessary nature conservation be…

Grant project aims to improve food security for remote indigenous populations in Australia

URBANA, Ill. – An international research team has received a $1.4 million grant from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council to investigate food availability and food security among indigenous mothers and children in remote Australian communities. Australia is…

Waiting area entertainment and co-opetition between brick-and-mortar stores boosts profit

INFORMS journal Manufacturing & Service Operations Management New Study Takeaways: Shoppers’ decisions are increasingly shaped by their experience and the desire for better service. Brick-and-mortar stores that work together to provide waiting area entertainment options can obtain higher profits than…

The wild relatives of major vegetables, needed for climate resilience, are in danger

The wild relatives of chile peppers, pumpkins, carrots, and lettuce join a growing list of poorly conserved plant species; these ancient plants have genes that may help our food withstand the harsh climate of our future; if they don’t go extinct first